IMPORTANT UPDATE: Anyone can now participate in my live Awakening Plus calls for free! This change starts with the special guest presentation by Zachary Adama this Sunday, Jan 19 at 7:30 PM Eastern. Read on to learn how to participate.
I’m very excited to announce that Zachary Adama will be January’s guest presenter for the Awakening Plus spiritual support membership. I’ve experienced his work in person, and this man’s ability to hold a field and move energy is truly amazing!
This live streaming event will be at a special day and time: Sunday, January 19 at 7:30 pm US eastern time.
Here’s Zachary’s description of this unique experience:
The work we will be doing together has evolved over the last several years through a combination of synchronicities and unearned grace. A few years ago I realized I could blend my energy body/higher self with that of others, and not only feel what they feel but transmute that which no longer serves them into the love and bliss of god.
A few months after receiving this spiritual consolation I met an Andara crystal, and found I could blend my awareness with the crystals as well. Monoatomic Andara crystals are a Master Crystal found near Mount Shasta. They are of Lemurian origins and are powerful allies that strengthen etheric connections and help us align with pure non-dual source energy.
I have become the steward of a number of Andaras over the years, and each one is attuned to a different chakra or meridian of the energy body. Together we will enter into meditation and blend our energy bodies/higher selves so that we become a collective awareness. I will then connect that awareness to the Andaras, and will transmute all that no longer serves us into the love and bliss of god.
The crystalline grid we form together will exist outside of time and space, and will remain available for those present as well as any future participants. Ultimately all healing is an act of faith that one can be healed and a consenting to receive grace. I can take only that which wishes to be given. I can connect to you only to the extent you are available to be connected with. To the extent I play any role at all, it is to serve as a conduit for answering prayers.
To receive the greatest benefit from this healing I recommend you spend some time thinking about those things that no longer serve you that you wish to give away. Then I ask that you simply resolve to surrender to your own healing, and let those things that no longer serve you burn away in god’s love and bliss.
I am Zachary Adama, at least that is as good a name as any. This is the first bio I have written of this nature, and the usual way of doing things simply does not feel appropriate. In professional settings I list my accomplishments and degrees in bios, because I’m expected to be somebody who has accomplished something. The world of density consciousness values our somebodiness and exterior accomplishments and does not look much further.
Yet the work we will be doing together requires me to be nobody doing nothing. It demands that I set aside my somebodiness and become the humble servant of all. It depends entirely on qualities that are both unseen and intangible.
If you would like to know the details of my life you can check out the video I made entitled “Autobiography of a Christian Yogi.” If you would prefer the condensed version, I will simply say I am a son of god who loves you and wishes to be of service to your healing and evolution.
Please be present in the Zoom room this Sunday, Jan 19 by 7:30 pm eastern to receive the full benefit of this process. If you must arrive late, be sure to enter in a receptive, meditative state.
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Awakening Plus features 3 live streaming events each month that are open to everyone for free. The archive of 200+ transformative events and the forum are available to paid Awakening Plus members. Learn more at
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