2020 ends with one of the decade’s most auspicious astrological events: the “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn! The fact that these two planets are coming together in the first degree of Aquarius bodes well for the incoming Age of Aquarius.
This momentous event is made even more potent because it happens just hours after the Winter Solstice – the beginning of the astrological new year. The second half of December also features a Cancer Full Moon.
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. For bonus events, check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts — updated weekly!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
12/17 (Thu)
Saturn Enters Aquarius
Saturn enters Aquarius today at 12:04 am EST. This is his second foray into Aquarius this year. He first entered on 3/21, then retrograded back into Capricorn on 7/1. He reenters Aquarius today (12/17) and remains all the way through 3/7/23. (Saturn spends about 2-1/2 years in each sign, and takes almost 30 years to circle the zodiac.)
Most people associate Saturn with Capricorn. Indeed, the planet and sign have identical keywords. But Saturn is also the ancient ruler of Aquarius.
At first blush, it might seem difficult to reconcile conservative Saturn with radical Aquarius! But there are ways to make them play well together.
Saturn can masterfully structure physical reality, but can’t see beyond it. However, Aquarius is a transpersonal energy that includes intuitive flashes. So a great way to marry these energies is to let your intuitive flashes set the agenda. You can then use Saturn’s gifts – including management, organization, planning and implementation – to bring your Uranian visions into physical manifestation.
Why lead with Uranian intuition? Because it comes direct from your higher self. It created your human self, and always knows your optimal course of action. It’s like getting a text message from God!
Lesser-known meanings of Aquarius include “outcast” and “exile”. As long as the pandemic makes physical distancing prudent, you can use Saturn in Aquarius to voluntarily create an optimal “structured exile.”
Finally, I found lots of juicy Saturn in Aquarius themes in Renn Butler’s awesome book The Archetypal Universe: Astrological Patterns in Human Culture, Thought, Emotion and Dreams. The following phrases are actually from his section on Saturn-Uranus aspects. But Uranus and Aquarius share the same keywords, and I chose the phrases that felt relevant for Saturn’s transit through Aquarius. As always, I draw from Renn’s work with his generous permission.
Saturn in Aquarius can bring forth the energies of …
- responsible and balanced freedom
- careful change and innovation
- cautious experimentation
- freedom through structure
- liberating routine
- hard-won liberation
- liberation in increments
- conscious and deliberate freeing of oneself
- the inability to hold rigid positions or stay stuck permanently
- remaining unfazed by any extreme
- limitations on freedom
- fear of change
- giving form to new ideas
- a change of direction by those in authority
- old things resurfacing in a new way, or with new impact
- attempts to stop progress.
Saturn in Aquarius can also energize these classic polar opposite themes:
- tradition and progress
- authority and rebellion
- conservatism and change
- age and youth
- security and adventure
- the classical and romantic impulses
- materialism and idealism.
Saturn’s entry into Aquarius is just the beginning. Jupiter enters Aquarius in two days, and the world-changing Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction shines forth two days after that. It’s all in this December 16-31 forecast, so read on!
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12/19 (Sat)
Jupiter Enters Aquarius
Jupiter enters Aquarius at 8:07 AM US Eastern Time. After 5-1/2 months, Jupiter will enter Pisces on 5/13. Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius on 7/28, then flows back into Pisces five months later on 12/28.
This interpretation will focus mostly on the archetypal effect of Jupiter’s transit of Aquarius. But it’s worth noting that these Aquarian effects will be stronger than usual next year. This is because Jupiter will be square or quintile Uranus during most of 2021.
Uranus and Aquarius carry the same astrological energy, which will dramatically increase this archetypal influence. Not only that, Jupiter will conjoin Saturn to form a historic Great Conjunction in two days, on 12/21. This will add a whole new layer of meaning!
I mention all this to drive home the following point: what I’m about to tell you about Jupiter in Aquarius is true, but it’s far from the whole Jupiterian story that will be unfolding! For a deep dive into next year’s extraordinary astrological influences, I invite you to check out my free 2021 astrology forecast lecture.
Any planetary sign placement can express in challenging or flowing ways. Human psychology being what it is, people tend to remember the last thing you said. So I’ll start with the challenging possibilities and end with the more uplifting ones.
