February features Mars and Jupiter turning direct, a Pisces New Moon, and a Leo Full Moon with a Grand Cross aspect pattern! We also have a T-Square and Thor’s Hammer focused on committed partnership, a Grand Trine supporting selfless service, and much more.
I’m now forecasting monthly instead of twice a month. This will make it easier for you to plan ahead!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once, since many link to single-day forecasts from social media.
As of February 1 …
The Moon is waxing (there was an Aquarius New Moon on 1/29).
- Mars is retrograde thru 2/23 at 9 pm EST.
- Jupiter is retrograde thru 2/4.
- A Grand Sextile with Mars, Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes peaks on 3/26 and 4/17, and continues thru 4/27.
- An Envelope with Juno, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes peaks on 2/6 and 4/19, and continues thru 5/7.
- A T-Square with Mars, Pallas Athena, and Chiron continues thru 2/11.
- The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine continues thru 9/6/2029.
Your life’s greatest window of opportunity is probably happening right now.
Astrology’s “gods of change” are triple-teaming most of your natal chart for 5+ years. Make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
2/1 (Sat)
Venus Conjunct Neptune
February opens with the wondrous possibilities of a Venus-Neptune conjunction (27°59′ Pisces).
Venus rules relationships, and Neptune wants to make you one with everything. So you can enjoy a deeper energetic blending in your relationships.
This includes not only human relationships, but your conscious partnership with your higher self. (To make this divine connection quickly, easily, and consistently, try my free Embodied Awakening Invocation.)
Venus is also the artist, and Neptune is the flow of creative inspiration. Be sure to make time for your imaginative pursuits!
Finally, Venus rules money. Stay alert for divine guidance in your financial matters. And be sure to exercise due diligence before committing a significant sum.
Venus and Neptune come together in Pisces, the sign with the same archetypal energy as Neptune. This makes your potential for spiritual awakening, creative inspiration, and divine guidance even stronger!
P.S. Venus and Jupiter are quintile on 2/3 (29°16′ Pisces-11°16′ Gemini). This can add expansive energy and good fortune to everything described here!
2/3 (Mon)
Mars Square Chiron
It’s a great time for trauma healing as Mars squares Chiron (19°35′ Cancer-Aries). Chiron is the wounded healer, and Mars is in the emotionally intense sign of Cancer. The square can invite you to turn the corner on your old emotional wounds.
Most people don’t have a quick and effective method for healing old traumas. If you’re among them, consider giving my free Healing Invocation a try.
Many people have been astounded at how rapidly this simple technique can clear emotional challenges, even trauma they’ve carried since childhood. (Hint: It works so well because your higher self does the healing for you!)
Are you a healer or wisdom giver? This Mars-Chiron square can empower you to do your best work ever!
2/4 (Tue)
Jupiter Turns Direct
Jupiter turns direct at 4:40 am EST (11°16′ Gemini). He turned retrograde about four months ago on 10/9.
This is a great time to put his planetary themes into action. Jupiter has more meanings than any other planet, so pick the ones that carry the most resonance for you:
- Higher education, formal or self-guided, as a student.
- Acting as a professor, philosopher, guru, or other wisdom-giver.
- Foreign travel and influences.
- Religion, philosophy and the meaning of life.
- Living life as a quest or adventure.
- Enjoying celebration, euphoria and enthusiasm!
Endlessly expansive Jupiter is the planet most likely to overdo things, so be careful not to throw too many irons in the fire. Jupiter can also falsely believe it has the One True Way, so don’t succumb to “street corner preacher syndrome.”
With Jupiter in Gemini, this is also a great time to lean into learning, writing, teaching, and overall communication.

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2/6 (Thu)
Committed Partnership T-Square Begins
Committed partnership is the focus of a T-Square that starts today, peaks on Valentine’s Day (2/14), and ends on 2/21. It includes the Sun, Ceres, Juno, and Uranus.
As it turns out, this T-Square is part of a Grand Cross aspecting the Leo Full Moon on 2/12. You can read my Grand Cross interpretation by clicking here.
Note: My Grand Cross interpretation includes Mercury and the Moon, which aren’t part of this T-Square. But I mainly interpret Mercury in terms of effective communication, which is always essential for healthy relating. And the joyous emotions I attribute to the Leo Moon can arise spontaneously, even without lunar stimulation!
2/9 (Sun)
Two Helpful Aspects
You can benefit from two helpful aspects today.
A Sun-Mercury conjunction (20°59′ Aquarius) can help you think and communicate with enhanced originality, and can help you catch more intuitive hits.
