Mercury Retrograde on Halloween * Free session winner * Planet-sharing Grand Trine and Kite * Mystic Rectangle
As if to emphasize how scary some people find Mercury Retrograde, the next one starts on Halloween! Also in this week starting on Oct 28, we have a new Grand Trine and Kite that share most of the same planets. And we close with the peaking of a Mystic Rectangle that calls you to align with your unique life purpose. Plus we announce the November free session winner!
Enjoy this week’s episode!
Use the media player below to hear about all this and more, or get the show through iTunes.
- Overview: 0:59
- 10/29: 1:34
- 10/30: 2:50
- 10/31: 4:59
- Announcements: 8:18
Right-click the red square (control-click on a Mac) and choose “Save Link As” to download the MP3.
May the stars light your way,
Benjamin Bernstein
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