A remarkably auspicious Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights the second half of May. We also have two of 2024’s most important events: a Jupiter-Neptune sextile and Jupiter entering Gemini.
There’s also the peak of a harmonious Cradle, Jupiter quintile Saturn, Mars conjunct Chiron, the Sun entering Gemini, and more. It’s rare to see this much astrological power so harmoniously energized!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of May 16 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Taurus New Moon on 5/7).
Pluto is retrograde thru 10/11.
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5/18 (Sat)
Venus conjunct Uranus
Ready for a breakthrough in your relationships, finances, or creativity? It’s empowered by a Venus-Uranus conjunction (23°23′ Taurus). Be sure to follow your intuitive hits in these areas!
Sun Conjunct Jupiter
You can feel more expansive, joyful, and optimistic, thanks to a Sun-Jupiter conjunction (28°18′ Taurus). It’s a great day to do something adventurous!
5/19 (Sun)
Sun Sextile Neptune
Would you like to deepen your embodied awakening? How about expressing some inspired creativity, or doing some Law of Attraction manifestation? Or would you just like to operate in flow state all day?
All these, as well as dream work, are supported by a Sun-Neptune sextile (29°25′ Taurus-Pisces). Take your pick!
5/20 (Mon)
Sun Enters Gemini
The Sun enters Gemini at 8:59 am EDT. For the next month, learning, communication, writing, and teaching are blessed with extra energy. Be sure to enjoy enough variety in your life, and make time to be playful! This is also a great time to connect with neighbors and relatives.
5/21 (Tue)
Cradle Peaks
A powerful and harmonious Cradle peaks today. It started on 5/1, and ends on 6/7.
This aspect pattern includes Pallas Athena, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Since it’s integrated into the Sagittarius Full Moon on 5/23, I interpret it there. Everything I say there applies to this aspect pattern except the section on Venus.
5/22 (Wed)
Sun Trine Pluto
You can enjoy smooth empowerment with the Sun Trine Pluto (2°0′ Gemini-Aquarius). With the Sun in Gemini, this harmonious aspect also supports all types of learning and communication.

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5/23 (Thu)
Remarkably Auspicious Full Moon in Sagittarius
A Full Moon brimming with harmonious potential illuminates the sky at 9:53 a.m. EDT (2°55′ Sagittarius). I’ve rarely seen a lunation overflowing with so much easy opportunity!
For starters, the Moon is in Sagittarius, the sign associated with expansion and good luck. It’s the sign most associated with good fortune.
Any Sagittarius Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in a variety of areas:
You can dive more deeply into higher education, formal or self-guided, as a student. You can also bless others as a professor, philosopher, guru, or other wisdom-giver.
Sagittarius rules foreign travel. This could mean a physical excursion. But with today’s technologies, other countries and cultures can easily come to you.
Do you crave a deeper understanding of life? Sagittarius rules religion, philosophy and life’s meaning.
Are you living life as a quest or adventure? Sagittarius would love it if you did. And are you experiencing enough celebration, euphoria and enthusiasm? These are Sagittarius’ most joyful expressions!
Endlessly expansive Sagittarius is the sign most likely to overdo things, so be careful not to put too many irons in the fire. Sagittarius can also believe it has the One True Way, even when it doesn’t, so don’t succumb to “street corner preacher syndrome.”
Cradle Aspect Pattern
Most of this Full Moon’s aspects form a Cradle. Its combination of aspects, five soft to one hard, make it one of astrology’s most flowing and harmonious aspect patterns.
Another indicator of good things to come is that the two luckiest planets of ancient astrology, Venus and Jupiter, conjoin the Sun. As if that wasn’t fortuitous enough, Venus and Jupiter conjoin each other less than six hours before this lunation!
This Cradle also includes two mighty outer planets: Neptune and Pluto. This extraordinary aspect pattern is completed by Pallas Athena.
Let’s explore what all this means.
Jupiter and Venus
Beyond their status as the two luckiest planets in ancient astrology – Jupiter is the Greater Benefic and Venus is the Lesser Benefic – these two planets also open up many other wonderful opportunities.