An “Energizer Bunny” Mars-Saturn trine can make it easier for you to go the extra mile. This Steady Eddy energy can help you be more effective as a warrior, pioneer, sexual being, or entrepreneur.
2/10 (Mon) & 2/11 (Tue)
Two Uranus Squares
Get ready to catch intuitive hits and think outside the box as two personal planets square Uranus on consecutive days.
There’s a Mercury-Uranus square (23°18′ Aquarius-Taurus) on 2/10, followed by a Sun-Uranus square (23°19′ Aquarius-Taurus) on 2/11.
These squares are part of a Grand Cross aspect pattern within the Leo Full Moon on 2/12. To understand these squares within that larger context, click here.
2/12 (Wed)
Leo Full Moon with Grand Cross
A Full Moon illuminates the sky at 8:53 am EST (24°6′ Leo).
Any Leo Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in your actions as a leader or entertainer. You can also make changes in how you interact with children or your own inner child. You can also look at how you’re doing with rest, recreation, and play!
This Full Moon is dominated by a Grand Cross, astrology’s most intense aspect pattern.
Grand Cross
This Full Moon’s Grand Cross includes the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Juno, and Uranus.
One positive way to integrate these planetary energies is to take an innovative approach (Uranus) to your communication (Mercury) in your committed partnerships (Juno). These relationships could be romantic, familial, friendship, business-related, and more.
Is your current way of communicating stirring up old trauma (Ceres, Juno in Scorpio) for either or both of you? A better approach could lead to a harvest (Ceres) of joyous emotions (Moon in Leo)!
This improved communication approach could help you become more inspired and electrified. You could also more easily embody the one-of-a-kind qualities you’re here to express in your life. (Everything in this paragraph relates to the Sun in Aquarius.)
The best formal communication approach I know is Nonviolent Communication. Its “OFNR” method lets each person express all of the following to their partner: their Observation of the situation, their Feelings about it, their Needs, and their Request to get their needs met.
Many people are intimidated by the idea of trauma healing, mainly because they don’t know how easy it can be. Thousands have healed their emotional pain with my free Healing Invocation. It’s hard to believe how quick and easy trauma healing can be until you delegate the work to your higher self!
Tightening the Focus to Mercury and Uranus
You can also use selected planets from the Grand Cross. Mercury is the planet of human mind, while Uranus represents divine mind. So this Full Moon can help you catch more intuitive hits, then take courageous (Leo) action on them.
Intuition comes from your higher self, which created your human self in the first place. You’ll always come out ahead when you follow its infallible guidance!
Beyond the Grand Cross
This Full Moon also features two aspects outside the Grand Cross.
A Moon-Chiron trine can help your healing work flow more easily. It can also smooth the way for you to give or receive wise counsel.
Finally, a Jupiter quintile can give you a fairy dust sprinkling of joy, abundance, and good luck. Jupiter’s placement in Gemini can also amplify your ability to communicate. This can be outwardly to those around you and inwardly with your higher self and divine allies.
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.” Politically, this could be a punny recognition that right wing parties are currently gaining power across the world.
On a personal level, remember that a butterfly needs both wings to fly. Even if the right wing is more perfectly formed, the left wing remains essential. You can’t fly to your destination without it.
None of us is perfect. All of us have parts that are “more perfectly formed” than others. But it’s only by embracing all our parts that we become more whole and get closer to perfection.
If a part needs healing, do your best to heal it. If a part is as good as it can get, embrace it as it is and appreciate whatever it can do!
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2/14 (Fri)
T-Square Peaks
The Sun-Ceres-Juno-Uranus T-Square that started on 2/6 peaks today (2/14) and ends on 2/21.
2/15 (Sat)
New Thor’s Hammer Doubles Down on Committed Partnerships
Committed partnerships are the focus of even more astrological energy as a Thor’s Hammer begins. It starts today (2/15), peaks on 2/20, and ends on 2/25. It includes the Sun, Mars, and Juno.
Juno is already the focus of a T-Square and the Grand Cross in the 2/12 Full Moon. The new force in this Thor’s Hammer is Mars. His sesquare with Juno further boosts the intensity of your committed partnership dynamics.
Mars also rules sex and conflict. If appropriate, I recommend more of the former than the latter!
2/18 (Tue)
Sun Enters Pisces
The Sun enters Pisces at 5:07 am EST.
All manifestations of Piscean energy will be easier to use for the next month. I describe these at the beginning of my Pisces New Moon forecast.
2/20 (Thu)
Thor’s Hammer Peaks
The Sun-Mars-Juno Thor’s Hammer that started on 2/15 peaks today (2/20) and ends on 2/25.
