Martian intensity bookends the first half of February. This period opens and closes with intense Mars-outer planet aspects: a Mars-Pluto square and a Mars-Uranus conjunction!
Our other main theme is Aquarian inspiration. We have lots of aspects firing up genius, creativity and intuitive flashes. All this, plus an Aquarius New Moon and three peaking aspect patterns, make this half-month rich with opportunities!
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2/1 (Fri)
February opens with one of astrology’s most intense aspects: a Mars-Pluto square (21°39′ Aries-Capricorn). Challenging manifestations include anger, violence, domination and predatory lust.
But even such incendiary aspects can be used in life-affirming ways. Take the high road by channeling these energies into disciplined leadership, potent new beginnings, and sacred sex. This square can also support peak athletic performance and extraordinary endurance in any activity.
2/2 (Sat)
Uranus makes two harmonious aspects today. First up is a Venus-Uranus trine (28°55′ Sagittarius-Aries). With Venus in Sagittarius, taking an adventurous approach can help you take a relationship to a more wonderful level more easily. This smooth trine can also amplify creativity and finance. Uranus communicates through intuitive flashes, so stay tuned for nuggets of divinely inspired wisdom!
Uranus is also dancing with Mercury. These two planets have natural affinity, since Uranus represents divine mind and Mercury stands for human mind.
A Mercury-Uranus quintile (16°55′ Aquarius-28°55′ Aries) can help you think with more originality. But don’t rely entirely on your left brain. Logic and rationality have their place, but can’t hold a candle to the intuitive flashes that provide the most profound breakthroughs!
2/3 (Sun)
Cradle Peaks
A Cradle featuring Venus, Pallas, Vesta and Uranus that started on 1/26 peaks today (2/3) and ends on 2/10. This aspect pattern provides harmonious support for decisive, strategic action (Pallas) in support of a higher cause (Vesta).
Venus suggests that this action could be taken in partnership, or might involve the arts. Uranus suggests that the higher cause might be outside the mainstream. The presence of Uranus also makes it easier for you to be guided by intuitive flashes, and encourages you to partner with a cause that electrifies you!
Your beloved may trigger you – even if they don’t mean to – with Venus square Chiron (29°15′ Sagittarius-Pisces). If so, two tools may help you: my free Healing Invocation to process your personal shadow material, and the 4-Part Nonviolent Communication Process to work through the issue with your partner.
This square also offers expansive support for healing and mentoring in relationships, creativity and financial matters.
Your genius can jump to the next level thanks to a smoothly empowering Mercury-Jupiter sextile (18°15′ Aquarius-Sagittarius). Listen to those intuitive flashes, which are energized by Mercury’s placement in Aquarius!
2/4 (Mon)
Aquarius New Moon
February’s New Moon stands out because of its pronounced affinity for midpoints!
For starters, any Aquarius New Moon supports new beginnings or fresh energy in three life-affirming areas: embodying your unique human self, following your intuitive flashes, and serving others using those special talents you most love to use.
The luminaries conjoin Aquarian Mercury, empowering learning and communication – especially in subjects that really light you up! A sextile from Sagittarian Jupiter carries a similar theme, but ups the ante. Mercury can be fascinated with raw data, but Jupiter insists that it cohere into something meaningful.
Jupiter in Sagittarius represents the professor, philosopher or guru. Mercury and Jupiter’s aspects to the luminaries can energize you to dive deeper into a field of study, or share helpful information with others.
Midpoint #1: Saturn/Neptune
This New Moon’s affinity for midpoints shows up in the remaining aspects. In our first pairing, the Sun and Moon receive tight semi-sextiles from Saturn and Neptune. Both slower planets are 30° from the luminaries in opposite directions, which puts the luminaries at their midpoint. The bracketing planets are also potently positioned in signs that they rule: Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces.
Saturn and Neptune play especially well together in two ways. The first is Law of Attraction. In this context, Neptune represents visualization and imagination. Saturn represents crystallization into the physical world. This amplified Law of Attraction juju can help you manifest your New Moon goals faster!
Saturn and Neptune can also represent embodied awakening. This state, also called “walking between the worlds” or “the marriage of heaven and earth,” gives you a quantum leap in your ability to live your life more wonderfully. To be consciously and continuously merged with your higher self, which created you and always knows the best action to take, gives you an advantage that simply can’t be overstated!
Midpoint 2: Venus/Chiron
Our final pairing is Venus and Chiron, which make 45° semi-squares to the luminaries from opposite directions. Just as before, the luminaries are at the midpoint of the bracketing planets.