Jupiter has the same meanings as Sagittarius. So this makes all the Sagittarian possibilities described above available to you even more easily!
Venus rules relationships, creativity, and finance.
Since a Full Moon supports release and adjustment, take a look at your most important relationships. This can include anyone who’s important in your life for any reason.
Start with the relationships that are obviously supportive and positive. Is this a good time to take any of them deeper, or expand them in appropriate ways?
Toxic relationships are on the other end of the spectrum. Is this a good time to completely cut off contact with any of these relentlessly negative people? Or can you at least minimize contact with them?
Finally, there are “mixed bag” relationships. You never know whether they’re going to make you feel great or turn into a train wreck!
I’ve done over 10,000 client sessions as an astrologer, shamanic healer, and life coach. After hearing so many people tell me about their relationships, I’ve concluded that the more of the following factors are present, the greater your chances of harmonizing a challenging relationship:
- Both people have a strong desire to heal the relationship.
- You’re using a formal relationship healing method with a proven track record. (My favorite is Nonviolent Communication.)
- Both people take responsibility for their own emotions. They understand that the other person can only act as a catalyst, and can’t force them to feel a certain way.
- Each person is actively doing their own emotional healing work outside the relationship container. They might be working with a therapist or healing practitioner, or might be using a fast and easy DIY tool such as my free Healing Invocation.
Trying to harmonize one of these mixed bag relationships can take a lot of time and energy. Make sure there’s a good chance of a positive outcome!
Venus rules creativity, making this Full Moon a magnificent catalyst for artistry. Her creativity could also support a new approach in any area of life. After all, creativity is simply taking two or more pre-existing elements and combining them in a new way.
Venus isn’t only amplified by her Jupiter conjunction. Venus also sextiles Neptune just three hours before this Full Moon!
Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus rules human creativity, while Neptune rules divine inspiration. A Venus-Neptune aspect – especially one like this flowing and energizing sextile – is one of the optimal astrology setups to get your creative juices flowing. Make time for your muse!
Venus’ rulership of money is also notable here – especially since she’s dignified in Taurus, the money sign!
Venus’ Jupiter conjunction amplifies upside pecuniary possibilities. And the Neptune sextile can flow inner guidance to you on money matters. Venus’ harmonious trine with Pluto, the planet of wealth, is also highly auspicious!
All the same, be careful that your financial decisions are wise. Do these Full Moon aspects tempt you to hit the casino or spend all your savings on lottery tickets? If so, remember that no astrological alignment, no matter how favorable, can change how strongly the odds are stacked against you in those situations. Exercise due diligence before making any significant financial decisions.
Finally, Venus and Jupiter are in the 29th (“anaretic”) degree of Taurus. This could help you complete an important phase in your life, or develop or master special talents relating to these astrological energies.
Neptune and Pluto
On the high side – which is more likely in this Cradle – Neptune rules spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, operating in flow state, and working with dreams. The two weeks after this Full Moon are a fabulous time to focus in these areas!
As previously mentioned, Pluto rules wealth. This could be money and resources, or anything that you find valuable. Get clear on the specific kind of wealth you want so the universe knows what to give you! (For more on this, see my newly revised Law of Attraction post.)
During this Full Moon period, Pluto can also help you make whatever releases or adjustments are needed to enhance your power.
Are you focusing on “power over,” relentlessly seeking to fulfill your selfish desires without regard for how you affect others? Or are you striving for “shared power,” where your empowerment benefits everyone affected by your actions?
Pluto can also support life-affirming activities in occult practices, sacred sex, and any activity where you partner with others to achieve a common goal.
Pallas Athena
We’ve discussed all the planets in this Cradle except Pallas Athena. The “warrior goddess” can help you be assertive, but prefers diplomacy to conflict. Let her assist you with negotiation, mediation, and win-win strategy.
Aspects Outside the Cradle
The Moon sesquares Vesta. Is it time for some adjustments in how you’re selflessly supporting a worthy cause?
