While this interview episode focuses on hope – and how Laura V. is healing from severe trauma more quickly and easily than she had thought possible – it does contain graphic descriptions that may upset some listeners. This episode is definitely not suitable for children, so please don’t listen if you’re under eighteen.
Even if you’re an adult, if the thought of a five-year-old girl being pulled into a sex trafficking operation, then experiencing extreme abuse for more than eight years, is too much for you to bear, please stop right here.
Laura V, one of my healing clients, gives frank descriptions of her ten years as a victim of incest and sex trafficking. Her father, one of many men who abused her, sold her into sexual slavery when she was a young girl.
This 80-minute episode includes details of how she and many other children experienced severe abuse, which some did not survive. She also describes how Dissociative Identity Disorder has helped her cope with these traumatic experiences.
Laura discusses her experiences in the context of how she’s healing from these traumas using quick and effective modalities, especially Internal Family Systems Therapy and my Instant Divine Assistance Invocations.
Both Laura and I have been amazed at how rapidly she’s been healing during the sessions I’ve been facilitating for her. Our intention with this episode is to show you that, no matter how severe the trauma you’ve experienced, quick and effective healing might be possible.
After our interview, I’ll give you a brief overview of child sex trafficking. This will help you put Laura’s experience into a larger context. I’ve included links to Laura’s recommended books and support resources for childhood sexual abuse and Dissociative Identity Disorder below.
Laura offers these key takeaways from her interview:
1. No matter how long ago or how recent the abuse, no matter how minor or severe the abuse, healing is possible.
2. Healing doesn’t have to be grueling, exhausting or hard. It can be quick, effortless, and uplifting!
3. With the Instant Divine Assistance Invocations and Internal Family Systems Therapy, you can confront, process, and completely heal difficult and even terrifying trauma memories. And you can do it safely and quickly.
Experience had taught me that facing the terrors I experienced would put me in crisis. With Benjamin’s skilled help, I faced those terrors and found compassion for my abusers and myself. After I transmuted those painful, burdensome memories, I found peace and joy on the other side. I did not have to recover from these sessions for even a few minutes!
4. There is hope. It is possible to find freedom, joy, and a future that is good. Your Higher Self, or God, is guiding you to that future every step of the way!
If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, you can get help at humantraffickinghotline.org/, or by calling 1-888-373-7888.
Laura highly recommends these resources on childhood sexual abuse and Dissociative Identity Disorder:
Discussing Dissociation site by Kathy Broady, MSW.
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Techniques and Strategies for Stabilization, book by Dr. Colin Ross.
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation, book by Dr. Janina Fisher.
An Infinite Mind — organization dedicated to support survivors with DID.
RAINN — for adult survivors who need help recovering from childhood sexual abuse.
Here are Benjamin’s sources for the child sex trafficking information he gives after Laura’s interview:
Also, Laura and I want to share this comment from my YouTube page:
IFS course work in Benjamin’s membership is really an amazing tool. Laura and Benjamin just bring the possibilities to a whole new level in this interview. Benjamin is a genius at knowing what to bring to light and Laura is extraordinary as a being of light! These are two experts with big hearts. The interview was not upsetting to me in any way, it was a demonstration of how IFS works and not a scary interview just on child trafficking. The warning at the beginning is appropriate because some individuals may be triggered by any mention of such a horrendous crime. Do be aware that you can stop listening at any point if you do begin listening to the interview and want to stop, of course.
— @jeannieszaboky4204
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