Venus and Chiron form a square, which suggest the possibility of old wounds being triggered by a relationship challenge. Of course, an old wound getting triggered means you’re halfway to healing it! Instead of being frozen like ice, that old painful energy now flows like water. It might even be boiling! Using a quick and effective shadow work tool such as my free Healing Invocation could clear that layer of old pain once and for all.
This square also supports giving or receiving sage advice around relationships, creativity and finance.
Sabian Symbol
“A big businessman at his desk” is this New Moon’s Sabian Symbol. The message here seems plain enough: get some meaningful work done!
But don’t just mindlessly press your nose to the grindstone. Incorporate themes from this New Moon. Follow your intuitive flashes. Use the Law of Attraction. Maximize your productivity by working smart!

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2/5 (Tue)
Divine inspiration could be sparking like crazy as the Aquarian Sun quintiles Uranus (16°59′ Aquarius-28°59′ Aries). Your inner genius is speaking … make time to listen!
2/6 (Wed)
Creative inspiration can flow abundantly thanks to a Venus-Neptune quintile (3°7′ Capricorn-15°7′ Pisces). You can also use this magical aspect to do more effective Law of Attraction work or merge more easily with your higher self.
2/7 (Thu)
Grand Cross Peaks
A Grand Cross featuring Mars, Pallas, Uranus, Pluto and the lunar nodes that started on 1/26 peaks today (2/7) and ends on 2/17.
One way to think about this aspect pattern is that Mars is simply pumping up the energy of an existing Grand Cross. That Pallas-Uranus-Pluto-Lunar Nodes Grand Cross started on 12/22, peaked on 1/13 and ends on 4/4. If you don’t remember that aspect pattern’s interpretation from my prior forecasts, you can click here to read it.
If we think of the original aspect pattern as a “stage setter” – a potential energy waiting to be activated – then Mars acts as its trigger. It’s an especially good time to immerse yourself in this aspect pattern’s themes during Mars’ guest appearance!
You can enjoy abundant vitality to shine your unique gifts into the world with the Sun sextile Jupiter (18°56′ Aquarius-Sagittarius). This harmonious aspect can also amplify your intuitive flashes.
Ready for a quantum leap in your feminine assertiveness, strategic thinking and negotiating skills? It’s on offer with a Uranus-Pallas opposition (29°2′ Aries-Libra). Stay attentive to your intuitive flashes to gain the most benefit from this opportunity!
The genius keeps on coming with Mercury sextile Mars (25°40′ Aquarius-Aries). The fire of Mars energizes the mental orientation of Mercury, while Mercury’s placement in Aquarius can open your mind to divine downloads!
2/9 (Sat)
Yod Peaks
You can take the initiative to bring healing to a committed partnership, thanks to a Yod featuring Juno, Pallas and Chiron. This “Finger of God” started on 1/7, peaks today (2/9) and ends on 2/22.
You can also make good use of this aspect pattern by letting your strategic assertiveness be supported by the wisdom of your committed partner (or vice versa). This Yod is super-tight as it peaks today – all three aspects are exact within half a degree – so its effects are especially strong!
How many intuitive flashes can you stand? These “text messages from God” have been fired up by various aspects ever since February started, and the trend continues with a Mercury-Uranus sextile (29°5′ Aquarius-Aries).
How can you distinguish an intuitive flash from a regular thought? An intuitive flash arrives with a feeling of absolute certainty. You just know it in your bones. And hundreds of my clients have confirmed that their lives go better when they follow their inner guidance!
2/11 (Mon)
Another day in February, another aspect that stimulates intuitive guidance! This time it’s a Mercury-Jupiter quintile (1°27′ Pisces-19°27′ Sagittarius). But this time Mercury’s in Pisces, so the intuition will feel different – more like a constantly flowing waterfall than a lightning strike. This aspect also supports mental focus on spirituality or inspired creativity.
2/13 (Wed)
The first half of February is bookended by intense Mars aspects. We opened with a Mars-Pluto square, and now close with a Mars-Uranus conjunction (29°11′ Aries)!
Challenging expressions of this potent aspect could include recklessly impulsive behavior, sudden violence, and shocking, inappropriate sexual behavior. But mindfully managed, this power can be positively channeled into breakthroughs in leadership, peak athletic performance and delightful sexual experimentation. This conjunction also can make it easier to take immediate action on your intuitive flashes. This aspect has seriously high voltage – use it well!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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