Three planets change direction during the first half of December! Mars turning retrograde is the headliner, and Mercury and Neptune turn direct.
We also have a Sagittarius New Moon, a Gemini Full Moon, and Jupiter sesquare Pluto (challenge mastered equals abundance!). This dynamic half-month also features a persistent Mercury T-Square, a new “speak your truth” Envelope, and much more.
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of December 1 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Taurus Full Moon on 11/15).
Neptune is retrograde thru 12/7.
Mercury is retrograde thru 12/15 at 3:56 pm
Chiron is retrograde thru 12/29.
Uranus is retrograde thru 1/30.
A Mars-Juno-Pluto T-Square continues thru 12/3. (peaked on 11/3)
A Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 12/14.
A Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 1/3.
The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine continues thru 9/6/2029.
12/1 (Sun)
Sagittarius New Moon
There’s a New Moon at 1:21 am EST (9°32′ Sagittarius). This is great for new beginnings, especially in the many themes encompassed by astrology’s most expansive sign!
Ready to deepen your knowledge? Whether you’re pursuing a formal degree or embarking on a self-guided learning journey, Sagittarius encourages intellectual exploration. Or, perhaps you’re destined to inspire others as a professor, philosopher, or spiritual guide.
Wanderlust Calling? Sagittarius rules foreign travel, inviting you to explore distant lands or immerse yourself in diverse cultures right from your own home.
Seeking Life’s Deeper Meaning? Sagittarius governs religion, philosophy, and the eternal questions that shape our existence.
Live life as a grand adventure. Sagittarius loves a good quest, a thrilling journey, and a life filled with excitement.
Celebrate, rejoice, and let your enthusiasm soar. Sagittarius knows how to live life to the fullest, embracing joy, passion, and optimism.
Remember, even boundless Sagittarius needs balance. Avoid spreading yourself too thin or mistakenly thinking you have all the answers.
Let Sagittarius ignite your spirit and guide you toward a life of growth, adventure, and enlightenment!
Major Aspects to Saturn and Mars
This New Moon’s Sagittarian expansiveness is balanced by a moderately strong square from boundary-setting Saturn. He can help you be mature, disciplined, and productive with your New Moon goals.
Saturn’s placement in Pisces can help you use the Law of Attraction to bring your New Moon dreams to fruition. The Sagittarian love of spiritual pursuits is also supported by another Saturn in Pisces potential: embodied awakening. My free Embodied Awakening Invocation can help you make this exquisite state a routine reality!
This New Moon’s other major aspect is a moderately strong Mars trine. Mars, the planet of new beginnings, can pump up your energy and enthusiasm for your New Moon goals. He can also support you in the roles of warrior, sexual being, or pioneer. Mars’ placement in Leo can also support you in the roles of leader or entertainer.
Minor Aspects to Venus and Juno
This New Moon’s other two aspects are a Venus semi-square and a Juno semi-sextile.
Venus represents all important relationships, while Juno represents committed partnerships. Both the semi-square and semi-sextile can be somewhat challenging. Stand ready to release relationships that no longer serve highest good, or heal those needing repair.
For strategies on handling difficult relationships (and taking great ones to the next level!), click here.
With Venus in Capricorn, pay special attention to your most productive relationships. Venus also represents creativity, so her Capricorn placement can help you be more practical and productive with your artistry.
Finally, Venus rules money. So her placement in the sign of business can help you with your income and career.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity.” Sounds abundant to me!
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12/4 (Wed)
Sun Square Saturn
Today’s Sun-Saturn square (13°0′ Sagittarius-Pisces) is part of a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square that peaks on 12/6. Click here to understand this aspect in that larger context.
Venus Trine Neptune
A harmonious Venus-Neptune trine (27°8′ Capricorn-Pisces) can ignite your imagination and inspire your creative spirit. This smooth, supportive aspect can help you connect with your inner muse and experience the divine beauty in the world around you.
It can also help you deepen your spiritual connection with your higher self. I invite you to try the technique that has helped thousands do this quickly and easily: my free Embodied Awakening Invocation.
12/5 (Thu)
Persistent Mercury T-Square Peaks Again
Mercury, the swift-footed messenger of the gods, is known for its rapid transit through the zodiac. That’s why it’s so unusual to have an extended Mercury aspect pattern that endures for nearly two months!
This Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square came into orb (its zone of influence) on 11/9. This hard aspect pattern had its first peak on 11/15.
Now, with Mercury retrograde, this T-Square peaks today (12/5). After Mercury turns direct, this T-Square’s third and final peak will be on 12/26. Its waning influence will continue thru 1/3/25.
A Catalyst for Knowledge and Wisdom
Jupiter and Saturn balance expansion and focus to support your intellectual pursuits. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by expansive Jupiter. This can amplify your desire to learn, teach, write, and share your ideas.
A Time to Share Your Wisdom
This transit is an ideal time to spread your message to the world. With Jupiter’s influence, you can more easily publish your work, broadcast your ideas, and inspire others. Whether you’re a writer, passionate teacher, or spiritual guide, now could be the time to step into the spotlight.
