A Gemini Full Moon co-starring Mars and Juno highlights the first half of December, along with Neptune turning direct.
We also have three powerful aspect patterns: a “get the word out” Grand Cross, a “sudden abundance” Hard Rectangle, and a “Finger of God” that can help you cultivate your gifts as a healer or wisdom giver!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of December 1 …
- The Moon is waxing (there was a Sagittarius New Moon on 11/23).
- Chiron is retrograde thru 12/23.
- Mars is retrograde thru 1/12.
- Uranus is retrograde thru 1/22.
- There’s a Mercury-Venus-Mars-Ceres-Neptune Grand Cross thru 12/6
- There’s a Ceres-Mars-Neptune T-Square thru 12/6
- There’s a Ceres-Jupiter-Uranus-Lunar Nodes Hard Rectangle thru 12/26
- There’s a Saturn-Uranus-Lunar Nodes T-Square thru 12/26
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12/1 (Thu)
Get the Word Out with this Grand Cross
Getting your message out – to one person or many – is empowered with a Grand Cross that started on 11/25, peaks today (12/1), and ends on 12/4. It includes Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres, and Neptune.
The messaging juju is provided by Mars’ placement in Gemini and the presence of Mercury. The Sagittarian energy of broadcasting and publishing is juiced up by the presence of Mercury and Venus in the Sign of the Archer.
The initiating energy of Mars can help you get this rolling. Neptune can provide divine inspiration and the ability to work in flow state, while Ceres can help you harvest an abundant outcome!
If you’re in learning mode, this Grand Cross can also help you soak up new information. A secondary use of this Grand Cross: focus on the Venusian themes of relating, creating, and finance.
This Grand Cross adds Mercury and Venus to the pre-existing T-Square with Mars, Ceres, and Neptune. This T-Square continues to function independently with its original interpretation.
Venus makes two aspects today. A Venus-Mars opposition (18°47′ Sagittarius-Gemini) is part of the Grand Cross I just interpreted, but this pair can also fire up relationships and creativity. A Venus-Saturn sextile (19°55′ Sagittarius-Aquarius) can help you maintain focus and momentum in these areas.

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12/2 (Fri)
Does this “Finger of God” Point to You Stepping Out as a Healer or Wisdom Giver?
You have over two months to cultivate your gifts as a healer or wisdom giver, thanks to a “Finger of God.”
This aspect pattern, also known as a Yod, has Mars and Chiron on the back end and the South Node at the tip. It starts today (12/2), peaks on 12/18, and doesn’t end until 2/5.
The South Node, in the Yod’s power position, represents the gifts and talents you brought into this lifetime. The assertiveness of Mars and Chiron’s placement in Aries can fire you up with the energy to accomplish great things. Chiron represents healing, Mars’ Gemini placement represents teaching, and the South Node’s placement in Scorpio can represent positive transformation.
This Yod can also represent shadow work you help others with, or trauma healing you do for yourself. Chiron is the Wounded Healer, the South Node also contains the unhealed traumas brought in from past lives, and Scorpio represents pain repressed into the unconscious.
With all this going on, I recommend having a quick and effective self-healing tool on hand. My nearly effortless Healing Invocation lets your higher self do your healing for you!
12/3 (Sat)
Neptune Turns Direct
Neptune turns direct at 7:15 pm EST (22°38′ Pisces). The Mystic has been retrograde for over five months, since 6/28 (25°26′ Pisces).
This is an ideal time to start taking action on any Neptunian themes you’ve been contemplating during its long retrograde.
How are you doing with your inspired creativity and spiritual awakening? Are you maximizing the amount of time you spend in flow state, and working productively with your dreams?
Are you experiencing any challenges with Neptune’s dark side? Are you struggling with addiction, substance abuse or excessive escapism? Are you drifting aimlessly, or sacrificing your essential needs and desires to try to make someone else happy?
What changes can you make now to minimize Neptune’s darker aspects and optimize his positive ones?
12/4 (Sun)
Make time for your creative pursuits with Venus square Neptune (22°38′ Sagittarius-Pisces). You can also use this powerful aspect to develop a stronger relationship with your higher self and perceive divine energy in everything around you!
12/6 (Tue)
Learning and all types of communication are energized with Mercury square Jupiter (29°3′ Sagittarius-Pisces). Engage your brain!
12/7 (Wed)
Gemini Full Moon, Co-Starring Mars and Juno
What one change would most help you communicate better with the people you’re closest to?
This is a central question asked by today’s Full Moon at 11:08 pm EST (16°1′ Gemini).
We’ll return to that question in a moment, but first let’s consider how to benefit from any Gemini Full Moon. Full Moons are great for release or adjustment. Gemini rules learning and communication. So this is a great time to adjust or fine-tune how you consume or share information.
Have you ever tried speed reading, or experimented with how fast you can speed up a recording and still understand it? (I can keep up with most audiobooks and podcasts at 2x or 2.5x.)
Are you paying close attention to how well people understand the information you’re giving them, and adjusting your communication style accordingly? (As a professional communicator, I constantly fine-tune this.) Have you tried voice typing with Google Docs instead of using your fingers? You might triple your typing speed with this method, just as I’ve done with this forecast!
This Full Moon features a super-tight T-Square that includes the luminaries, Mars, and Juno. This is where I got the idea of communicating better with the people you’re closest to, since Juno represents all kinds of committed partnerships. Mars can give you the drive and passion to take your communication to the next level with these important people.
But Mars can also represent aggression or violence. If you’re hitting such difficulties, Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication has helped people successfully resolve interpersonal challenges for decades.
Other Aspects
This Full Moon has four less important aspects. Think of them as grace notes decorating the T-Square’s melody.
A loose Neptune square can help you with spiritual awakening or inspire your creativity. A tight Uranus semi-sextile can catalyze your originality and send intuitive hits your way. A Chiron sextile can assist you with healing work. And a Saturn trine can help you “plan the work and work the plan”!

