The first half of September features Uranus turning retrograde, Pluto backing into Capricorn one last time, and a Virgo New Moon. We also have five impactful aspect patterns, including a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square, a Triple “Finger of God,” and a warrior goddess in a Cradle!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
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As of September 1 …
The Moon is waning (there was an Aquarius Full Moon on 8/19).
Pluto is retrograde thru 10/11.
Saturn is retrograde thru 11/15.
Neptune is retrograde thru 12/7.
Chiron is retrograde thru 12/29.
Continuing aspect patterns not mentioned in this forecast:
A Vesta-Neptune-Pluto Yod continues through 9/2.
A Venus-Pallas Athena-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Envelope continues through 9/3.
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9/1 (Sun)
September opens with one outer planet turning retrograde and another changing signs!
Uranus Retrograde
Uranus turns retrograde at 11:18 am EDT (27°15′ Taurus). Our strangest planet will turn direct again on 1/30 (23°15′ Taurus).
Outer planet retrogrades affect us a lot less than the retrogrades of the personal planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars. But it can still be helpful to reflect on Uranian themes as the Lord of Eccentricity starts backpedaling.
How completely are you embracing what’s unique or different about yourself? And how avidly are you sharing those special gifts and talents with the world? Is it more important to avoid possible criticism from those who don’t understand you, or is it time to put yourself out there so you can reach those you’re here to serve?
Uranus rules intuitive hits. When you get those “gut feelings,” do you follow them or ignore them? I’ve asked hundreds of my clients about this. They all say their lives go better when they follow these sparks of inspiration from their inner wisdom. How about you?
Are you working for the greater good, at least for your kindred spirits? And is your service aligned with those special gifts and talents you most love to use?
Uranus is turning retrograde around 27° Taurus. This degree number is also being potently aspected by the two other “gods of change.” To learn more about how the combined power of these three outer planets is affecting the world (and you), click here.
Pluto Retrogrades into Capricorn
Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn today (9/1) at 7:57 pm EDT.
This is Pluto’s second return to Capricorn since he first entered Aquarius in March 2023. He’ll spend two and a half months in Capricorn before locking into Aquarius for eighteen and a half years: 11/19/2024 thru 3/8/2043.
Pluto will spend about 20 years in Aquarius, profoundly influencing two momentous decades. Our lives will be very different by the time he’s done!
Pluto’s farewell tour of Capricorn happens almost 17 years after he first entered that sign in January 2008. During that time, Pluto has revealed the dark and formerly hidden workings of governments, corporations, and other major organizations. We’re accustomed to this sort of news now, but these revelations were far less common before then.
Pluto’s time in Capricorn has also supported the rise of a new group of powerful institutions, including tech and commerce giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Pluto rules structure, power, and wealth, and much of our critical global infrastructure has changed dramatically in the last 17 years.
However, the most important thing about Pluto isn’t his final retrograde into Capricorn. It’s the fact that he’s about to commit to Aquarius for eighteen and a half years! To learn more about Pluto in Aquarius, click here.
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9/2 (Mon)
Virgo New Moon
A New Moon lines up at 9:56 pm EDT (11°4′ Virgo). Any Virgo New Moon is great for new beginnings or refreshed energy in several areas.
Are you serving others in ways that are also good for you? How’s your health, and the health of those you’re supporting? Finally, are you taking care of your detail work without succumbing to excessive perfectionism?
This New Moon has three medium-strength aspects.
Saturn Opposition
The most important aspect is a Saturn opposition to the Sun and Moon. This encourages you to embody the Time Lord’s positive qualities.
Can you be more mature and responsible? Can you manage your time well, and “plan the work and work the plan”? Can you find an appropriate balance between serving others as a wise elder and taking time for yourself?
Saturn can create obstacles and delays, but only when it serves your highest good. If you hit an obstruction, is it because you should be moving in a different direction? Or is it a test of your perseverance to see if you have what it takes to stay the course?
Sometimes Saturn will create challenge as a character test, much like the Kobayashi Maru cadet training exercise in Star Trek.
If you have challenging emotions come up, they’re highlighting an old psychological wound. The good news is that healing it will automatically lift you to your next level of spiritual awakening! (My free Healing Invocation has helped thousands do this quickly, easily, and effectively.)
If something in your life is already going well, Saturn can help you give it a more solid foundation or expand its structure. Plus, his placement in Pisces supports both embodied awakening and Law of Attraction manifestation!