Embrace the Challenge, Ignite the Change
A T-Square, while challenging, can also catalyze growth and transformation. Be open to new ideas, question your beliefs, and don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo.
Breakthrough thinkers and innovators often face initial resistance. Stay true to your vision and it might one day be widely embraced!
Sun-Mercury Conjunction
This energy of expansive communication is further supported by today’s Sun-Mercury conjunction (14°27′ Sagittarius).
12/6 (Fri)
Mars Turns Retrograde
Mercury retrogrades get more attention. But the retrogrades of Mars last much longer and can have more potent effects!
Mars turns retrograde every 26 months, reversing course for 60 to 80 days. The current Mars retrograde lasts 79 days. It starts today (12/6) at 6:33 pm EST (6°10′ Leo). After backpedaling 19 degrees, Mars will turn direct on 2/23 at 9 pm EST (17°0′ Cancer).
When a planet is retrograde, it’s ideal to reflect on its meanings rather than act on them as much as possible. But this is hard with Mars, the planet of action!
However, this is a great time to reflect on how you embody the roles of the warrior, pioneer, entrepreneur, and sexual being. How skillfully do you deal with anger and impulsiveness? Do you take optimal action?
As with Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde isn’t the best time to start major new initiatives. But 79 days is a long time! If you can’t wait until Mars is direct, try to start your new initiatives under a waxing Moon, and at a moment when the moon isn’t void-of-course.
We covered Mars’ planetary meanings. You can take your retrograde reflections to the next level by working with the signs he’s transiting.
Mars remains in Leo for a month after he turns retrograde. This can help you reflect on your actions as a leader or entertainer.
How well are you interacting with kids, or tending to your own inner children? Are you making time for creativity, play, rest, and relaxation?
Mars retrogrades into Cancer on 1/6 at 5:44 am EST, where he’ll spend the remaining month and a half of his retrograde. During this time, it can be especially helpful to contemplate matters of home, family, and security. How well are you working with your emotions?
Shadow work is strongly supported during this time. if you haven’t already tried my free Healing Invocation, you might be surprised how quick and easy it can be to heal old traumas!

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T-Square Peaks: Sun-Jupiter-Saturn
The opportunities of the ninth astrology archetype are abundantly supported by a T-Square that started on 11/18, peaks today (12/6), and ends on 12/14. It includes the Sagittarian Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Jupiter and Saturn can help you take balanced, responsible, and enthusiastic steps toward any Sagittarian goal. I describe lots of these possibilities in my Sagittarius New Moon forecast above.
12/7 (Sat)
Venus Conjunct Pluto
All affairs ruled by Venus can be massively intensified, in harmonious or challenging ways, by a Venus-Pluto conjunction (0°22′ Aquarius). These include relationships, creativity, and finances.
If a relationship is solid, this aspect can help you experience wonderful new levels of honesty and transparency.
In sexual relationships, you can experience intense ecstasy by blending your energy bodies during lovemaking. If you’re already doing this, remember that there’s no limit to how much better it can get!
This conjunction can supercharge your creativity, especially with both planets in the innovative sign of Aquarius.
This connection can also bring enhanced financial opportunity. Just remember that, while Pluto is the lord of wealth and power, a successful outcome isn’t guaranteed. Exercise due diligence in all money matters.
Sun Opposite Jupiter
Today’s Sun-Jupiter opposition is part of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square that peaked yesterday on 12/6. To understand this aspect in that larger context, click here.
Neptune Turns Direct
Neptune turns direct at 6:43 pm EST (27°7′ Pisces). The Mystic turned retrograde over five months ago on 7/2 (29°55′ Pisces). This is a great time to take action on Neptune’s themes!
Are you tapping into your spiritual power and consistently experiencing embodied awakening? (My free Embodied Awakening Invocation can help you do this quickly and easily.) Are you effortlessly receiving creative inspiration, divine energy, and intuitive guidance?
Are you living in a state of flow? Are you engaged in conscious dreaming or dream interpretation? Do you consistently feel deep, unconditional love?
These are the higher expressions of Neptune. However, Neptune can also manifest in less desirable ways. These include addiction, excessive escapism, and acting as a victim in relationships.
By focusing on Neptune’s positive aspects, you can minimize his negative possibilities. If you’re strongly challenged by Neptune’s shadow side, be sure to seek professional help.
Neptune spent this retrograde in Pisces, which carries the same meanings as Neptune. So Neptune’s sign placement reinforces all of the above!
12/8 (Sun)
Pluto Conjunct Ceres
What themes do an outer planet and an asteroid goddess have in common? Trauma healing and wealth.
Both these potentials are boosted by a Pluto-Ceres conjunction (0°24′ Aquarius). And it may surprise you to learn that one theme empowers the other one!
During trauma healing, also known as shadow work, you face your emotional pain head on. Then you use a skillful method to heal it – ideally, once and for all! (My free Healing Invocation has helped thousands do this with extraordinary ease and speed.)
As you undoubtedly know from experience, these unhealed layers of pain can feel thick and sludgy. They also block the life-enhancing divine energy that would otherwise bless your human self. This includes the energy of abundance and prosperity.
