We have 3 major astrology events this week, starting with one of the most important of 2020: namely, the second of 3 Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions! We also Saturn retrograding back into Capricorn, and the third and final eclipse of the current series. Plus I announce July’s free session winner! Read more…
jupiter-pluto conjunction
The Floodgates Have Opened: Cancer Solar Eclipse, Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction, Mercury Retrograde & More! June 16-30 2020 Astrology Forecast
Buckle your seat belt: we have an extraordinary number of potent astrology events in the second half of June! Headliners include two powerful “seconds”: the second of three eclipses, and the second of three world-shaking Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions. We also have 3 planetary stations: Mercury and Neptune turning retrograde, and Venus turning direct. As it that wasn’t enough, we also have an impactful Summer Solstice chart. Strap in! Read more…
Video: The Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction/Coronavirus/Global Awakening Connection
One of 2020’s most important events is the April 4 Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which repeats on 6/30 and 11/12. Except that, energetically speaking, it’s really a Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Triple Conjunction! I explain how this game-changing conjunction ties into the coronavirus crisis … and the global spiritual awakening that it’s here to catalyze. This is a 2-part video. Both parts are in this post. Part 1 is about 9 minutes, and Part 2 is about 12 minutes. Part 1 focuses on the astrological factors. In Part 2, I share my ideas and experiences that explore the coronavirus as a potent catalyst for global awakening! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, Mar 29 – Apr 5 2020: The Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction/Coronavirus/Global Awakening Connection (#527)
One of 2020’s most important events happens this week: a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Except that, energetically speaking, it’s really a Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Triple Conjunction! I explain how this game-changing conjunction ties into the coronavirus crisis … and the global spiritual awakening that it’s here to catalyze. Read more…
April 1-15 2020 Astrology Forecast: The Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction/Coronavirus/Global Awakening Connection
One of 2020’s most important events happens in the first half of April: a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Except that, energetically speaking, it’s really a Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Triple Conjunction! I explain how this game-changing conjunction, along with the Libra Full Moon and its timely Sabian Symbol, tie into the coronavirus crisis … and the global spiritual awakening that it’s here to catalyze. Read more…