2/20 (Thu) & 2/21 (Fri)
Three Mercury Aspects in Two Days
Get ready to focus on your mental tasks. Learning, writing, teaching, and communication are massively energized as Mercury makes three aspects in two days. Put on your thinking cap as Mercury is lit up by Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars!
Here are the aspects:
2/20: Mercury quintile Uranus (11°27′ Pisces-23°27′ Taurus) at 11:41 am EST
2/20: Mercury square Jupiter (11°43′ Pisces-Gemini) at 3:13 pm EST
2/21: Mercury trine Mars (17°0′ Pisces-Cancer) at 11:58 am EST
2/23 (Sun)
Mars Turns Direct
Mars turns direct today at 9 pm EST (17°0′ Cancer). He went retrograde 79 days ago on 12/6 (6°10′ Leo).
If Mars’ direct turn was the sole consideration, this would be a great time to burst out of the starting gate. After all, Mars is the planet of action!
However, significant new beginnings have a lot more astrological support under a waxing Moon. If you can wait until the Pisces New Moon on 2/27 at 7:48 pm EST, you’ll have more planetary wind in your sails.
With that said, Mars turning direct is a great time to take action as a warrior, pioneer, entrepreneur, or sexual being. You can also put significant energy into anything you want to start or rev up.
Mars turns direct in Cancer, so you can also take action in the areas of home, family, security, and emotional healing.

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2/24 (Mon)
Pluto Conjunct Pallas Athena
You can potently embody warrior goddess energy as Pluto conjoins Pallas Athena (2°46′ Aquarius).
Pallas will fight when she must. But you can also take advantage of her gentler methods. These include win-win mediation, negotiation, and diplomacy. With both planets in Aquarius, think outside the box to generate innovative solutions!
2/25 (Tue)
Grand Trine Eases Selfless Service
Your selfless service to a higher cause gets strong and harmonious support, thanks to a Grand Trine that includes the Sun, Mars, and Vesta. It starts today (2/25), peaks on 3/7, and ends on 3/18.
The Sun’s placement in Pisces enables you to embody more unconditional love and compassion. And Mars’ placement in Cancer lets you take heart-centered action!
2/25 (Tue) & 2/27 (Thu)
More Mental Boosting from Mercury Aspects
Your mental powers get further boosting, thanks to Mercury aspects two days apart.
On 2/25, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction (20°15′ Pisces) can improve your mental focus and discipline. This is a great time to ponder serious subjects or figure out how to handle important responsibilities.
With both planets in Pisces, you have extra energy available for Law of Attraction manifestation. (Pisces rules visualization, while Saturn rules crystallization.)
This setup is also great for deepening your embodied awakening. In this context, Pisces rules divine oneness and Saturn rules physical embodiment. Mercury is the mental focus you bring to this euphoric experience.
Two days later, on 2/27, Mercury sextiles Uranus (23°35′ Pisces-Taurus). This lets your mind catch more intuitive hits and stir up creative brainstorms. Stretch your imagination!
2/27 (Thu)
Pisces New Moon
A New Moon lines up at 7:45 pm EST (9°40′ Pisces).
Any Pisces New Moon is ideal for new energy toward spiritual awakening and inspired creativity. You can operate “in the zone” more easily, work more skillfully with your dreams, and cultivate more unconditional love and compassion.
Be careful not to energize the dark side of Pisces. It can include substance abuse, addiction, aimless drifting, or acting as a victim.
Jupiter Square
This New Moon’s strongest aspect is a strong Jupiter square. For starters, since Jupiter expands whatever it touches, this aspect adds power to all the Piscean potentials above.
Jupiter is our solar system’s biggest gas giant. Accordingly, it holds more meanings than any other planet! This gives you many themes on which you could focus.
You could start or dive deeper into a meaningful course of study. If you’ve already gained significant knowledge in an area, you could teach your wisdom to others.
You could do some foreign travel, or dive into other cultures’ mind-expanding influences closer to home. You could devote yourself to religion, philosophy, or the meaning of life. And you can view all of life as a great quest.
Jupiter also rules joy, euphoria, and fun. Make time to celebrate!
It’s also worth noting that Jupiter is in Gemini. This can boost your learning, writing, teaching, and overall communication.
Loose Grand Trine and Venus Semi-Sextile
The luminaries make a loose Grand Trine with Mars and Vesta. This can spark your selfless service to a worthy cause and help it flow more smoothly. And Mars can harmoniously energize any New Moon goals you set.
Our final New Moon aspect is a tight Venus semi-sextile. With Venus in fiery Aries, this can help you surge fresh energy into relationships, creativity, or finances.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “An aviator in the clouds.” This aspirational image encourages you to fly high to achieve your dreams!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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