To watch this free video now, click here. To learn more, keep reading.
It sounds too good to be true. Yet it’s already worked for thousands of people, can dramatically improve your life, and doesn’t cost a dime. Not only that, it takes surprisingly little time or effort to achieve extraordinary results.
I’m talking about my Instant Divine Assistance (IDA) Invocations. As you do them, you’ll experience how fast and easy it can be to:
- Experience spiritual awakening within seconds — just by requesting it from your higher self.
- Quickly and permanently heal a serious challenge — even one that’s caused you years of physical, emotional or mental suffering — by delegating the work to your inner healer.
- Call in any kind of energy you want — anytime you want it.
- Heal and bless others — simply by calling it in.
You can do all this and more with the Instant Divine Assistance Invocations. For 14+ years, the IDA Invocations have dramatically improved thousands of people’s lives. Now, you can also experience how quick and easy spiritual awakening, healing, and so much more can be!
How? In your free video, I lead you through all four types of IDA Invocations. This lively presentation was recorded during a 2023 Zoom event. The 75 people on the live call generate a powerful group energy field, which can help you potently experience these invocations!
I trimmed the original 94-minute event down to 65 minutes. It’s 100% helpful content with no filler.
Plus, the video is divided into chapters. You can jump right to the section you want!
Get the free invocation video now.
Here’s a bit more about the invocations you’ll experience in this video.
The Embodied Awakening Invocation
The Embodied Awakening Invocation is the foundational IDA Invocation. It can help you enjoy four awesome benefits throughout each day. You can …
- Enjoy more harmony, flow, ease and grace,
- Take care of all your responsibilities more responsibly, and more joyfully,
- Be guided by your intuition more consistently, and
- Enjoy a lot more bliss!
The Embodied Awakening Invocation eliminates mental chatter and challenging emotions. It also keeps you peaceful and lets you stay in flow state without effort.
The Healing Invocation
The other indispensable invocation in this system is the Healing Invocation.
No one likes challenging emotions and physical pain. But what if they’re actually invitations to permanently heal old traumas and deepen your spiritual awakening? This is the surprising truth revealed by the Healing Invocation.
Just by saying eight words, you delegate your healing to your higher self. Time and again, I’ve seen peoples’ physical and emotional challenges … including serious afflictions that had caused years of suffering … cleared in just a few minutes.
I can’t guarantee that the Healing Invocation will eliminate your challenges. But you might just get a healing that could dramatically improve your life!
Custom Invocations
Sometimes you want more of a specific kind of energy. It could be vitality, joy, or happiness. Or you might want more creativity, mental focus, or bliss.
Whatever kind of energy you want, the universe always has it on tap. And IDA Custom Invocations let you instantly call in the specific energies you want, whenever you want them!
The Hollow Reed Invocation
There are many ways to flow prayers, blessings, and energy to others. But some are more effective than others.
The Hollow Reed Invocation is so powerful because your higher self does the blessing. This more spiritually conscious part of you can access much more spiritual energy than your ego. And it knows exactly what your recipients need!
Your Free Video
How can you take the next step with these invocations? Easy. Just accept my gift to you: a free video of me guiding you through all four Instant Divine Assistance Invocations!
I’ll tell you the essential things you need to know about these life-changing invocations. Then I’ll guide you through each invocation, step by step. This will let you experience their extraordinary effectiveness for yourself.
I’ll also tell you how easy it is to weave these invocations into your daily life. It’s amazing that they take so little time and energy, but give you so much benefit!
These words can’t compare to the euphoria of merging with your divine self … as it saturates every cell in your body with bliss. There’s no language as sweet as the relief of feeling anxiety, depression or chronic pain finally draining from your body … so you can revel in the ecstatic lightness and joy of your true being. You just have to experience it for yourself.
If you’re ready for these experiences, and more, just sign up below. You’ll promptly receive an email that links to the free video.
There’s no risk, commitment, or cost. The downside is zero. The upside is infinite!
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If you entered your info above and clicked the “GIVE ME ACCESS!” button, but don’t see an email in your inbox within five minutes, check other folders such as Promotions or Spam. If you still can’t find it, please email me so I can help you access your free video!