Finally, the Moon also sesquares Mars, dignified in Aries. This might cause some friction, but this is more than made up for by the fire, energy, and enthusiasm this aspect can deliver. Use it to energize your Full Moon initiatives!
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5/23 (Thu) continued
Jupiter Sextile Neptune
One of 2024’s most significant aspects, a Jupiter-Neptune sextile, is exact today. It came into orb (close enough to be felt) on 4/14, and leaves orb on 6/29.
This harmonious aspect supports many wonderful things, including:
- Spiritual teachings,
- Religious practices focused on direct personal enlightenment,
- Deeply enhanced flow states,
- Easy access to spiritual awakening,
- Deeply enhanced divine inspiration and creative inspiration,
- Expanding your inner artistry,
- Gaining wisdom from dreams, and
- Gaining deep insight from your inner wisdom.
Even though it’s a soft aspect, this sextile could still hold darker possibilities. Jupiter could expand Neptune’s potential for addiction, substance abuse, or excessive escapism. Avoid aimless wandering, or martyring yourself in a relationship.
There’s expanded potential for confusion, delusion and deception, so watch out for false teachings. Reality check ideas with your inner guidance, if you can access it. Otherwise, vet them however you can, to avoid getting sucked into a compelling falsehood.
The four core questions from The Work of Byron Katie are especially helpful during this conjunction:
- Is this true?
- Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
- How do you react when you believe that thought? What happens?
- Who would you be without the thought?
Can you hold all beliefs as conditional, and potentially subject to revision or replacement?
As I once heard another astrologer say, “Realism is trapped imagination.” Focus on what you want as Jupiter sextiles Neptune … and this aspect can help you make it real.
This is even easier because Jupiter is in Taurus, creating abundant Law of Attraction opportunities. Neptune rules imagination and visualization. Jupiter rules luck and expansion, and Taurus loves to bring things into physical manifestation. If we think of Neptune representing spiritual awakening, this setup also supports embodied awakening.
Two Venus Aspects
There are two Venus aspects today: a Venus-Jupiter conjunction (29°23′ Taurus) and a Venus-Neptune sextile (29°30′ Taurus-Pisces). I interpret both aspects in today’s Full Moon interpretation above.
And, I think you’ll agree, that’s enough astrology interpretation for 5/23!

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5/25 (Sat)
Jupiter Enters Gemini
Jupiter enters Gemini on 5/25. He’ll stay in the Sign of the Twins until he enters Cancer on 6/9/25.
This is a wonderful placement for communication. Gemini rules learning, writing, and teaching, and has endless curiosity about everything. Jupiter has greater interest in more specialized wisdom, and can play the role of the professor, philosopher, guru, or other wisdom giver. Jupiter also rules publication, which these days could represent print, audio, video, or virtual reality.
Jupiter in Gemini might also inspire you to explore new cultures and countries, explore novel philosophies or religions, or get more curious about the meaning of life.
5/28 (Tue)
Jupiter Quintile Saturn
You can enjoy a magical balance of expansion and contraction with Jupiter quintile Saturn (0°34′ Gemini-18°34′ Pisces). It’s also easier to find the right mix of humor and seriousness, or gregariousness and isolation.
With the two social planets connected by astrology’s most inspiring aspect, look for appropriate opportunities to connect with those special people you truly resonate with!
5/29 (Wed)
Mars Conjunct Chiron
It’s easier to get fired up about the healing work that will help you – on whatever level you need it – with Mars conjunct Chiron (22°9′ Aries).
If you get hit with a challenging situation, consider it a nudge from the universe to heal the root cause of the challenging emotions that got stirred up. (My free Healing Invocation has helped thousands do this with surprising ease and speed.)
This energizing conjunction can also empower your work as a healer or wisdom giver.
5/31 (Fri)
Mercury Conjunct Uranus
You can receive intuitive hits more easily as Mercury (human mind) conjoins Uranus (divine mind). It’s a great time to catch new ideas!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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