I discuss how to work with sleepiness during spiritual processes, as well as the location of the galactic center, in this 8-minute edition of “Ask the AstroShaman.” Enjoy! Read more…
Sowing the Seeds of Love (Languages)
Would you like to cultivate a magical relationship with your partner? Then use the Five Love Languages to sow magical seeds of love into their heart! Read more…
Sharper Intuition with Daily Morning Meditation
Practical tips on how to empower your natural intuitive abilities so that you can more easily receive your inner guidance Read more…
Variations on the Divine Saturation Snap Meditation
Bliss and energetic protection are the two benefits most commonly reported by those who have used my Divine Saturation Snap Meditation. It’s a simple and surprisingly effective one-breath technique that I’ve shared with many of my astrology clients. Since introducing it, I’ve created a number of helpful variations. In this article, I share the most helpful of these. Read more…
Divine Saturation Snap Meditation
What if there was a way that you could: Live your life in a state of everyday bliss and equanimity, Automatically channel energy to others for their highest good, and Receive powerful protection from any negative energies you encounter? This may sound … Read more…