Your power to turn thoughts into reality is amplified by a five-planet Grand Cross starring the Law of Attraction planets Saturn and Neptune. Prosperity opportunities are also amplified by a Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trine!
The second half of May also features a Jupiter-Saturn square, Mercury turning direct, a Sagittarius Full Moon and much more!
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5/16 (Mon)
Grand Trine Peaks: Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto
The Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trine that started on 5/6 peaks today (and on 5/28), and ends on 6/6.
Please see my 5/5 Grand Trines interpretation if you’d like an in-depth understanding of this month’s Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trines. With Mercury in the mix, learning, communication and short-range travel are also energized.
5/17 (Tue)
T-square: Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena
A powerful “Get it done now!” energy is being broadcast by a Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena T-square. This dynamic aspect pattern starts today, peaks on 5/21 and ends on 5/25.
Both masculine aggressiveness (Mars) and feminine assertiveness (Pallas Athena) are emphasized. So is adaptability, with all three planets in mutable signs. The Gemini-Sagittarius Axis of Communication is highlighted with the Sun in Gemini and Mars in Sagittarius, so it’s a great time to get your message out to the world!
5/18 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
5/19 (Thu)
Venus makes two aspects today. A Venus-Neptune quintile (23°51′ Taurus-11°51′ Pisces) creates a magical vibe for inspired creativity and connecting with the divine inside you and others. Venus’ placement in Taurus can create financial opportunity and empower Law of Attraction work.
Venus’ second aspect, a Venus-Chiron sextile (24°36′ Taurus-Pisces), smooths the way for relationship healing and mentoring in both creative and practical matters.
5/20 (Fri)
T-square: Mars-Pallas Athena-Vesta
You can pour fresh energy into your feminine assertiveness, strategic planning and service to a higher cause, thanks to a Mars-Pallas Athena-Vesta T-square. This dynamic aspect pattern started on 5/10, peaks today (5/20) and ends on 5/25.
This T-square shares two members with the Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena T-square that also ends on 5/25. Both feature Mars and Pallas in the Sagittarius/Gemini Axis of Communication, which encourage the sharing of helpful information.
The Sun enters Gemini at 10:36 AM EDT. This amplifies the energies of learning and communicating. It’s also a great time to enjoy plenty of variety, hang in the ‘hood and connect with siblings, relatives and neighbors.
5/21 (Sat)
Sagittarius Full Moon
May’s Full Moon lights up the sky at 5:15 PM EDT (1°13′ Sagittarius). Any Sagittarius Full Moon is great for taking stock of how you’re doing in the following areas and making appropriate course corrections:
- religion, philosophy and life purpose
- higher education
- higher-level teaching
- publishing
- exposure to and learning from foreign cultures
- joy and celebration!
This Full Moon aligns with the two T-squares interpreted above: Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena and Mars-Vesta-Pallas Athena. In a nutshell, both masculine aggressiveness (Mars) and feminine assertiveness (Pallas Athena) are emphasized. Adaptability, communication and service to a higher cause are also amplified. I describe the energetic potentials of these aspect patterns more fully in their individual interpretations.
Venus is also a central player in this Full Moon. She conjoins the Sun and Vesta and opposes the Moon and Mars. Evaluate how your creative expression, finances and most important relationships are faring. With Venus in Taurus, are you putting enough time and energy into your relationship with nature?
Finally, Juno makes a semi-sextile to the Moon. This puts extra emphasis on the importance of examining the state of your committed romantic and platonic partnerships.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “The ocean covered with whitecaps,” most obviously interpreted as roiling emotions. So many people I speak with these days are processing a lot of challenging emotions associated with old wounds and shadow material. (And not just my clients!)
The relationship issues that might be triggered by this Full Moon’s aspects could blow up lots of whitecaps on your personal ocean of emotion. If so, I recommend embracing them as healing opportunities. Use my Healing Invocations, or any other “feel it to heal it” tool that works well for you, to let each whitecap wash you a little bit cleaner.
T-square Peaks: Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena
The Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena T-square that started on 5/17 peaks today (5/21) and ends on 5/25.
5/22 (Sun)
Mercury Direct
You can breathe a sigh of relief – another Mercury retrograde has run its course! Mercury turns direct at 9:20 AM EDT (14°20′ Taurus). You can now begin taking action on the things you’ve been reflecting on while Mercury was retrograde. For best results, don’t take significant action until after the next New Moon on 6/5.
High-octane “just do it” energy can rev up your engine big time under a Sun-Mars opposition (1°47′ Gemini-Sagittarius). These planets’ sign placements particularly energize learning and communication.
This opposition is also part of the Sun-Mars-Pallas Athena T-square that peaked yesterday.
5/23 (Mon)
No major astrology events.
5/24 (Tue)
Venus-Mars Opposition
Pay close attention to your key relationships as Venus opposes Mars (0°51′ Gemini-Sagittarius). The areas of both challenge and flow should be more clear. Make sure you’re understanding and being understood.
This is also an excellent time to examine how you habitually communicate as a couple. If there are significant communication issues, exploring techniques such as Nonviolent Communication (NVC) together may prove helpful.
This Venus-Mars opposition also supports playful sexual experimentation and a let’s-try-anything! approach to writing and other creative pursuits.
Venus transits Gemini today through 6/17. This supports a variety of social interactions and experimenting with different creative modalities. You can also brainstorm new ways to make money.
