2025 is one of the most potent astrological years ever. By mid-year, all three outer planets will have entered new signs. Each outer planet will aspect the other two. And all three outer planets – also known as the “gods of change” – are coming together with unimaginable power into a game-changing aspect pattern. The two social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, also change signs. And the gods of change form potent aspect patterns with Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. As if that wasn’t enough, nine New Moons, Full Moons, and eclipses, spread throughout 2025, also light up Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All of this boosts the outer planets’ world-transforming power even more. How can you make your life better than ever with these once-in-a-lifetime astrology opportunities? Dive in and find out! Read more…