A Cancer New Moon with a magical Star of David aspect pattern headlines the first half of July. Other important events include Mars conjunct Uranus, Jupiter semi-square Chiron, Neptune retrograde, and a peaking Thor’s Hammer!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of July 1 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Capricorn Full Moon on 6/6).
Pluto is retrograde thru 10/11.
Saturn is retrograde thru 11/15.
A Star of David aspect pattern continues thru 7/10.
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7/1 (Mon)
Three Potent Events on One Day
July kicks off with three potent events on its first day!
Star of David Peaks
One of astrology’s most rare and magical aspect patterns – known as a Star of David and a Grand Sextile – started on 6/24, peaks today (7/1), and ends on 7/10. It includes Venus, Mars, Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, and Saturn.
For starters, with the asteroid goddess Juno present, this aspect pattern harmoniously supports all types of committed partnerships.
Pallas Athena makes it easier to use win-win communication strategies to empower these critical relationships. Saturn can help them enjoy a more solid foundation, while harmonious Venus and Mars aspects also support relationship harmony.
Venus and Mars also partner to support creative inspiration, while Ceres and Saturn can help make your artistry financially rewarding.
Mars in Taurus can give you lasting drive and passion for all this. And Saturn in Pisces can help you use the Law of Attraction to manifest it all!
Thor’s Hammer Supports Fast Trauma Healing and Abundance
Ready to make a major trauma healing breakthrough? You’re potently supported by a Thor’s Hammer that starts today (7/1), peaks on 7/15, and ends on 8/19. It endures for over a month and a half, and includes Ceres, Uranus, and the South Node.
Ceres is the asteroid goddess most associated with shadow work. This is because of the excruciating emotional pain she suffered when Pluto abducted her daughter Persephone. But, as the grain goddess, she also represents the boosted abundance you’ll enjoy once that pain is healed.
The South Node of the Moon has similar potential. On one hand, it contains past life trauma that your soul hopes to heal in this incarnation. But the South Node also holds wonderful talents and abilities you’ll unlock as you face and heal your emotional pain. You can then develop and use these wondrous gifts to help others and yourself. It’s never too late!
How quickly can all this happen? With Uranus, it could be as fast as a lightning strike. Uranus rules surprise, paradigm shifts, and quantum leaps.
If you follow his guidance — which he delivers through intuitive hits – your healing could happen faster than you thought possible. (Especially if you use my free Healing Invocation. Discover why thousands already swear by it!)
This Thor’s Hammer also supports material abundance. Ceres is associated with prosperous harvests. And Uranus is in Taurus, the money sign.
This Thor’s Hammer is especially powerful during the week around its peak. Amazingly, Mars conjoins Uranus on 7/15, the same day this aspect pattern peaks! (Mars augments the power of this aspect pattern 7/11 through 7/19.)
Mars can help you act boldly and assertively. And his placement in Taurus gives you extra endurance to stay the course!
Jupiter Semi-Square Chiron
These shadow work and abundance themes are also supported by Jupiter semi-square Chiron (8°15′ Gemini-23°15′ Aries).
Wounded healer Chiron contributes the theme of emotional healing. Jupiter, the “Great Benefic” of ancient astrology, is associated with prosperity. As with the Thor’s Hammer, doing efficient shadow work can remove barriers to your abundance!
This semi-square is also great for advanced learning and teaching. That’s because Chiron is a wisdom giver, while Jupiter holds the energy of the professor, philosopher, and guru.
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7/2 (Tue)
Neptune Retrograde
Neptune turns retrograde at 6:41 am EDT (29°55′ Pisces). He’ll turn direct again on 12/7 (27°7′ Pisces).
This is a great time to contemplate how you’re embodying Neptune’s energies.
On the high side, are you holding embodied awakening strongly and consistently? (This is surprisingly easy with my free Embodied Awakening Invocation.) Are you receiving an easy-flowing stream of creative inspiration, divine energy, and intuitive guidance?
