From my 58-year-old perspective, I can see that my life didn’t really get in gear until I was 41. For the 15 years prior to that, I had a comfortable life as a sales rep for a major foodservice company. Then I left Oklahoma, where I’d lived my entire life, and moved to Asheville, North Carolina … to be a full-time singer-songwriter!
The dream of a music career got me to Asheville. Once I settled in this magical city, my higher self gradually nudged me into the main roles it sent me here to play. So far, these are astrologer, shamanic healer and awakening activator.
I pursued the spiritual path the best I could in Oklahoma. But moving to Asheville, where my spiritual aspirations were so abundantly supported by the local community and environment, put me in the fast lane.
A Critical Choice Leads to Amazing Events
Because I keep making a critical choice – to act in alignment with my life purpose the best I can – these are some of my more unusual experiences from just the last two weeks:
- I did my first professional shamanic land clearing, on a site were a couple is about to build a home. My spiritual allies and I transmuted a few patches of disharmonious energy, and I taught the couple some basics on how to maintain harmonious partnership with the land.
- My twin flame Maeikisala and I did a self-guided shamanic plant spirit ceremony. The focus was on releasing deeply embedded connections that no longer served me, and I shook out tons of heavy energy! Both Maeikisala and the medicine supported me beautifully in this powerful cleansing.
- Maeikisala and I facilitated our first Virtual Shamanic Breakthrough Experience. We were delighted to get clear confirmation that all of the event’s shamanic processes worked effectively long-distance. Also, to support this event, I created my first full-length Shamanic Breathwork music mix.
- We attended a “Beyond Words” event organized by our friend Brian Piergrossi. For three hours, with no leader, about 25 people co-created beautiful, heartfelt connection through music, dance, touch, eye gazing, cuddling and more – all under the simple guideline that no words be spoken.
- Maeikisala and I did an extraordinary Shamanic Healing private client session. At first, a dark entity spoke through the client and taunted us as we steadily worked to clear it. Once the dark entity was gone, the client channeled a beautiful divine being who identified itself as Jeshua. Speaking through her, it gave us explicit step-by-step instructions on how to clean her up energetically and maximize her divine self-awareness. This was an unprecedented experience for us all!
Had I not dared to step out of a more conventional life and take the radical step of following my dream, my life would be a lot less interesting … and much less fulfilling!
What’s Your Grandest Vision?
Whether or not this is the kind of life you want, it raises an important question. What’s your grandest vision of your most magnificently manifested life? Are you actively moving toward it? If so, congratulations … and what’s the next step to make it even more wonderful?
If you’re not moving toward it, is it time to begin? If so, what’s an easy first step you can take right now?
I’m so glad I stepped decisively out of mainstream reality, so that I could blossom into the strange, joyful, thriving human I’ve become. I may be 58 years old, but I’m enjoying vastly more vitality and joie de vivre than the trickle that was available to me before I aligned with my soul path.
If you’re ready, I highly recommend embarking on your own unique journey of personal transformation and soul path alignment. Ecstasy awaits!
Thank you for this beautiful sharing of your journey, Benjamin! And what an inspiration you are! Infinite blessings and love to you as you courageously continue to follow your bliss and Inspire so many others along the way… ?????