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Alrighty, let’s do the Healing Invocation. This is an eyes closed process, so please close your eyes.
For starters, become aware of your overall body and just feel the overall body. Feel the overall energy in and around you. This is optimally done if you’re in a state of embodied awakening, but that’s not mandatory. It just makes things move a little quicker.
I want you to first notice if there’s something already there to work on. What you’re looking for is anything that does not feel wonderful. It could be physical, emotional, or both.
So just notice: is there anything anywhere in your body that physically or emotionally doesn’t feel perfectly great? If so, you can use that as your healing focus.
If you’ve done the awakening invocation recently, you may not be able to find anything that doesn’t feel great. Because you tend to feel really awesome after you do the Embodied Awakening Invocation!
If you feel perfectly great, you can do one of the variations of the Healing Invocation, which is to deliberately bring up a past trauma. This needs to be something in your past, that every time you think of it, it’s painful: it causes you emotional distress to have the memory.
A good thing about the Healing Invocation is it will never overwhelm you, if whatever you’re bringing up is really intense. If the whole thing would be too much, your higher self will only bring up as much energy as you can do at one time. It may do several rounds to get the whole thing.
If you can’t already find something challenging in your body, emotionally and/or physically, just bring up an old past trauma. And if you do that, you’ll want to really make it strong. You want to imagine it as if it’s happening right now. Bring it up strong! You want something big and juicy to work with.
Either focus on whatever challenge you’ve already noticed in your body or emotions, or bring up the memory of the past traumatic event right now, please. And either way, you should now be feeling some kind of challenging energy in your body.
So now you notice: where is it strongest in my body? Sometimes the challenging phenomenon has a central point. In that case, put your attention on that point. Sometimes it’s more evenly and broadly distributed. In that case, put your attention through that whole area where it is.
Also, I’d like you to give it a number. We’re going to use a 10-point pain scale. 10 is excruciating pain. One is no pain. Just rate the number.
We’re not going to worry about anything else. We’re not going to get into what is it, and why did it happen, and any kind of story about it. That actually doesn’t help you in this invocation.
Once the invocation cycle is complete, you can do your mental work. But while we’re in the process, we ignore all thoughts. All thoughts are distraction. We put our attention only on the sensations.
Just put your attention on the sensation. You’ve already determined the intensity number. You can now let that go. Call your divine to come take care of this. So repeat after me, out loud if you can, silently if you must:
“Maximum healing that serves highest good, please.”
Let the words go and rest your attention in the sensation. Again, in that central point if it has one, or more broadly in the overall phenomenon if it’s evenly distributed. You ignore all thoughts. You let them chatter in the background, but you don’t put your attention there. Your attention is on this sensation, like an animal would feel this sensation.
As we did in the Embodied Awakening Invocation, we’re going to use the minimum effort needed to have a complete experience. So I invite you to drop to no effort for a moment. And then gradually put more and more effort into noticing that discomfort.
Keep adding increments of effort until adding additional effort does not get you any additional awareness. You want to add enough that you have a complete awareness of the challenging sensation. But you don’t want to use any more effort than is needed for that.
If you’re not sure, back down a little bit if you still have full awareness. Go back and forth a little bit. And you’ll quickly find that sweet spot of just enough effort to feel the challenging sensation. Then you just rest there.
Resting your attention on pure somatic awareness, pure physical sensation, is like you shining a spotlight there. You’re showing the divine, “Hey, I called you to heal this. This is where I want you to be, right here!” And you simply hold awareness there with just enough effort to get the job done.
You sometimes have to be patient, because the divine is going to come in there and it’s going to go as quick as it can. It’s not going to waste any time. It’s going to flush it up as quickly as it can without overwhelming you. That’s the key thing. It will only work as fast as it can within your limits of tolerance.
What typically happens is, it starts flushing heavy energy out your body. The most common exit route is down through the hands. Sometimes the heavy energy will flush out the feet. Sometimes it radiates out in concentric circles. Sometimes it doesn’t even leave, but it transmutes from dark to light and stays, which benefits you also.
So you don’t have to make any decisions from the human self about any of this. This is all autopilot. Your only job as the human is just to hold awareness right there where the sensation is challenging and continue resting there.
You’re not expected to hold continuous unblinking awareness. You may drift here and there. But as soon as you notice you’ve drifted, come back. Return your attention to this sensation.
Sometimes the point of discomfort stays in the same place the whole time, and sometimes it moves around. If it moves around, track it like a hound dog. Don’t let it get away!
Sometimes one point of challenging energy will diminish. And you’ll notice another part of your body now has more challenge than the first one does. In that case, just shift position. Put your attention in the spot that now is the most challenging. Note the intensity number, and then rest your attention there. And that’s how it works.
Sometimes the the stuff clears in very little time. Sometimes it takes a little while. Of course, as I lead this video, I have no way of knowing how long your particular healing round is going to take!
But I am now going to describe what tends to happen. As the healing round progresses, this may be happening in real time for you. Or I may be describing it before it happens. But either way, it’s good for you to know.
In the first part of the process, you just feel the challenging stuff, and it’s not pleasant. Fortunately, it’s not too much.
But after a little while, you start noticing bliss rising around the edges. You still feel mostly challenged. But now there’s a little bit of nice energy around the edges as the heavy energy continues to flush out and drain into Mother Earth … who happily takes it, and she loves it. For her it’s like a chocolate snack. So don’t feel bad about giving your heavy energy to Mother Earth. She’s delighted to take it!
You’ll notice good energy starting to rise. At some point, the balance will shift and there’s more bliss than challenging energy. And that shift will continue until if the round completes, or when it completes. Because you’re going to take this to the end, right? You’ll have no discomfort, and all bliss.
It’s very common at that point, you’ll experience your physical body as feeling more like energy than solid form. You will feel like a light being, and it is your physical body that will feel like light. Because you yourself will have had a shift of consciousness.
So that’s how you’ll know when it’s done. You won’t feel any more challenge. The point of discomfort usually will go down to nothing, or at least a very small number. And either it will be all gone and you’re done, or you’ll sense, “Okay, most of it flushed out, and that’s all they can do on this round.” And you can always do another round later, if there’s a little bit left.
So that’s how it works. But the good news is, the side effects of the process are bliss, ecstasy and euphoria. By the time the healing round is complete, you’re going to feel really good!
One last little bit I’ll tell you as we’re doing this process is that some things can be healed and sometimes things cannot.
Some things, we say, are “of God”. And there are some souls who came in and said, “I’m going to give myself this particular challenge. I just have to live with it for the rest of my human life. That’s part of what I signed up for. Part of my process of soul evolution is to learn how to come to accept that I have a challenging situation I can’t change.”
But you don’t know! It’s certainly worth a try to see if the divine can heal it for you using this tool. It’s worth a shot, and it might just be able to heal.
If you’re still in your healing process, in a moment I’ll have you pause the recording. I’m now at the end of what I wanted to tell you as part of this process. Feel free to keep the recording paused as long as necessary until your healing round is complete. Then you can come back on and we’ll complete the process.
Pause now if you need more time for your healing process.
I’m going to assume you’re unpaused and at the end of the process. I don’t actually have a lot more to say. I think I said it all.
There will be some additional videos after this one inside the membership that will describe the four different ways to use the Healing Invocation. I’ve given you two today on this video.
One is to notice anything that’s already there. The other is to deliberately bring up an old trauma. There’s two more, and there will be another video inside the membership that will detail that. So that’s all for this video.