Big thanks to my friend and colleague Renn Butler! I’m once again borrowing ideas from his amazing book, The Archetypal Universe: Astrological Patterns in Human Culture, Thought, Emotion and Dreams. Specifically, I selected these from the Jupiter-Uranus section. This makes archetypal sense because Uranus and Aquarius have the same keywords.
Shadow Qualities
- manic and impulsive excesses
- going too far
- intolerance of any level of structure or commitment
- unrealistic urges for freedom outweighing everything else
- unwillingness to cooperate
- flippant arrogance
- unbridled eccentricity
- an unreliable and impractical nature
- ongoing wanderlust and impatience
- irresponsible or ineffective rebellion
- shallow or incomplete rebirth
- false breakthroughs
- flash in the pan delusions
- attraction to get-rich-quick schemes
- pie-in-the-sky overoptimism
- fool’s gold
- religious or New Age ideals promising liberation without effort or pain
- potential for hubris and overweening pride
- Christ complex
- cravings for glory
- delusions of genius
- philosophical conflicts
- philosophical or intellectual elitism
- self-righteous genius
What about the positive potentials of Jupiter in Aquarius?
- dramatic breakthroughs and quantum leaps
- rebirth and awakening
- surprising resolution of problems
- unexpected openings and opportunities
- expanded horizons
- changes of fortune or philosophy
- incurable and infectious optimism
- “Hope springs eternal in the human breast” (quote from Alexander Pope, who has Jupiter trine Uranus in his natal chart)
- heightened aliveness
- access to new layers or realms of experience
- transcendence of petty problems and attachments
- urges to share your light
- the light at the end of the tunnel
- a Eureka moment!
- feelings of universal redemption
- collective epiphanies and awakenings
- breakthroughs that benefit everyone
- everything around you coming vibrantly alive
- higher emancipation
- freedom for all
- “the truth shall make you free”
- maximum liberation
- moments of genius or brilliance
- divine inspiration
- creative frenzy
- to “become as God”
- flashes of greatness
- ascendancy of the liberal, humanitarian and progressive impulses
- surges of cultural flowering
The Jupiter in Aquarius positive potentials may sometimes require significant effort. During times like these, it’s more important than ever to remember that the bigger the challenge, the bigger the potential breakthrough!

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12/21 (Mon)
Winter Solstice / Sun enters Capricorn
The Sun enters Capricorn at 5:02 AM EST. This marks the Winter Solstice, the astrological new year. For the next six months, each day will have a little more sunlight.
Let’s start by interpreting the Sun in Capricorn. For the next month, this can help you be more mature and responsible. You can plan the work and work the plan, manage your time well, and be more productive. If you have enough life experience, you can step into the role of the Wise Elder.
Winter Solstice
The most exciting news about this Winter Solstice is that it’s followed a few hours later by the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction! That interpretation follows immediately after this one, so let’s focus on the 2020 Winter Solstice chart. (In astrology, seasonal charts for the solstices and equinoxes give an overview of the energy for at least the next three months.)
Grand Cross
The Winter Solstice chart incorporates a 4-month Grand Cross that peaks on Christmas Day. This is timely, since this aspect pattern radiates the Christlike energies of service and compassion. Rather than interpret it twice in the same half-month forecast, I invite you to click here to learn more about it.
This Grand Cross is augmented by the Piscean Moon conjunct Neptune. This lets you be more empathically sensitive, and more easily guided by intuitive feelings in your heart.
The Winter Solstice chart contains several notable aspects that flavor the next three months.
Sun Conjunct Mercury
First off, there’s a tight Sun-Mercury conjunction. With Mercury in the first degree of Capricorn, this highlights the opportunity for new learning, teaching or writing — especially about practical matters with measurable outcomes. Or you could just put new energy into learning or teaching about the same things as before. The Capricorn “Wise Elder” theme could also come into play.
Moon Aspects All 3 Outer Planets
This Winter Solstice chart has a Pisces Moon semi-square Uranus, conjunct Neptune and sextile Pluto. This can help you be more empathically sensitive to the divine energies of the three transpersonal planets.
The more open you keep your heart, the more you’ll feel the energy of the cosmos. If you so choose, this can help you align more easily with whatever service the universe asks of you.
Shadow Work, Healing and Mentoring
Chiron squares the Sun and Mercury, and trines Venus. He also sextiles Jupiter and Saturn, and quintiles Pluto. All these Chiron aspects are likely to stir up some old wounds and traumas, so have a good shadow work tool ready. (My free Healing Invocation has helped thousands process challenging energies quickly and efficiently.) This strong Chiron stimulation can also energize your service as a healer and/or mentor.