Are you mostly living in flow state? Are you doing conscious dreaming or dream interpretation? And how strongly do you feel unconditional love for everyone and everything around you?
Those are upside Neptune experiences. But, like everything in astrology, Neptune also has a dark side. These expressions include substance abuse, addiction, excessive escapism, endless drifting, and victim/perpetrator relationship dynamics.
The more you focus on Neptune’s high side expressions, the less energy will remain for its low side. Some find Neptune’s low side hard to shake, so be sure to seek qualified help if you need it.
“Finger of God” Points to Committed Partnerships
What win-win strategies would work best to heal any wounds in your committed partnerships?
This is the question posed by a “Finger of God” with Juno, Pallas Athena, and Chiron. This emphatic aspect pattern, formally known as a Yod, starts today (7/2), peaks on 7/26, and ends on 8/4.
The asteroid goddess Juno rules committed partnerships. Pallas Athena rules strategy and win-win modalities such as mediation, negotiation, and diplomacy. And Chiron rules trauma healing.
This Yod also supports you if you’re helping others heal relationship challenges.
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7/5 (Fri)
Mars Sextile Saturn
You can enjoy enhanced endurance in any endeavor with Mars sextile Saturn (19°23′ Taurus-Pisces). This combination of planets and signs also provides flowing and potent support for Law of Attraction manifestation.
Mars and Saturn are also part of the Star of David that peaked on 7/1. To understand the important roles they play in that larger aspect pattern, click here.
Cancer New Moon with Star of David
A New Moon lines up at 6:57 pm EDT (14°23′ Cancer). Any Cancer New Moon is ideal for new beginnings or refreshed energy in several areas. These include home, family, security, and healing and expressing your emotions.
The Moon and Sun are at the “bending” of the lunar nodes (90° away). This encourages you to align any new starts with your life purpose.
With the South Node in Libra, unleash your creativity and consider teaming up with others to achieve your goals. And the North Node in Aries can help you stride boldly forward!
This lunation’s other aspects are all part of the Star of David aspect pattern that peaked on 7/1. Specifically, the Sun and Moon are conjunct Venus, sextile Mars and Juno, trine Saturn and Pallas Athena, and opposite Ceres.
The Star of David wraps up on 7/10. But because its energy is captured by this New Moon, this aspect pattern’s effects will carry over until the Full Moon on 7/21.
For my Star of David interpretation, click here.
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7/6 (Sat)
Two Aspects Test Relationships
Two aspects happening today can help you identify any weak spots in your important relationships.
First, Venus squares Chiron (23°21 Cancer-Aries). Venus rules relationships, Chiron is the wounded healer, and the 90° square invites you to “turn a corner” when challenge arises.
Next, Saturn opposes Juno (19°23′ Pisces-Virgo). Juno represents committed partnership, Saturn tests the soundness of your structures, and the opposition is the aspect of relationship.
Stay alert to friction in your important relationships. Let Saturn help you step back and perceive the situation more objectively.
Is the relationship on solid ground, needing only a slight adjustment? Do the two of you need to do serious relationship healing if you’re going to stay connected? Or is the relationship so toxic that it’s time to cut bait?
Chiron is a wisdom giver, while Saturn is the wise elder. So don’t hesitate to seek help from others who can advise you on any relationship challenges.
What if you aren’t experiencing any challenge in an important relationship now? Then these energies can help you give it a more solid foundation, or build it to a new level!
7/8 (Mon)
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Learning, teaching, writing, and communication are harmoniously energized with Mercury sextile Jupiter (9°50′ Leo-Gemini). And Mercury’s placement in Leo gives you special support as a leader or entertainer!
7/11 (Thu) & 7/12 (Fri)
Venus Aspects Two Outer Planets
Venus connects with powerful outer planets on two consecutive days.
On 7/11, a magical Venus-Neptune trine (29°54′ Cancer-Pisces) gives easy-flowing support to your creativity. Your muse awaits you!
This trine also makes it easier to perceive the divine within you, and experience the divine as physically manifest in everyone and everything around you. (To boost this awareness, try my free Embodied Awakening Invocation.)