5/25 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
5/26 (Thu)
Jupiter Square Saturn
It could be challenging to find the right balance between expansion and contraction as Jupiter squares Saturn (13°41′ Virgo-Sagittarius). Jupiter reaches for the skies, while Saturn prefers a locked-down container.
The “challenge for growth” tension of this square is somewhat alleviated by the sign placements of the two social planets. Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign that has the same expansive urges as its ruling planet Jupiter. And Jupiter is in Virgo which, like Saturn, loves precision, organization and structure. So finding the right balance between growth and stability might be easier than you think!
This combination of planets and signs opens up lots of archetypal possibilities. Some of these include:
- taking a serious, structured approach to better understand the meaning of life
- creating improved structures and procedures for your service so you can help more people more effectively
- scheduling more time for joy and celebration
- stepping more fully into your role as a teacher of things that give people’s lives more meaning
- systematically exploring the teachings of a foreign culture
This Jupiter-Saturn square will remain in orb (close enough to have an influence) through 7/21. It’s also part of a Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square, one of 2016’s most important aspect patterns, which remains in effect through 7/1.
5/27 (Fri)
Grand Cross: Sun-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune
A Grand Cross based on the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square comes together in the final days of May. It first manifests as a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune Grand Cross, kicking off today (5/27), peaking on 6/3 and ending on 6/8. Venus will join forces with the Sun in Gemini to augment the power of this Grand Cross 5/30 through 6/7.
On one level, the Sun and Venus will simply be acting as triggers to juice up the power of the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square. In a nutshell, the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square can empower Law of Attraction manifestation and spiritual embodiment, as well as structural disintegration and inspired reconstruction. Please read my 5/9 forecast for an in-depth understanding of how you can use this T-square’s energies to improve your life.
In addition to its role as a trigger, the Sun makes it easier to personally embody the T-square’s energies. Its placement in the mutable, variety-loving sign of Gemini can inspire you to use Law of Attraction in many different areas. You might also feel like experimenting with a variety of approaches to deepen your spiritual embodiment.
Venus makes it easier to use Law of Attraction to help you manifest optimal relationships, finances and creativity. She can also help you forge a deeper relationship with your higher aspects.
P.S. As shown, Vesta will also be part of this Grand Cross. She’ll join the party on 6/1 — more on her involvement next time!
Retrograde Mars re-enters Scorpio today, turns direct on 6/29, and moves along into Sagittarius on 8/2. Mars in Scorpio fires up transformative inner work, occult practices and sacred sexuality. It can also fuel research, investigation and joint ventures. Scorpio is the sign of great wealth, so this placement can also be great for making money!
Giving or receiving inspired mentoring is one great way to use a Sun-Chiron quintile (6°50′ Gemini-24°50′ Pisces).
5/28 (Sat)
Grand Trine Peaks: Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto
The Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trine that started on 5/6 and first peaked on 5/16 gets its second and final peak today and ends on 6/6.
The Jupiter-Pluto trine at the core of this aspect pattern supports abundant prosperity, transformative spirituality, deepening your wisdom through higher education and immersing yourself in a foreign culture. Health and service to others can be transformed and powerfully amplified. With Mercury in the mix, learning, communication and short-range travel are also energized.
And that’s just the Cliff’s Notes! Please see my 5/5 Grand Trines interpretation for an in-depth explanation of May’s Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trines.
5/29 (Sun)
Is your relationship going through a rocky patch? Inspiration on how to restore harmony is available with Venus quintile Chiron (6°53′ Gemini-24°53′ Pisces).
5/30 (Mon)
Today Venus becomes the fifth member of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune Grand Cross that started on 5/27. See my 5/27 Grand Cross interpretation for details.
Investigation, research and detective work are smoothly energized by a Mercury-Pluto trine (17°3′ Taurus-Capricorn). With Mercury in Taurus, this aspect can also help you focus your thoughts on finances, sacred sensuality and “just being.”
5/31 (Tue)
There’s already plenty of prosperity juju in the air, what with a Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto Grand Trine and a Sun-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune Grand Cross in play. In the spirit of unlimited abundance, let’s add one more! A Pluto-Ceres square (17°2′ Capricorn-Aries) can help you generate more riches as the lord of wealth dynamically engages with the goddess of the harvest. They’ll be in orb through 7/1.
Pluto and Ceres (also known as Demeter) also had a well-known mythological encounter. Pluto abducted Ceres’ daughter Persephone down into the underworld to be his queen. I won’t go into the whole myth here (here’s an entertaining summary), but the relevant additional astrological themes are sorrow, mother-daughter relationships, and release and return. If the current dance between Pluto and Ceres is bringing up emotional challenges for you, you may find my Healing Invocation helpful in clearing the dense energy from your field.
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
5/16, 5:20 am – 1:33 pm, Libra
5/18, 11:23 am – 5/19, 2:30 am, Scorpio
5/21, 7:40 am – 2:48 pm, Sagittarius
5/23, 11:37 am – 5/24, 1:34 am, Capricorn
5/25, 9:11 pm – 5/26, 10:27 am, Aquarius
5/28, 4:19 pm – 5:06 pm, Pisces
5/30, 7:10 pm – 9:09 pm, Aries
Whatever your Sun Sign, AstroShaman’s forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least several days before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you will be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart.
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