Two Asteroid Goddesses
This Virgo New Moon is conjunct the asteroid goddess Vesta. This energizes your ability to selflessly support a worthy cause. This is a good time to evaluate any causes you already support, and to consider new ones.
Finally, a trine to the grain goddess Ceres can enhance your abundance and make your personal healing work easier.

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9/3 (Tue)
Peaking “Finger of God” Supports Potent Assertiveness
Assertiveness is potently supported by a “Finger of God” (Yod) that started on 8/27, peaks today (9/3), and ends on 9/12. This emphatic aspect pattern includes Mars, Pallas Athena, and Pluto.
Mars, at the apex of this Yod, empowers masculine aggression. Pallas Athena rules feminine assertiveness, which can achieve its goals using subtler methods. These can include negotiation, diplomacy, and mediation.
Finally, Pluto rules raw power, which you can use however you wish!
A Warrior Goddess in a Cradle
Pallas Athena, the warrior goddess who sprang fully armored from Zeus’ forehead, is potently supported by a harmonious aspect pattern that includes the three outer planets. This Pallas-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Cradle started on 8/7, peaks today (9/3), and ends on 9/30.
This setup supercharges your Pallas Athena potentials. If you need to fight for something, you can channel your inner Wonder Woman or Black Widow.
But Pallas Athena often prefers less confrontational methods. She can help you be strategic and work smart. And she can help you achieve win-win outcomes by working with others using negotiation, mediation, or bargaining.
If brute force hasn’t been working for you, see if Pallas Athena’s gentler tactics give you better outcomes!
Mars Square Neptune
Also on 9/3, you can flow into rapid, intuitively guided action thanks to a Mars-Neptune square (28°59′ Gemini-Pisces).
Mars is the “just do it!” planet. His placement in Gemini can help you be nimble and spontaneous. Neptune can bless you with a waterfall of divine energy and information, letting you more easily embody flow state as you act.
Mars in Gemini also supports learning, writing, teaching, and communication. Neptune can also add flowing divine support and inspiration to Mars’ natural inclinations: acting as a warrior, pioneer, sexual being, or entrepreneur.
9/4 (Wed)
Triple Yod Begins
A Triple Yod starts today: three “Fingers of God” merging into one potent aspect pattern! Fortunately, it’s simple to understand and use.
This eight-day aspect pattern includes Mercury, Mars, Pallas Athena, Neptune, and Pluto. It starts today (9/4), peaks on 9/8, and ends on 9/11.
The two personal planets point to this Triple Yod’s best uses. Mercury opens the door to learning, writing, teaching, and communication. Mars can help you act as a warrior, sexual being, entrepreneur, or initiator.
Pallas Athena can help you do all this strategically, facilitate win-win cooperation, and muster up any needed assertiveness. Neptune can help you visualize, and can bless you with divine energy and inspiration. Finally, Pluto contributes raw power, and can help you step into greater wealth and power!
Last Hurrah: Mercury-Neptune-Pluto Yod
A subset of the Triple Yod, a long-lasting Mercury-Neptune-Pluto Yod, is having its last hurrah 9/4 thru 9/11. (It started more than a month and a half ago.)
Its meaning is mostly covered in the Triple Yod interpretation above. To learn a bit more about it, click here.
9/7 (Sat)
Mercury Square Uranus
Stay tuned for brilliant ideas and intuitive hits as Mercury squares Uranus (27°14′ Leo-Taurus). It’s a great time to think outside the box. With Mercury in Leo, it’s also a great time to put the word out as a leader or entertainer!
9/8 (Sun)
Triple Yod Peaks
The Triple Yod that started on 9/4 peaks today (9/8) and ends on 9/11. It includes Mercury, Mars, Pallas Athena, Neptune, and Pluto.
Sun-Saturn Opposition
There’s a Sun-Saturn opposition today (9/8) at 16°1′ Virgo-Pisces. I gave this aspect a detailed interpretation in my 9/2 New Moon forecast.
9/9 (Mon)
Sun-Focused T-Square Peaks
The Middle Way is a fundamental concept in Buddhism. It refers to a balanced approach to life and spiritual practice that avoids the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification.
In a broader philosophical context, the Middle Way also emphasizes avoiding absolute beliefs and judgments, focusing instead on practical and experiential understanding. This approach can be applied to many aspects of life, encouraging a balanced and open-minded perspective.
