A “Gods of Change” Virgo New Moon highlights the first half of September. We also have three planets changing direction: Venus and Mercury turn direct, while Jupiter turns retrograde. This half-month also features a Sun-outer planets Kite, Mars sesquare Uranus, and three aspects between outer planets and asteroid goddesses! Read more…
Venus retrograde
“Gods of Change” Virgo New Moon: September 1-15 2023 Astrology Forecast
A “Gods of Change” Virgo New Moon highlights the first half of September. We also have three planets changing direction: Venus and Mercury turn direct, while Jupiter turns retrograde. This half-month also features a Sun-outer planets Kite, Mars sesquare Uranus, and three aspects between outer planets and asteroid goddesses! Read more…
Venus Retrograde Deep Dive: July 16-31 2023 Astrology Forecast (#630)
Venus Retrograde highlights the second half of July. My deep dive interpretation includes the most important aspects Venus makes on her retrograde journey. This will let you gain the greatest possible benefit from this fruitful time of reflection. And that’s just the star of this packed half month! We also have a “Gods of Change” Cancer New Moon, the Lunar Nodes entering Aries and Libra, and Chiron turning retrograde. And then there’s a Mars-Saturn opposition, a potent and long-lasting Jupiter-Neptune semi-square, and much more. Plus I announce July’s free session winner! Read more…
Venus Retrograde Deep Dive: July 16-31 2023 Astrology Forecast
Venus Retrograde highlights the second half of July. My deep dive interpretation includes the most important aspects Venus makes on her retrograde journey. This will let you gain the greatest possible benefit from this fruitful time of reflection. And that’s just the star of this packed half month! We also have a “Gods of Change” Cancer New Moon, the Lunar Nodes entering Aries and Libra, and Chiron turning retrograde. And then there’s a Mars-Saturn opposition, a potent and long-lasting Jupiter-Neptune semi-square, and much more! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, January 16-31, 2022: Venus and Uranus Turn Direct (#599)
Venus and Uranus turning direct highlight the second half of January. We also have a Cancer Full Moon featuring a Plutonian Mystic Rectangle, the lunar nodes changing signs, and the closest approach of the Saturn-Uranus square in the first half of 2022! Read more…
Venus & Uranus Direct: January 16-31 2022 Astrology Forecast
Venus and Uranus turning direct highlight the second half of January. We also have a Cancer Full Moon featuring a Plutonian Mystic Rectangle, the lunar nodes changing signs, and the closest approach of the Saturn-Uranus square in the first half of 2022! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, December 16-31 2021: 8 Major Events! (#597)
I can’t remember ever seeing so many major astrology events all happening in a 16-day window! The headliner is the third and final line-up of 2021’s most powerful aspect, the mighty Saturn-Uranus square. We also have Venus turning retrograde … as she conjoins Pluto! Jupiter makes a magical quintile with Uranus, then enters Pisces. We also have Chiron turning direct, a Gemini Full Moon, and the Winter Solstice chart. OMG! Get comfortable — we have a lot to talk about! Read more…
8 Major Events! December 16-31 2021 Astrology Forecast
I can’t remember ever seeing so many major astrology events all happening in a 16-day window! The headliner is the third and final line-up of 2021’s most powerful aspect, the mighty Saturn-Uranus square. We also have Venus turning retrograde … as she conjoins Pluto! Jupiter makes a magical quintile with Uranus, then enters Pisces. We also have Chiron turning direct, a Gemini Full Moon, and the Winter Solstice chart. OMG! Get comfortable — we have a lot to talk about! Read more…