The last few weeks have featured momentous events, including two potent eclipses and the mighty Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The effects of these powerful events are still resonating, but it’s a relief to have a relatively quiet interlude to regroup during the second half of January.
However, there’s still plenty of astrological opportunity. You can revolutionize your life with an Aquarius New Moon. Two Mercury-Uranus aspects fuel intuitive flashes, and the interplay of Venus, Mars and Neptune offers juicy creative and spiritual possibilities. Will you accept these invitations to intuition, inspiration and awakening?
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
1/18 (Sat)
The second half of January begins and ends with Mercury-Uranus aspects. We start today with a Mercury-Uranus square (2°40′ Aquarius-Taurus ). This creates a potent link between the planet of human mind (Mercury) and the planet of divine mind (Uranus). This makes it easier to receive intuitive flashes and think outside the box. With Mercury in Aquarius, which has the same archetypal energy as Uranus, the effect is even stronger!
If you’re in the habit of always controlling your thoughts, this square could feel mentally chaotic or crazy-making. Relax and let those original thoughts pop in as they will. There’s a reason that Uranus and Aquarius share the keyword “genius”!
1/20 (Mon)
The Sun enters Aquarius at 9:55 AM EST. This invites you to be your authentic human self, follow your intuitive flashes, and serve others using your special talents that you most love to use!
1/23 (Thu)
Astrology’s two classic benefics connect harmoniously today with a Venus-Jupiter sextile (11°48′ Pisces-Capricorn). Besides being lucky, this flowing aspect smooths the way for relationships, creativity and finances.
With Venus in Pisces, stay tuned to your intuition to guide you in these areas. This inside information comes straight from your higher self, and is the most reliable guidance available to a human being.

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1/24 (Fri)
Aquarius New Moon
January’s New Moon lines up at 4:42 pm EST (4°21′ Aquarius). Any Aquarius New Moon is great for new beginnings or renewed energies in three areas:
- “flying your freak flag” (being your one-of-a-kind human self),
- catching and implementing intuitive flashes, and
- being of service to others in alignment with your top talents that you love to use.
What if you aren’t giving these life-affirming Aquarian qualities enough of a workout? Then Aquarius can express as challenging stimulation of your nervous system. This can show up as anxiety, irritability, or nervousness. The more you cultivate the high side of an astrological archetype, the less energy it will have to bother you with its low side!
The strongest aspect to this New Moon is a tight square from Uranus. Uranus has the same meaning as Aquarius, so this aspect doubles down on all the Aquarian effects already described.
The other two aspects are loose conjunctions to the Sun and Moon with subtler effects. Aquarian Mercury invites brilliant thinking and communication, and encourages your human mind to receive the intuitive hits sent down by your higher self.
Capricornian Ceres can augment your abundance if you put in enough effort. She can also challenge you by bringing up old emotional wounds. If so, thousands have found my free Healing Invocation to be a quick and effective way to heal these painful feelings once and for all!
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “A council of ancestors has been called to guide a man.”
The council of ancestors can represent intuitive flashes from your higher self, since both are reliable sources of wisdom beyond your human self. So this symbol reinforces the prudence of letting your inherently limited human self be guided by a greater intelligence.
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1/26 (Sun) – 1/28 (Tue)
Venus, Mars and Neptune
Three related aspects interweave their effects on consecutive days: a Venus-Mars square on 1/26 (16°01′ Pisces-Sagittarius), a Venus-Neptune conjunction (16°56′ Pisces) on 1/27, and a Mars-Neptune square (16°57′ Sagittarius-Pisces) on 1/28.
Venus-Neptune Conjunction
Let’s start with the Venus-Neptune conjunction. This blends the artist (Venus) with divine inspiration (Neptune), so it’s great for creative expression.
Venus also stands for relationship, while Neptune can represent divine union. So this conjunction is ideal for deepening your embodied awakening. This aspect also makes it easier to perceive the divine energy within everyone and everything you encounter.
These effects are made even stronger because Venus and Neptune are both in Pisces. This sign has the same meanings as Neptune.
Keep your focus on these life-affirming expressions of Venus and Neptune to avoid their lower potentials. One of these pitfalls is excessive indulgence in pleasurable activities, to the point that they interfere with your worldly responsibilities. Another is blending so deeply with someone else that you neglect your own needs and desires.
Squares from Mars
How is all this affected by the fact that Sagittarian Mars squares Venus and Neptune? At the most basic level, it makes all these Venus-Neptune effects much stronger. Mars has lots of primal power, which is amplified in expansive Sagittarius.
The Venus-Mars square could bring up challenge where a relationship needs attention. If you haven’t achieved a basic level of embodied awakening, Neptune could contribute confusion and make it hard to set a clear course of action. But if you’ve achieved at least the first stage of human-higher self integration, Neptune can provide a constant flow of intuitive guidance and harmonious divine energy.
The best method I’m aware of for interactive relationship healing is the 4-step Nonviolent Communication Process. (It’s endorsed by the Dalai Lama and the United Nations.) To heal the wounds from your childhood and past lives that relationship conflict can stir up, I recommend my free Healing Invocation.
Let’s close this interpretation with a life-affirming blending of these three planets’ energies: operating “in the zone” while taking immediate, harmonious action … while guided by a constant flow of intuitive insight!

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1/28 (Tue)
Mercury-Uranus Quintile
I opened this forecast for the second half of January by mentioning that it begins and ends with Mercury-Uranus aspects. We started with a Mercury-Uranus square, and end today with a Mercury-Uranus quintile (20°47′ Aquarius-2°47′ Taurus).
The meaning of an aspect is determined primarily by the planets involved, and secondarily by the aspect. So any Mercury-Uranus aspect offers the opportunity to let your human mind (Mercury) be guided by the intuitive flashes of your divine mind (Uranus).
The square between Mercury and Uranus that opened this forecast is a hard aspect, with a greater potential for challenge. But the 72° quintile that connects them today is a magical aspect of inspired creativity and divine connection. This makes it much easier for your human self to receive brilliant insights from your higher self.
Your higher self created your human self, and has your best interests at heart. I’ve asked hundreds of clients the same question: do you get better outcomes when you follow your intuitive flashes or resist them? They’ve all told me that they get better results when they follow them. I’ve also found this to be true for myself.
Many of us humans don’t pay attention to our inner guidance. Instead, we stumble through life making flawed decisions based on our inherently limited mental capabilities.
It takes most of us a while to understand that we’re actually better off following the divine guidance of our intuitive flashes than making ego-based decisions. But this can throw a monkey wrench into our societal conditioning and the plans we’ve made.
Once I committed to following my inner guidance, my life went in a radically different direction than the one I expected. But I’m happy to report that this unexpected life is vastly superior to the one I’d planned!
Are you ready to let your intuitive flashes align you with the life mission you were born to fulfill? Then follow the intuitive flashes – those “I know it in my bones” certainties – being triggered by this Mercury-Uranus quintile.
Once you start following your intuitive flashes, your divine self will keep them coming regardless of the astrological alignments. And you could transition into an amazing life beyond your wildest dreams!

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I also offer Shamanic Healing, one-of-a-kind Life Coaching, and more. All my services are equally effective in person or long distance.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
Where’s Wednesday and thursday?
I only do forecasts for the most important days … or the days that I have time to forecast! ;-)