Lots of Uranus
Uranus aspects every planet through Saturn except Mars, and makes minor hard aspects to the lunar nodes. That’s a lot of Uranus!
This puts massive emphasis on the Uranus/Aquarius archetype, since Saturn and Jupiter just entered Aquarius and will make their Great Conjunction later today! (Uranus and Aquarius have the same astrological meaning.)
You’d be wise to focus on the 3 positive expressions of the Uranus/Aquarius archetype: embody and express your unique human self, follow your intuitive hits, and serve others using the special gifts that you most love to use! The more you activate the high side of this archetype, the less energy it will have to bother you with its challenging manifestations.
What about those challenging effects? Anything in your outer life that isn’t optimized for your soul purpose may be thrown into chaos or disarray. Release what doesn’t serve you, and heal what can be fixed.
Internally, you might feel anxious, agitated, nervous or irritable. Many people are initially astonished that my free Embodied Awakening Invocation can immediately eliminate these symptoms, as well as all other challenging emotions and mental chatter. But if they keep using the invocation, they quickly become accustomed to their new normal: living life in a flowing state of harmony, ease and grace.

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The Great Conjunction
One of the decade’s most important astrological events – the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn — happens on 12/21 at 1:20:30 pm (1:20 pm plus 30 seconds). Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0°29′ Aquarius.
I owe a great debt of gratitude to the world-renowned astrologer Ray Merriman, whose outstanding article on this subject – The Great Mutation and the Start of a New Era: Jupiter and Saturn — is the foundation for this Great Conjunction forecast.
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happens every 20 years. This year it’s happening about 8 hours after the Winter Solstice, and on the same day! Proximity may increase power, and we haven’t had a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction this close to the earth since 1623. It will be visible to the naked eye, and will look like one planet.
This is one of the most celebrated celestial omens in ancient astrology. In fact, it was their most important event! Back in those times they didn’t know about anything beyond Saturn. When the two slowest planets they knew about, Jupiter and Saturn, came together, it was the biggest deal of all. (Many believe that the Star of Bethlehem, which lit up the ancient night sky in 7 BC, was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the spiritual sign of Pisces.)
“New Beginning” Energy
The fact that today’s Great Conjunction is happening at 0° Aquarius really gets my attention. There are lots of different opinions about when the Aquarian Age starts. I can’t imagine a more potent indicator than this Great Conjunction shining forth in Aquarius’ first degree!
As if that wasn’t enough “new beginning” energy, this happens on the same day as the Winter Solstice. Many consider the Winter Solstice the start of the astrological New Year, since it’s the moment when each day starts to have more light. Of course, this solstice is also only a few days shy of January 1, New Year’s Day in our Gregorian calendar.
The Aquarian Age
This isn’t to say that there’s been no Aquarian energy so far. Obviously, the energy of this era made a dramatic entrance in the 1960s. “Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical”, which debuted in 1967, even spawned a hit song about the Age of Aquarius.
This Aquarian energy is widely known as the New Age movement, which has been steadily blossoming ever since. Things like meditation and yoga, which seemed weird and radical to many in the 60s, have now become mainstream.
The changing of an age doesn’t happen all at once. The Age of Aquarius had a major kickstart in the 1960s, thanks to that decade’s mighty Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Today’s Great Conjunction will give the Aquarian Age another major energy boost. After this, we should see the consciousness of love and light spreading more rapidly and universally.
Can Saturn play well with Aquarius and Uranus?
I already interpreted Saturn entering Aquarius in the 12/17 forecast above. But it seems appropriate to share a few additional thoughts here.
Saturn’s placement in Aquarius could be challenging. Saturn represents what’s old and traditional, while Aquarius electrifies what’s new, radical or modern.
The Aquarian vibe is even stronger because this Great Conjunction squares Uranus. Uranus carries the same archetypal energy as Aquarius. (Interestingly, Saturn and Uranus both rule Aquarius. Saturn is the ancient ruler, while Uranus is the modern ruler.)
Saturn represents establishment, government and control. Uranus represents the collective and the populace, as well as freedom, independence and individuality. Uranus also represents mass protests, revolutions and great social unrest. We’ve certainly had no shortage of this in 2020, and we can expect a lot more in 2021.
