A Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse – a simultaneous Blue Moon, Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse combo that hasn’t happened in over 150 years – highlights the second half of January. We also have a heavily aspected Capricorn New Moon, the Sun entering Aquarius, exciting wealth and creativity amplifiers, and more!
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1/16 (Tue)
Capricorn New Moon
January’s New Moon occurs at 9:17 PM EST (26°54′ Capricorn). Any Capricorn New Moon is a good time for new beginnings in business or productivity. You can cultivate qualities such as maturity, responsibility, and good time management. There’s also strong support for skillful planning and implementation.
This New Moon is loaded with aspects! A tight Venus conjunction supports new relationships, or injecting new energy into existing ones. Productivity and accomplishment within relationships receives special support. Capricornian Venus also supports creative accomplishment and responsible financial management.
Uranus and Pluto
This new Moon rekindles the waning Uranus-Pluto square. The luminaries receive a tight square from Uranus and a loose conjunction from Pluto.
The Uranus-Pluto square represents revolutionary transformation. This can help you release or reinvent old structures, sometimes with surprising speed. Dare to think outside the box, and be sure to follow your intuitive flashes!
The Pluto conjunction invites you to step more fully into your power. Avoid dominating and controlling others whenever possible, since this is the old paradigm we’re transitioning away from. Consider the Pluto glyph (the dark red symbol at 19°19′ Capricorn in the graphic). It looks like a person raising their arms to heaven and saying, “I surrender.”
But this is the surrender where you win! The more you align yourself with divine will, as revealed through your intuitive guidance, the more powerful you become. The power you’ll enjoy as a blissfully compliant divine instrument is unimaginable. It vastly exceeds any power you could attain by struggling to keep others under your thumb.
Other Aspects
The theme of power is reinforced by other aspects to the Sun and Moon. A square from Pallas Athena in Aries suggests that things might become difficult unless you use soft power, such as negotiation and win-win strategizing. And a sextile from Scorpionic Mars adds strong and harmonious energy to your New Moon initiatives.
A tight sextile from Chiron can smoothly energize your personal shadow work, and can support you as a healer or mentor to others. Finally, a sextile from Sagittarian Vesta gives you amplified juju to support a higher cause.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A mountain pilgrimage.” This implies a willingness to overcome significant adversity to reach something you deeply desire.
“Pilgrimage” usually implies a spiritual journey. But everything is spiritual when viewed from a higher perspective. This symbol invites you to contemplate some basic questions. What are you most passionate about? And how much sustained effort (Capricorn) are you willing to expend to enrich your life with it?
1/17 (Wed)
Expect the unexpected with Mars quincunx Uranus (24°40′ Scorpio-Aries). Stay light on your feet, be ready to act on your intuitive flashes, and stay open to all necessary adjustments. Those prone to violence or impulsive behavior can be destabilized by this aspect. Avoid volatile people and situations as much as possible.
To use this potent aspect positively, consciously engage in transformational processes that will make your life more wonderful. (You may find my free Healing Invocation and these shadow work resources helpful.) This quincunx can also support inspired leadership, sacred sex, and breakthrough athletic performance!
1/18 (Thu)
Healing energy can flow clear and strong, whether you’re giving or receiving, with Mars trine Chiron (25°11′ Scorpio-Pisces). This harmonious aspect also supports sexual healing, leadership, mentoring, and engaging the world as a “spiritual warrior.”
1/19 (Fri)
The Sun enters Aquarius at 10:09 PM EST. This placement is great for …
- fully showing up in your life as your authentic human self,
- following your intuitive flashes (there’s a strong feeling of certainty when they pop in), and
- serving others using your natural talents that you most love to use!
1/24 (Wed) & 1/25 (Thu)
You can focus your mind on wealth and abundance under a Mercury-Pluto conjunction (19°35′ Capricorn) on 1/24, followed by a Mercury-Jupiter sextile (20°30′ Capricorn-Scorpio) on 1/25. Since they’re only one day apart, these two aspects are happy to partner up.
The Mercury-Pluto conjunction also supports deeply focused practical thinking, investigative work, and transformational thought. The Mercury-Jupiter sextile can help you focus on the meaning of life, foreign cultures, or celebration!
