Juno launches four months of committed partnership aspect patterns as we move into 2025. We also have a potently aspected Cancer Full Moon, a rare Triple Thor’s Hammer, an intense Mars-Pluto opposition, and much more!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of January 1 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Capricorn New Moon on 12/30).
Uranus is retrograde thru 1/30.
Jupiter is retrograde thru 2/4.
Mars is retrograde thru 2/23 at 9 pm EST.
A Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T-Square continues thru 1/3.
A Vesta-Jupiter-Pluto Thor’s Hammer continues through 1/9
A Mars-Vesta-Pluto-T-Square continues through 1/17
The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine continues thru 9/6/2029.
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1/1 (Wed)
T-Square Boosts Intuition
Ready to open your human mind to your higher self’s intuitive flow? A T-Square with Mercury, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes can help.
Mercury represents human cognition. Neptune flows divine energy and information. And the lunar nodes can help all this link up in alignment with your soul purpose.
This T-Square can also enhance your channeling and boost your telepathic sensitivity, if you’re into that sort of thing. It starts today (1/1), peaks on 1/7, and ends on 1/14.
1/2 (Thu)
Martian Envelope Begins
You can take supercharged action as Mars receives flowing energy from the gods of change and the lunar nodes. This Mars-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto-Lunar Nodes Envelope starts today (1/2), peaks on 1/13, and ends on 1/27.
With Mars in Cancer, your most effective action will be in areas you’re passionate about. What is your heart calling you to do? And how fully do your actions align with your soul purpose, represented by the lunar nodes?
This is also a great time to bring Mars’ natural expressions into play. Are you called to act as a warrior, pioneer, sexual being, or entrepreneur? Is there some new project you’re chomping at the bit to start?
Pluto can supercharge your actions with power. Neptune can flow divine energy and inspiration to you. And Uranus can pop in intuitive hits and help bring change quickly!
It’s true that Mars is retrograde, which is not an optimal time for new beginnings. But, as I wrote in my 12/6 forecast, this Mars retrograde doesn’t finish until 2/23. In these fast-paced times, few of us can delay meaningful action that long!
This Envelope is a good example of how some factors, such as Mars’ massive stimulation by these potent planets and points, can overcome the retrograde preference for planning instead of acting.
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1/3 (Fri)
Triple Thor’s Hammer Peaks
A rare and potent Triple Thor’s Hammer massively emphasizes a single theme: selfless service to a higher cause.
What worthy endeavors are you supporting with your money, time, energy, or talents? This challenging aspect pattern could put them to the test.
Is there a cause that no longer merits your support? Is there a good one that could use more of your help, because it’s getting hit with challenge? Or is there a new one you want to start supporting?
This Triple Thor’s Hammer contains Mars, Vesta, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. It started on 12/24, peaks today (1/3), and ends on 1/9.
Some of this energy persists through 1/16, thanks to a Mars-Vesta-Saturn Thor’s Hammer that continues for one more week.
Mars opposite Pluto
A Mars-Pluto opposition (1°8′ Leo-Aquarius) is part of several aspect patterns this month. But it also deserves a standalone interpretation.
For starters, this aspect can massively empower your ability to get things started. Pluto can also boost Mars’ urges to be a warrior, pioneer, entrepreneur, or sexual being.
Speaking of sex, these are the two planets of sexuality. Mars is pure lust, the primal pursuit of sexual pleasure. But Pluto can elevate your eroticism into the realm of tantric or sacred sex. After you’ve experienced the indescribable bliss of you and your lover blending your light bodies, even the best purely physical orgasm will pale in comparison.
Do your best to avoid the darker potentials of this aspect. These include anger, rage, violence, sexual assault, and war. Try to steer clear of people and situations where these are more likely.
Finally, with Mars in Leo, you can step out more boldly and charismatically as a leader or entertainer. And you’ll have plenty of energy for recreation and play!
1/4 (Sat)
T-Square Peaks
A Mars-Vesta-Pluto T-Square that started on 12/20 peaks today (1/4) and ends on 1/17.
1/5 (Sun)
Sun Quintile Neptune
Embodied awakening and Law of Attraction manifestation get magical support, thanks to a quintile between the Capricorn Sun and Neptune (15°21′ Capricorn-27°21′ Pisces). You can also manifest your creativity more easily!