The Great Mutation
What ups the ante even more is that this isn’t just a Great Conjunction. It’s also a Great Mutation! A Great Mutation occurs every 200 years, when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction series moves into a different element.
Roughly speaking, there are 10 cycles of 20-year Great Conjunctions in each element: fire, earth, air and water. Right now the Great Mutation is shifting from earth to air.
Why am I “roughly speaking”? Because a typical 200-year Great Mutation cycle starts with eight Great Conjunctions in the same element. The ninth is a “preview” in the next element, while the 10th returns to the prior element. After this, the Great Mutation cycle starts again with eight Great Conjunctions in the new element.
Most recently, we had eight Great Conjunctions in earth. These were followed by an air Great Conjunction in 1980 and one last earth conjunction in 2000. Today we begin a series of eight air conjunctions. This Great Mutation air cycle will last through 2159.
The earth element favors the accumulation of wealth and power in controlled settings. Air is more free, and enjoys artistic, creative, and intellectual expressions. Innovative ideas are celebrated. As we’ll see below, this doesn’t happen all at once, but takes years to phase in.
This transition from earth to air could also see capitalism giving way to socialism, or one of its hybrids. This could include terrifying outcomes such as guaranteed free healthcare for all, instead of America’s current profit-based model that lets millions of uninsured or underinsured people suffer or die.
We can do better than some of the flawed socialist societies we’ve seen so far, which preach equitable distribution but really concentrate wealth at the top. The healthiest expression of Aquarius supports inspired individual expression that helps the collective thrive.
The blind pursuit of individual and corporate wealth — the relentless accumulation of property and power — has resulted in the environment going to hell and massive inequality in our social structures. This service-to-self juggernaut has created an extinction event that endangers humanity itself.
This is the first Great Mutation in air signs since 1226. The biggest event of that cycle was the Renaissance. Humanity emerged from the stagnant and corrupt Middle Ages into an extraordinary flowering of culture and creativity.
Air Sign Great Mutation
In the Great Mutation air cycle that starts today, we already have an extraordinary renaissance in communications. After the first air sign Great Conjunction in 1980, we saw the rise of the Internet. It took years to phase in, but really started taking off in the mid-90s. Now, in late 2020, free international video calling is commonplace. It no longer seems remarkable that we can instantly stream or download just about any movie, TV show, album or book ever created.
This air cycle will also be marked by stunning advances in technology. We already have self-driving cars, AI face recognition and private space companies. Yesterday’s science fiction has become today’s reality, and we’re just getting warmed up! Technology is moving at such a breathtaking pace that, according to many business experts, most of today’s jobs won’t exist in 10 years.
We’re entering a time of radical change – and not a moment too soon! Nothing less than radical change will avert our current crisis, where nothing less than the survival of most of the planet’s species, including ourselves, is at stake.
The energy of this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is extraordinary. It initiates not only a 20-year Great Conjunction, but a 200-year Great Mutation. There hasn’t been a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction this close to earth in almost 400 years. It happens hours after the Winter Solstice. And it happens in the first degree of Aquarius, the sign of the new Golden Age we’re moving into. This is an amazing amount of “new beginning” energy!
Your Role
Astrological energy is inherently neutral. Whether it expresses positively or negatively is up to us. So use your imagination. What kind of life-affirming, awe-inspiring world can we create together? How can you manifest this more wonderful reality in your own life, right now?
Aquarius rules intuitive flashes. Are you getting intuitive hits about the things you can do to help co-create this awesome new age? Are you stepping into the highest expression of Aquarius: using your special gifts and talents, in ways that delight you, to serve the collective?
Don’t wait for some external authority to tell you what to do. Your own inner wisdom – those intuitive knowings that resonate in your bones and your gut – is your most reliable guidance system. Your higher self sends down these intuitive hits. It created your human self, and knows your optimal course of action at every moment.
I’ve asked hundreds of my clients about intuition. Every one has affirmed that, even if they encounter initial difficulty, they ultimately get better results when they follow it. Do you want to live your most satisfying life, fulfill your life purpose, and help bring in the new Aquarian Age? Your optimal strategy is to follow your intuition.
When will the Aquarian Age fully arrive? When I ask my inner wisdom, it tells me that the timing is in our hands. When enough of us make this next-level consciousness our “new normal” – which many of us are doing already – we’ll hit a magical tipping point. Then the Aquarian Age will spread across the planet like an ecstatic tidal wave.