The conclusion is obvious. The more trauma healing you do, the easier it is to receive wealth. This can certainly manifest as money and resources. But wealth can also be anything that makes your life better.
So this Pluto-Ceres conjunction is a great time to face and heal your traumas. And be sure to let the universe know what wealth you want as your reward!
12/10 (Tue)
New “Finger of God” Supports Selfless Service
What if your passionate and selfless support of a worthy cause led to an unexpected and wonderful breakthrough?
This opportunity comes to you thanks to a Yod (“Finger of God”) that includes the Sagittarian Sun, Vesta and Uranus. Doing this could also increase your intuitive hits and help you serve others using your favorite talents and abilities.
This Sun-Vesta-Uranus Yod starts today (12/10), peaks on 12/14, and ends on 12/20.
“Speak Your Truth” Envelope Begins
Mercury, already the star of a long-lasting T-Square, steps into the spotlight again as the focal point of an Envelope.
This harmonious aspect pattern features Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and the lunar nodes. It starts today (12/10), peaks on 12/16, and ends on 12/21.
Mars and Pluto potently energize Mercury’s natal meanings: learning, teaching, writing, and communication. Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sign of publishing and broadcasting.
The lunar nodes encourage you to do this in alignment with your life purpose. And with most of the planets in a fire sign Grand Trine, you’ll have plenty of enthusiasm to get the word out!
12/12 (Thu)
Venus Opposite Mars
Relating and creating are energized by a Venus-Mars opposition (5°58′ Aquarius-Leo). With Venus in Aquarius, stay open to intuitive hits and unusual approaches in these areas. And with Mars in Leo, you can more potently relate with others as a leader or entertainer.
12/13 (Fri)
Jupiter Sesquare Pluto: Challenge Mastered Equals Abundance
What’s the ultimate planetary duo for wealth?
Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter expands whatever he touches, and is anciently associated with luck and prosperity. Pluto, ruler of underground treasures like gems, minerals, and oil, is the lord of wealth.
So there’s significant potential for expanded wealth with a Jupiter-Pluto sesquare (15°31′ Gemini-0°31′ Aquarius). This aspect will be in orb (close enough to connect) thru 1/9.
A 135° sesquare is a minor hard aspect, and usually brings some degree of difficulty. The good news is that, once mastered, any hard aspect can reward you abundantly!
Jupiter is about much more than wealth. In fact, he has more meanings than any other planet, and Pluto can supercharge them all! To learn about the other meanings of Jupiter you can cultivate during this sesquare, click here. (The link goes to Sagittarian keywords, which are the same as Jupiter’s.)

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12/14 (Sat)
Yod Peaks
The Sun-Vesta-Uranus Yod that started on 12/10 peaks today (12/14) and ends on 12/20.
12/15 (Sun)
Gemini Full Moon
A Full Moon illuminates the sky at 4:02 am EST (23°52′ Gemini).
Any Gemini Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in learning, teaching, writing, and communication. Connect with neighbors or relatives, be playful, and enjoy lots of variety!
Neptune T-Square
The Sun and Moon form a strong T-Square with Neptune in Pisces. Both the sign and planet support spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, and functioning “in the zone.” These energies can also help you work with dreams and experience more unconditional love and compassion.
The planet and sign of the 12th astrological archetype can also bring challenge. Beware of substance abuse, addiction, or aimless drifting. Watch out for deception or gaslighting. And don’t play the role of the martyr or victim.
Other Aspects
A Moon-Uranus semi-sextile is a minor aspect, but is strengthened because it’s nearly exact. So it can help you embrace what’s unique about you and communicate that to the world as appropriate.
You can also catch more intuitive hits (be sure to follow them!) and serve others with your special gifts and talents you most love to use. If it’s time for a radical shift, Uranus can help you do it quickly and potently.
A loose Moon-Jupiter conjunction can add questing, joy, and higher learning into the mix, along with influences from other cultures.
A tight Moon-Venus sesquare (135°) could bring up some challenge in the three main areas ruled by Venus: relationships, creativity, and finance. But, thanks to Venus being in Aquarius, thinking outside the box in these areas could produce innovative solutions. And there’s still plenty of room for straightforwardly positive developments in these areas!
This Full Moon’s final aspect is a Vesta trine. This can make it easier to unselfishly support a worthy cause.
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “Carefree children skating on ice.” This image resonates with Sagittarius’ enthusiastic, euphoric nature. Just be sure the ice is strong enough to safely support you!
Mercury Turns Direct
Mercury turns direct at 3:56 pm EST (6°23′ Sagittarius). This fleet-footed planet turned retrograde on 11/25 (22°40′ Sagittarius).
Have you been delaying major purchases or contract signings because Mercury was retrograde? If so, the light isn’t quite green.
That’s because important new actions are more auspicious under a waxing Moon. And there was a Full Moon earlier today! If you can wait until the next New Moon on 12/30, you’ll have more wind in your astrological sails.
Regarding less weighty matters, you can start taking action on themes related to Mercury’s retrograde. For more on those, click here.

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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