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1/7 (Tue)
Another T-Square Peaks
The Mercury-Neptune-Lunar Nodes T-Square that started on 1/1 peaks today (1/7) and ends on 1/14.
1/8 (Wed)
Sun Square Chiron
Today’s Sun-Chiron square (19°2′ Capricorn-Aries ) is part of the Cancer Full Moon on 1/13. Click here for my Sun-Chiron square interpretation there.
1/9 (Thu)
Jupiter Trine Ceres
You can attract abundance more easily as Jupiter trines Ceres (12°22′ Gemini-Aquarius). This is because Jupiter rules luck and expansion, while the grain goddess Ceres rules harvest and abundance.
1/11 (Sat)
Juno Kicks Off Four Months of Committed Partnership Aspect Patterns
Juno, the asteroid goddess of committed partnership, steps into the spotlight today for an extended stay. She’ll be the focal point of several potent aspect patterns for nearly four months, through 5/7. (She’ll also play powerful roles in the next three lunations, especially the January and February Full Moons!)
This invites you to bring special focus to your committed partnerships. These are your most important ongoing relationships. They could be romantic, platonic, or business-related.
These Juno aspect patterns are fundamentally harmonious. This will make it easier to accentuate the positive and take these important relationships to the next level. However, the potency of the planets aspecting Juno – especially the three other planets – may also stir up challenges that need to be addressed.
You may find it helpful to mentally place your relationships in three categories: awesome, awful, or mixed. To read my concise post on how to work skillfully with relationships in each category, click here.
Here are the details on these Juno aspect patterns:
Envelope #1: Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes. Starts today (1/11), peaks on 1/21, and ends on 2/1.
Grand Sextile: Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes. Starts on 1/18, has three peaks (1/26, 3/26, and 4/17), and ends on 4/27.
Envelope #2: Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes. Starts on 1/18, has two peaks (2/6 and 4/18), and ends on 5/7.

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1/12 (Sun)
Mars Trine Neptune
Mars trines Neptune (27°29′ Cancer-Pisces) today. To understand this trine in the larger context of the Envelope with Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes, click here.
1/13 (Mon)
Cancer Full Moon
A massively aspected Full Moon illuminates the sky at 5:27 pm EST (23°59′ Cancer). Any Cancer Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in matters related to home, family, security, emotions, and trauma healing.
Juno-Focused Grand Sextile
Most of this Full Moon’s aspects are contained in a single aspect pattern: a Grand Sextile with Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the lunar nodes. (The Moon joins the Grand Sextile conjunct Mars, and the Sun conjoins Pluto.)
You can learn all about this Grand Sextile in my 1/11 interpretation above, titled “Juno Kicks Off Four Months of Committed Partnership Aspect Patterns.”
Mars-Focused Cradle
Because Juno’s meaning is so specific, she tends to dominate her aspect pattern interpretations. But we can expand our range of possibilities by excluding her.
This leaves us with another potent Full Moon aspect pattern: an Envelope with Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes. Once again, the Moon is conjunct Mars and the Sun conjoins Pluto.
To learn about these Mars-focused opportunities, which I discuss in my 1/2 interpretation, click here.
Chiron T-Square
That leaves one more aspect pattern, which is specific to this Full Moon: a Moon-Sun-Chiron T-Square. Don’t be surprised if you encounter challenges that stir up old trauma.
This doesn’t mean you’re being punished by a malevolent universe. Any challenging emotions are being stirred up so you can clear them once and for all!
This requires an effective shadow work technique. Thousands have marveled at how quick and easy trauma healing is with my free Healing Invocation. If you’re ready to delegate your healing to your higher self — which can do it far better than any human — I invite you to give it a try!
If you’re ready, this T-Square also invites you to step out in the spirit of Chiron as a healer or wisdom giver.
Minor Aspects
Finally, this massively aspected Full Moon has two minor aspects. A sesquare to Venus in Pisces opens the door to deeper relating with your higher self. (My free Embodied Awakening Invocation might help with this.) This aspect can also help you perceive the divine in everyone and everything around you, and can boost your inspired creativity.
Finally a semi-square to Jupiter in Gemini can boost your ability to learn, write, teach, and communicate. It can also expand your vitality, pluck up your luck, and inspire you to celebrate!

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Envelope Peaks
The Envelope with Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes that started on 1/2 peaks today (1/13) and ends on 1/27.
Sun Trine Uranus
Intuitive hits can give you practical guidance more easily as the Sun trines Uranus (23°23′ Capricorn-Taurus). You can also more smoothly share your unique wisdom as a wise elder.
This trine is also part of today’s Full Moon.
1/13 (Mon) & 1/14 (Tue)
Two Venus Aspects
Your muse can sing to you loud and clear, thanks to a Venus-Uranus quintile (11°22′ Pisces-23°22′ Taurus) on 1/13 and a Venus-Jupiter square (11°59′ Pisces-Gemini) on 1/14. Let your creativity blossom in whatever unique way it wants to!
This is also a great time to cultivate or deepen an unusual friendship. This could be with another human, or with your higher self. Finally, stay open to intuitive financial guidance.
1/15 (Wed)
Sun Opposite Mars
You can enjoy enhanced stamina and productivity with the Capricorn Sun opposite Mars (26°12′ Capricorn-Cancer). This is a great time to make something meaningful happen! You can also improve your work-life balance.

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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