I’m excited to be featured on two recent podcast episodes!
On The Existential Empath podcast, host Tonia Marie interviews me during a lively 39-minute episode. At the end I lead a brief Embodied Awakening Invocation process, which has a remarkably positive effect on Tonia (and can benefit you too)!
Here’s Tonia’s description of Episode 186, titled, “Embodying the Awakening Process Through Instant Divine Assistance Invocations.”
Are you desiring a deeper connection with your Higher Self to allow more ease and flow in all areas of your life?
In this episode I dialogue with Benjamin Bernstein, AstroShaman and best-selling author, about embodying the awakening process, plant medicine ceremonies, invocations and more!
Here are audio and video links to the episode.
I’m also the featured guest on the Let’s Talk Soul podcast (Season 2, Episode 223).
I usually give substantive answers to interview questions. But faced with host Claudia Monacelli‘s rapid-fire questioning, I learn on the fly how to answer in sound bites! We discuss my IDA Invocations, ayahuasca, shamanism, and more.
Here’s an audio link to the 20-minute episode.
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