Do you want to learn more about shamanism?
Shamanism has infinite flavors. It’s as diverse as the vast number of people who breathe life into it. So finding your way forward can be confusing.
Would you like some support on your journey? Some expert guidance to reveal your next steps on this life-transforming path?
Your help has arrived! It’s a FREE online series called, “The White Raven: Redefining Shamanism.” It started on Friday, October 20, but you can still jump in now!
I’m one of 26 featured presenters, including shamanic and spiritual luminaries such as Itzhak Beery, Addison Ames, Kenji Kumara, and Dr. Lisa Thompson.
Our interviews and free gifts offer you an amazing cornucopia of shamanic wisdom. With such a wide range of insightful perspectives, you’re sure to find something that will help you!
These remarkable presenters have been brought together by Janine Giesbrecht, “The White Raven.” She’s a powerful shamanic healer, and is on a mission to make shamanism more accessible.
Each presenter is eager to share their unique approach to tapping into the spiritual realms, and has soul-awakening insights and experiences to share with you. Let our collective wisdom inspire you to deepen your own spiritual and shamanic connections!
In this series, our different approaches come together for one purpose: to help you nurture your own inner shaman. Please join us.
Click here to sign up for this FREE shamanic summit!
P.S. Please share this FREE summit with anyone who might benefit from empowering their inner shaman. Let’s walk the shamanic path together!
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