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Sudden Abundance Energized By Hard Rectangle
“Sudden abundance” is one potent possibility of a Hard Rectangle that started on 11/26, peaks today (12/7) and ends on 12/26.
This hard aspect pattern includes Ceres, Jupiter, Uranus, and the Lunar Nodes. Abundance is energized by expansive Jupiter in boundless Pisces. Suddenness? Uranus!
An abundance of what? With the Lunar Nodes in the mix, an abundance of whatever aligns you with your life purpose. This might be something obviously desirable, or some challenge you must master to take the next step in your personal evolution. Ceres could add prosperity into the mix, or could bring up a specific trauma that’s ripe for healing.
With Uranus conjunct the North Node “destiny point,” consider whether you’ve fully accepted what’s unique and different about you, and whether you’re sharing that with the larger world as appropriate. Uranus also invites you to trust your intuitive hits, and serve others using your special gifts and talents you most love to use. The more you do all this, the more you’ll activate Jupiter’s propensity for luck and good fortune!
12/8 (Thu)
Abundance of all kinds can manifest more easily with Pluto trine Ceres (26°58′ Capricorn-Virgo). Healing and shadow work can also flow more smoothly.
12/9 (Fri)
All of Venus’ meaning – relationship, creativity, and finance – can be expanded as Venus squares Jupiter (29°12′ Sagittarius-Pisces). This buoyant energy is even stronger with Venus in the final degree of Sagittarius!
12/11 (Fri)
Strategically Amplify your Abundance with this Mystic Rectangle
Take steps to strategically amplify your abundance while a Mystic Rectangle empowers your possibilities! This flowing aspect pattern includes Ceres, Pallas Athena, Jupiter, and Pluto. It started on 11/14, peaks today (12/11) and ends on 12/23.
All of these planets except Pallas Athena are naturally associated with abundance. Pallas adds the element of strategy, and encourages you to use “soft power” to achieve win-win outcomes.
Pluto and Ceres also relate to unhealed wounds and traumas. If any of these come up, you might find it strategic to use my quick and easy Healing Invocation. Thousands have used it to heal old traumas once and for all!

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12/14 & 15 (Wed/Thu)
Learning and communication are abundantly supported as Mercury makes three aspects in two days: a Mercury-Neptune quintile on 12/14 (10°40′-22°40′ Capricorn-Pisces) and two aspects on 12/15: A Mercury-Chiron square (11°57′ Capricorn-Aries) and a Mercury-Mars quincunx (13°11′ Capricorn-Gemini). Get mental!
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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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