The first half of November features dramatically contrasting lunations. A Scorpio New Moon has only one aspect, whereas a Taurus Full Moon is supercharged by all three “gods of change”! We also have Jupiter sextile Chiron (part two), one of 2024’s most important aspects. This potent half-month also features Saturn turning direct, another rare and magical Grand Sextile, and much more! Read more…
Saturn direct
“Gods of Change” Full Moon, Jupiter Sextile Chiron #2 & much more: November 1-15 2024 Astrology Forecast (written)
The first half of November features dramatically contrasting lunations. A Scorpio New Moon has only one aspect, whereas a Taurus Full Moon is supercharged by all three “gods of change”! We also have Jupiter sextile Chiron (part two), one of 2024’s most important aspects. This potent half-month also features Saturn turning direct, another rare and magical Grand Sextile, and much more! Read more…
“Big Change Now!” New Moon in Scorpio: November 1-15 2023 Astrology Forecast
A “Big Change Now!” New Moon in Scorpio highlights the first half of November. We also have an impactful Sun-Mars-Ceres Triple Conjunction … which becomes part of a potent Cradle with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. We also have Saturn turning direct, a Jupiter-Neptune semi-square, a Mars Uranus opposition, and much more! Read more…
“Big Change Now!” New Moon in Scorpio: November 1-15 2023 Astrology Forecast
A “Big Change Now!” New Moon in Scorpio highlights the first half of November. We also have an impactful Sun-Mars-Ceres Triple Conjunction … which becomes part of a potent Cradle with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. We also have Saturn turning direct, a Jupiter-Neptune semi-square, a Mars Uranus opposition, and much more! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, October 16-31 2022: Mars Retrograde & Solar Eclipse (#612)
Mars turning retrograde and a Scorpio Solar Eclipse starring Venus highlight the second half of October. This packed half-month also features Jupiter entering Pisces, Saturn turning direct, three notable aspect patterns, and more! Read more…
Mars Retrograde & Solar Eclipse: October 16-31 2022 Astrology Forecast
Mars turning retrograde and a Scorpio Solar Eclipse starring Venus highlight the second half of October. This packed half-month also features Jupiter entering Pisces, Saturn turning direct, three notable aspect patterns, and more! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, October 1-15 2021: Saturn & Pluto Direct (#591)
The first half of October is loaded with astrological activity! Pluto and Saturn turn direct. A Libra New Moon is loaded up with tight aspects. And we have 4 powerful aspect patterns, including a Sun-Mercury-Mars Triple Conjunction. Finally, I announce October’s free session winner! Read more…
Pluto and Saturn Turn Direct: October 1-15 2021 Astrology Forecast
The first half of October is loaded with astrological activity! Pluto and Saturn turn direct. A Libra New Moon is loaded up with tight aspects. And we have 4 powerful aspect patterns, including a Sun-Mercury-Mars Triple Conjunction! Read more…