Then, on 7/12, Venus opposes Pluto (1°7′ Leo-Aquarius).
In a romantic relationship, this can boost the sexual heat or help you experience soul-blended tantric ecstasy. In all relationships, it can help you be more honest, transparent, and authentic.
If a relationship has power struggles, this opposition can activate them. If so, can you two work out a harmonious solution? (Nonviolent Communication might prove helpful.)
This opposition can also enhance your abundance, since Venus rules money and Pluto is the lord of great wealth. (Be sure to exercise due diligence before investing.)
Finally, with Venus in Leo, this is a great time to bring your creativity into the spotlight!
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7/12 (Fri)
Trauma Healing T-Square
Chiron and Pluto are two planets strongly associated with trauma healing. And the Sun is in a T-Square with both of them! This hard aspect pattern starts today (7/12), peaks on 7/19, and ends on 7/25.
During this time, you’re more likely to get triggered in a way that stirs up old traumas. This is because Chiron is the wounded healer, and Pluto is the lord of the underworld – where old traumas are buried.
Finally, for most of this T-Square, the Sun is in Cancer: the sign most strongly associated with emotions. Cancer also rules families, so a family member might be the source for a challenging emotional catalyst.
The Good News
The good news is that trauma healing is, for most folks, the fastest road to spiritual awakening! The awakening is already there waiting for you. Your old traumas, whether they’re from this life or a past life, are the only things blocking your awareness of it. Each time you heal a trauma, your awakening automatically goes deeper.
If you already have a trauma healing method that’s fast, easy, and effective, have it handy. If not, let me recommend my free Healing Invocation. For over 13 years, it has helped thousands do profound shadow work with surprising speed and ease.
In addition, this T-Square can give you powerful support if you’re embodying Chiron’s roles as a healer or wisdom-giver. Pluto can supercharge your abilities in these areas, and reward you with wealth for doing so. (Wealth could be money or anything else you value, whether it’s tangible or intangible.)
Great Energy for Committed Partnerships (Kite)
Committed partnerships get a month and a half of powerful and positive support, thanks to a Kite featuring Juno, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This harmonious aspect pattern starts today (7/12), peaks on 8/5, and ends on 8/30.
Juno represents committed partnerships. Uranus supports breakthroughs, paradigm shifts, and surprises. Neptune supports soul blending and creative inspiration to guide how you relate with others.
If a relationship is sexual, Pluto supports the ecstasy of tantric soul blending. In any kind of relationship, Pluto supports honest, vulnerable interactions. He also can shower you with wealth and power, which can have show up many different ways depending on your relationship.
Even with mostly harmonious aspects, this Kite could also bring up some challenges. All three “gods of change” are focused on Juno, the goddess of committed partnership. If a relationship can be improved by some kind of release or transformation, these potent energies are likely to bring it to light.
Release relationships that have outlived their usefulness, transform those that are worth continuing, and take the ones that are already great to the next level!
7/15 (Mon)
Thor’s Hammer Peaks
The Ceres-Uranus-South Node Thor’s Hammer that started on 7/1 peaks today (7/15) and continues through 8/19. Mars is a temporary member of this aspect pattern as it peaks.
Mars Conjunct Uranus
Taking immediate action on your intuitive hits is a fantastic way to use an intense Mars-Uranus conjunction (26°19′ Taurus).
This is also a great time to try something new in your roles as warrior, leader, sexual being, or entrepreneur. Listen for intuitive hits, courtesy of Uranus, to guide you. Is it time to be bold and surprising?
The more you focus on life-affirming possibilities, the less energy this aspect will have to manifest in less desirable ways.
Dark possibilities include sudden violence, so do your best to avoid potentially harmful people and situations. Don’t let ego desires tempt you into impulsive actions you might regret later. And be sure your sexual activity is consensual and serves everyone’s highest good.
This Mars-Uranus conjunction is one of astrology’s most dynamic and potent combinations. Used consciously and considerately, it can help you catapult to new heights!
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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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