The game is on, and all lightworkers are needed on the field. Are you called to make the world a better place? You could be a lightworker! In this 12-minute video, I give you proven strategies that can help you get your lightworker game on. Read more…
Pragmatic Spirituality
Unconditional Love: Not What I Expected!
I recently had a profound ceremonial experience of unconditional love. It rocked my world! As I experienced it, unconditional love has many extraordinary qualities. It’s a blended field of blissful awareness, completely beyond ego. There’s absolute free will. And there’s the clear knowing that everything is perfect, exactly as it is. In this 23-minute video, I explain all this the best I can. I dive into the paradox of everything always being perfect — while, at the same time, things need to change! I weave in fundamental concepts from the Law of One channeled material and Internal Family Systems Therapy. Finally, I tell you how these ideas are helping me live more harmoniously – and how they might help you too! Read more…
How You Can Spiritually Support Ukraine and World Peace
With Russia invading Ukraine, it’s more important than ever for each of us to hold the highest spiritual vibration we can. I explain how your personal energy affects the world, and how you can always keep increasing your love and light! Read more…
Ayahuasca Overview, Including My Recent Retreat in Peru
I just surprised myself. I thought I was sitting down to record a short video, to share some reflections on the New Years ayahuasca retreat I just attended in Peru. Instead, I ended up doing a 29-minute video! It gives a good overview of ayahuasca’s benefits, and what it’s been like for me to work with this extraordinary plant spirit teacher. There should be information that both newbies and experienced ceremony participants can benefit from. I do say quite a bit about my specific retreat experiences, but also give plenty of helpful background information so you can understand their context. I hope you find this video both helpful and entertaining! Read more…
The “Aquarian Age”: Will it Happen in This Dimension?
In this 10-minute video, I discuss what the incoming Aquarian Age will look like. (In this case, I’m using “Aquarian Age” to specifically mean humanity’s ascension to a higher consciousness of love and light.) Will it happen here on Earth as we know it? Will we each only experience it when we graduate from our human experience? Or could there be a third possibility? Read more…
Luck and Grace: How to Invoke Them Through Action
Are you ready to call in lots of luck and grace, to help you fulfill your heart’s desires? In this 8-minute video, I describe how I’ve done this, by taking decisive action to make my dreams real … and how you can too! Read more…
Banish the Entity or Heal the Wound?
A good shaman can banish a dark entity from your field … but what’s to keep it or one of its buddies from coming back? Could it be that healing the wound it’s feeding on might be a more effective strategy? Read more…
Interpreting Inner Spiritual Experiences: Physical Reality or Metaphor?
My life partner Spiritsong had hip replacement surgery on November 2, 2021. Hours before the procedure, she said that — even though her experience of life is joyful — she only wanted to keep living if her health supported the divine service she’s here to give. As I held a sacred container for her during the surgery, I was concerned to feel her energy gradually dissolving into oneness. Had she dropped her body and transitioned to the other side? Obviously not, since she co-presents with me in this video! But her physical death was a possible interpretation for what I was experiencing. We also discuss another incident when an inner spiritual experience led me to mistakenly believe that she had died … and we explore the tricky process of distinguishing a metaphorical inner vision from objective physical reality. This may sound heavy, but we bring a healthy sense of humor to the topic. And we think you’ll get a chuckle or two out of Spiritsong’s story near the end! Read more…