1/28 (Sun)
It’s easier to think outside the box with Mercury square Uranus (24°51′ Capricorn-Aries). Lead with your intuitive flashes, then let your ego do any necessary planning.
Two quintiles are sending you lots of energy for outrageously original creativity: a Venus-Uranus quintile (12°51′ Aquarius-24°51′ Aries) and a Venus-Mars quintile (13°18′ Aquarius-1°18′ Sagittarius). Let your muse guide you to create something unlike anything you’ve ever made before!
1/31 (Wed)
Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse!
Welcome to the first “Super Blue Blood Moon” in over 150 years – a rare celestial event we haven’t seen since 1866. This triple-decker event is simultaneously a supermoon, Blue Moon, and total lunar eclipse! It will shine forth at 8:26:38 am EST (11°37′ Leo).
A supermoon is the Moon at perigee, its closest approach to Earth. It will look up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter. The supermoon will also be January’s second Full Moon, or “Blue Moon.” And this same lunation will also be a total lunar eclipse! This aligns the Sun, Earth, and Moon, with the Moon in Earth’s shadow.
A total lunar eclipse diffuses sunlight through the atmosphere, making the Moon look red. That’s why it’s called a “Blood Moon.” The best views of the Super Blue Blood Moon will be from central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Australia. Part of the eclipse will be visible in the mainland US.
Astrological Effects
But enough astronomy. What does all this mean astrologically?
An eclipse is a super-powerful lunation, with effects that can last six months or more! As a supermoon, the Moon’s closeness to Earth can also increase its astrological effects.
Any Full Moon is great for adjustment and release. Since Leo has a wider variety of meanings than any other sign, there’s lots of opportunity for change in the following areas:
- leadership
- “strutting your stuff”
- hanging out with kids
- letting your inner child out to play
- appropriate risk-taking
- rest and relaxation
- just having fun!
This forecast continues right after this…
The Moon is about 3° from the North Node, which is quite close. The closer the luminaries are to the nodes, the more powerful the effects.
Ceres and Chiron
The Moon has an incredibly close conjunction to Ceres. The asteroid goddess is only 2 minutes away – just 1/30th of a degree! This supports the release of obstacles to abundance. It can also help you heal issues related to old emotional pain, release and return, and mother-daughter relationships.
This healing theme is augmented by a 135° sesquare from Chiron, the wounded healer. Don’t be surprised if challenging emotions or physical sensations arise more than usual in the weeks and months following this eclipse. Many have found my free Healing Invocation to be a quick and effective tool for clearing these unpleasant phenomena.
Of course, these triggers are simply giving you opportunities to peel layers of the “Great Onion of Consciousness.” Every layer you peel lets the radiant ecstasy of your true divine nature at the core shine forth more brightly!
Other Aspects
The Moon’s opposition to Venus and Juno highlights committed partnerships and other important relationships. Which ones make your life more wonderful, and deserve more time and energy? Which are toxic and draining, and would be better to release or minimize? With Venus and Juno in Aquarius, which relationships help you blossom into the unique human being you were born to be?
A trine from Vesta can ease the way for you to support a cause that benefits the greater good. And a tight Neptune quincunx invites you to make adjustments to support your creative inspiration, as well as your ever-deepening spiritual awakening.
Sabian Symbol
This eclipse’s Sabian Symbol is, “An evening garden party of adults.” This can be interpreted on several levels.
For starters, it speaks to the importance of community support. It’s easier to stay on track with your important goals when you have the support of others on the same path. Only “adults” are at the party. This suggests that you’d be wise to seek group support from those mature and responsible enough to create a safe container.
Not all parties are alike. A garden party might embrace everyone in a warm glow of love and acceptance. Or it might be rife with backbiting and sniping, with the subtle viciousness of a social pecking order on full display.
The Moon’s opposition to Venus and Juno already stimulates the theme of relationships, and this Sabian Symbol doubles down on it. Choose the groups you hang out with carefully, since you’ll almost certainly become more like them!
Whatever your Sun Sign, AstroShaman’s forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least several days before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart.
Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me. Learn more about my Astrology+ sessions.
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