What does this have to do with an aspect pattern peaking today (9/9)? This Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square, which started on 8/31 and ends on 9/17, embodies the essence of the Middle Way.
Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts. Jupiter’s joyfulness balances Saturn’s seriousness. Jupiter is eager to quest into the unknown, while Saturn defaults to the status quo.
The Sun represents your core of identity and vitality. Would either or both benefit from a more balanced approach?
With the Sun in Virgo, you can also enjoy abundant, balanced energy in the areas of service, health, and attention to detail.
9/10 (Tue)
Mercury Quintile Jupiter
Mercury’s on a roll. In the last few days, it benefitted from a Uranus square on 9/7 and a peaking Triple Yod on 9/8.
Your intellectual potential is juiced up even more by today’s Mercury-Jupiter quintile (2°0′ Virgo-20°0′ Gemini). This aspect can fire up abundant magic in your learning, writing, teaching, and communication!
9/11 (Wed)
Sun Kite Begins
You can enjoy boosted vitality, and can shine out to the world more easily, thanks to a harmonious aspect pattern starting today (9/11). This Kite features the Sun and all three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This aspect pattern peaks on 9/20 and ends on 9/29.
With the Sun in Virgo thru 9/22 at 8:44 am EDT, this Kite gives extra support for service, health, and detail work. After that, with the Sun in Libra, relationships and creativity are boosted.
9/12 (Thu)
Sun Square Jupiter
There’s a Sun-Jupiter square today at 6:53 am EDT (20°10′ Virgo-Gemini). To understand this aspect in its greater context, as part of a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square, click here.
9/14 (Sat)
Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square
Relationship challenge could stir up difficult emotions because of a Venus-Chiron-Pluto T-Square. It starts today (9/14), peaks on 9/19, and ends on 9/24.
Is the other person truly causing your pain, or are they just catalyzing an old trauma you haven’t healed yet?
The latter is usually the case. If so, my free Healing Invocation has helped thousands heal old trauma with surprising ease and speed.
Fortunately, Chiron doesn’t just stir up old trauma. As the wounded healer, he can also represent working with a capable healer or wisdom giver. This is a good time to seek one out, or step into that role if you’re willing and able.
Pluto, lord of the underworld, rules buried trauma. He and Chiron are the two planets most associated with shadow work, which can empower you to face and heal those old traumas once and for all!
This T-Square also supports creative mentoring and refinement, as well as financial counseling. Because Venus and Pluto respectively rule money and wealth, you can also use this T-Square to improve your financial situation.
9/15 (Sun)
Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square
Your mental prowess can be productively amplified and focused, thanks to a Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square.
This aspect pattern starts today (9/15), peaks on 9/19, and ends on 9/23.
Mercury is further empowered by its placement in Virgo, a sign that it rules. Virgo energy is especially good at editing and refinement, so this is a great time to fine tune any partially completed projects.
Virgo also rules service, so keep in mind how your completed work will benefit others. As a bonus, Jupiter in Gemini amplifies all types of learning and communication.
Venus Trine Jupiter
You can enjoy more ease and flow in your relationships, creativity, and finances thanks to a Venus-Jupiter trine (20°23′ Libra-Gemini). With Venus dignified in Libra, relationships and creativity can be especially blessed!
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What if the most auspicious window of opportunity of your entire life was opening right now? Wouldn’t you want to know what it is, and how to make the most of it?
There’s a very good chance this is true. Click here to learn more!
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
Question: Leo why on 9/11 did you close with a reference to Sun’s position on 8/22 , still in Leo influence ?
Thank you for catching my error, Roberta! I just corrected it in the blog, and in the podcast and video show notes: CORRECTION: In the Sun Kite I interpret on 9/11, the Sun moves from Virgo to Libra, not from Leo into Virgo. The last two sentences should be: “With the Sun in Virgo thru 9/22 at 8:44 am EDT, this Kite gives extra support for service, health, and detail work. After that, with the Sun in Libra, relationships and creativity are boosted.”
Is it possible that then the Kite is also formed with Mercury (around the 27th of September 2024?
That’s correct, Diana. Good eye! :-)
That was a quick reply! Thanks Benjamin! :)
Are you able to determine when the Mercury, Mars, Pallas Athena, Neptune, and Pluto triple yod last occurred? Kt’d be about 500 years ago surely? Any idea?
I have no idea, Peter, and regret that I don’t have time to research this. Sorry!