Saturn Direct * Jupiter-Neptune Square * More!
Listen to This Week in Astrology now — free!
Not only does Saturn turn direct this week, we also have the third and final occurrence of one of 2019’s most powerful aspects: a Jupiter-Neptune square. We also discuss 2 new T-squares featuring Saturn, Pluto and the lunar nodes aligning with Mercury and Venus.
This forecast only includes the most important astrological events of the week. I’m extra busy right now – I’m hoping to launch my new online memberships — group astrology mentoring and “Awakening Plus” — on October 1. Because of this, I honestly don’t have time to forecast the less important events this time. But I believe that the major events in this forecast will give you more than enough to chew on!
Enjoy this week’s episode!
Use the media player below to hear about all this and more, or get the show through iTunes.
Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or get the show through iTunes.
- Intro: 0:42
- 9/16: 1:48
- 9/18: 6:02
- 9/19: 8:09
- 9/21: 9:34
- Next Week’s Highlights: 11:57
- Announcements: 12:34
Right-click the red square (control-click on a Mac) and choose “Save Link As” to download the MP3.
May the stars light your way,
Benjamin Bernstein
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