The astrology of 2020 has already turned the world upside down. So what can we expect in 2021?
Find out in this free video (or MP3) of my annual forecast lecture for the Asheville Friends of Astrology, delivered on November 20.
I put special focus on 2021’s headline event, a powerful Saturn-Uranus square that lasts the entire year. (One of its central themes will be the rapid breakdown of existing structures, as well as the quick rise of new ones.) I also predict when this square’s effects will be most powerful, based on the timing of Mars-Saturn-Uranus T-squares and other catalyzing events.
I also discuss the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius on 12/21/20, and its continuing effects in 2021. Does the extraordinary timing of this “Great Conjunction” mark the true beginning of the Aquarian Age?
Additional topics include Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Aquarius and Pisces. I also explore the 2021 eclipses and the surprising prominence of Vesta in 2021’s aspect patterns. Is it time to devote more time and energy to serving the greater good?
This lecture lasts about 75 minutes, followed by about 30 minutes of Q&A. I edited this recording to correct the original live presentation’s hiccups, and pared it down to its most important and engaging content. The result is a focused, helpful presentation that acknowledges 2021’s challenges … and highlights its awesome opportunities!
Duration: 1:42:35.
Optional love offering:
My forecast for Saturn conjunct Pluto
The Archetypal Universe: Astrological Patterns in Human Culture, Thought, Emotion and Dreams, book by Renn Butler
Raymond Merriman post: The Great Mutation and the Start of a New Era: Jupiter and Saturn
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, book by Charles Eisenstein
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