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In this video, I’m going to give you a brief introduction to the Embodied Awakening Invocation — just barely enough to get it done. There’ll be more in a later video about this, but this is just the bare minimum.
For starters, there are several benefits you’re going to have when you’re in the state of embodied awakening. And if you maintain it as a way of life, then you’ll have these benefits pretty constantly.
- First is that you’re going to have a lot more harmony, flow, ease and grace.
- Secondly, everything you’re responsible for, you’re going to do more responsibly and joyfully.
- Third, instead of having to figure stuff out so much in your mind, you’ll just know what to do through intuition a lot more.
- And there will be much more bliss!
There’s lots of other benefits that are hard to verbalize, because they’re beyond the field of mind. But you’re getting the drift, hopefully.
Also, I want to use a metaphor. There’s no way to really understand this until you do it. But here’s the best I can do with words:
If you haven’t yet moved into embodied awakening, it’s like you’re driving the car. And in this case, your ego is going to slide to the passenger seat and your divine is going to drive.
So here’s the cool thing: your ego is the boss, and the divine only stays with the ego’s blessing. So if at any moment, your ego does not like the divine’s driving for any reason, you can just slide right back over and take the wheel again. The divine steps out right away with no fuss, instantly, and your ego’s back in control.
I cannot emphasize this enough! Your ego is in no danger, there’s no risk, you can instantly go back to the way it was. So if you’ve heard something about ego death and all this crazy stuff about awakening, don’t worry about that. Your ego is perfectly safe.
One more thing I’d like to tell you is a brief story of the origin of this technique. I was in an ayahuasca ceremony — that’s a shamanic ceremony, it’s very intense and powerful — way back in 2011. And in the middle of that ceremony, out of nowhere, these invocations simply dropped in. They came in by divine inspiration. I had no clue about them before.
And at the end of that ceremony, I tried the invocation on myself, and I awakened! And I tried it on the guy next to me after the ceremony was over, and he woke up. Then several other people woke up. And basically it worked.
And it has worked ever since. And since then the invocation for healing came and many of its cousins and brethren, you might say. So basically, that’s how they came. I didn’t make these up out of my mind, they just dropped in. And they’ve been the best tool I’ve had ever since for an individual person to heal or awaken themselves.
If there’s a better tool out there, I’d love to know about it! But these are the best tools I’m aware of for that purpose, which is why I continue to share them 10 years later.
So that’s enough intro. In the next video, we’ll actually do the embodied awakening shortcut.