You’re just as responsible for bringing in this new Golden Age as anyone else. If you’re not already doing your part, when will you start?
How about now?
Not sure how to take your Aquarian Age consciousness to the next level? I recommend these resources:
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible: visionary book by Charles Eisenstein
Accelerate your healing, awakening and intuition with my Free Invocation Masterclass.

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12/23 (Wed)
Mars Square Pluto
A Mars-Pluto square (23°55′ Aries-Capricorn) should always be handled with caution. Its dark expressions can be horrific, including extreme violence and sexual abuse. This is a good time to keep your distance from potentially violent people and dangerous situations.
But such intense power can also be harnessed for good. This square can give you tremendous power to strive for a worthy cause or step into your personal power. You could initiate a new project or pour fresh energy into an existing one.
Mars and Pluto are the two planets of sex, so this aspect can help you enjoy more erotic pleasure. Or you could explore the soul-blended ecstasy of sacred sex.
12/25 (Fri)
Grand Cross Peaks, Radiating Service and Compassion
Grand Crosses usually breed challenge. But this one has huge potential for soul-aligned compassion, unconditional love, and service to a higher cause!
It includes Vesta, Neptune and the lunar nodes. It started on 11/19 and has its first peak today, on Christmas Day (12/25). It peaks again on 2/15 (the double peak is due to Vesta stationing retrograde) and ends on 3/18.
Vesta represents support for a higher cause that doesn’t directly benefit you. Neptune radiates unconditional love and compassion, energies that were so radiantly embodied by Jesus.
The lunar nodes represent life purpose. Plus, they’re in the Axis of Communication: North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius. This suggests that part of your service to this cause might include spreading the word about it. Learning more about it is also supported.
12/29 (Tue)
Full Moon in Cancer
A Full Moon shines forth at 10:28 PM EST (8°53′ Cancer). Any Cancer Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in the areas of home, family and security, as well as emotions and shadow work.
Aspect Patterns
This Full Moon’s strongest aspect is a T-square with the luminaries and Chiron. This could catalyze challenging emotions during the following two weeks. My free Healing Invocation makes it easy to clear these challenging feelings, since it delegates your healing to your higher self. This T-square can also empower healing and mentoring work you do for others.
This lunation features a Cradle that includes the luminaries, Ceres and Uranus. This can help you clear old sorrows (Ceres) more quickly (Uranus) – a handy synchronicity, since the T-square with Chiron could be stirring them up! This cradle could also stimulate breakthroughs (Uranus) in abundance (Ceres).
Individual Aspects
The Moon opposes Mercury, energizing learning, teaching and writing. And the Moon makes a quincunx to Pallas Athena. This invites you to optimize whatever strategies you’re using to accomplish your goals, and encourages your mindful use of negotiation and diplomacy. Pallas is the warrior goddess, but I recommend open conflict as a last resort — to be used only if her more peaceful approaches haven’t accomplished your objectives.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
So thorough! Thank you.
Hi, great discussion! Really inspiring.
Wondering, in the Capricorn ingress chart, what influence or lack of) does Mercury combust have, especially if in 2nd house. Slowing economy? Little progress with new ideas? Apparently Mercury has little power when under sun’s rays.
Reply not urgent
I really love this! very detailed, clear & exciting to read. it bookmarked it just so I can stay updated! thank you <3
Very interesting and thorough explanations. Saved this link for further reading!
You said, “This air cycle will also be marked by stunning advances in technology. We already have self-driving cars, AI face recognition and private space companies”
That’s Elon Musk. So what part does he have to play in all of this? Is he going to have an even more important place in the world than he does now? How does his chart coincide with this?
Only way to know the answers to your Elon Musk questions, you have to play the waiting game like the lot of us. No one can simply answer those questions satisfactorily anyhow, hence Elon’s seemingly awkward secrecy about it all… But I will say this with no exaggeration, Mr. Musk has spent over half of his life perfecting a smooth final exit for us all from Earth to…. …. wherever we’ll go after the end of days. The media is so very intimidated by him and what THEY know he’s capable of, they make em out to be a vile monster…. Terrified he’ll uncorrupt their centuries+ yr old brainwashing. 😢😟😫 Just remember, don’t believe the lies. We NEED You!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you for such an amazing explanation of the Aquarian era. Now I understand everything and I’m already taking action. The change is here. Amazing moments are coming our way.