Two major Saturn aspects highlight the first half of November. A Saturn-Chiron square powerfully supports the deep shadow work that can lead to lasting emotional healing. And a Saturn-Uranus trine invites your ego to productively follow where your intuition leads.
We also have a Taurus Full Moon, a Pluto-Juno conjunction, Uranus opposing Vesta, and much more!
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11/1 (Wed)
Double Thor’s Hammer Peaks: Sun-Ceres-Saturn-Chiron
The Double Thor’s Hammer with the Sun, Ceres, Saturn and Chiron that started on 10/28 peaks today (11/1) and ends on 11/6.
The Sun is in Scorpio, the sign of the psychologist. This amplifies the power of the three-planet Ceres-Saturn-Chiron Thor’s Hammer continuing thru 11/13, but doesn’t fundamentally change its meaning. Here’s my interpretation of the Ceres-Saturn-Chiron Thor’s Hammer.
11/2 (Thu)
Saturn-Chiron Square
One of 2017’s most important aspects makes its third and final alignment today: a Saturn-Chiron square (24°47′ Sagittarius-Pisces). This aspect is in effect throughout 2017, with its influence finally fading on 1/3/18. Its first two exact occurrences were on 12/28/16 and 4/30/17.
A Saturn-Chiron square tends to bring up challenge so that old emotional and psychological wounds can be healed. (This healing process can be broadly referred to as “shadow work.”) This may not be much fun, but can be extraordinarily life-affirming if done consciously and skillfully. Everyone I know who’s gotten serious about their personal shadow work has become a more happy, loving and luminous person.
Every time you peel a layer of the “Great Onion of Consciousness,” the divine light at the center shines through ever more brightly. I’ve been doing serious shadow work for more than a decade, and have found this free Healing Invocation simple and effective. My post on global shadow work resources can point you to other helpful healing modalities.
If you’ve done enough of your own shadow work, the Saturn-Chiron square can help you become a more effective healer. If you’re ready, you can also step into the Chironic roles of mentor, shaman or awakener
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Mercury makes two aspects to slower planets today. You can focus deeply on mentoring or healing with Mercury trine Chiron (24°48′ Scorpio-Pisces). A Mercury-Uranus quincunx (25°56′ Scorpio-Aries) can help you enjoy more intuitive flashes. To optimize this, be sure to request information from your inner wisdom, and make enough quiet time to notice these “text messages from God” when they pop in.
11/3 (Fri)
Enhanced wealth, power and luck can appear as if by magic with Jupiter quintile Pluto (5°9′ Scorpio-17°9′ Capricorn). Stay alert to intuition and synchronicity!
Venus connects with two slower planets today. A Venus-Chiron quincunx (24°46′ Libra-Pisces) supports any adjustments needed to help heal important relationships, or to receive coaching in your creative expression. A Venus-Saturn sextile (24°49′ Libra-Sagittarius) lends strong, flowing stability to relationships and creative expression.
Creative inspiration and divine connection flow more easily with the Sun trine Neptune (11°33′ Scorpio-Pisces). With the Sun in Scorpio, extra-deep divine immersion, occult practices and sacred sexuality are also in the flow.
11/4 (Sat)
Taurus Full Moon
A Full Moon shines forth at 1:23 AM EDT (11°58′ Taurus). Any Taurus Full Moon is great for adjustment or release in the areas of finances and possessions, as well as sensuality, perseverance and connection to nature.
This Full Moon’s most powerful aspect is a very tight sextile from Neptune. This adds a strong spiritual flow to the natural earthiness of Taurus. This makes it easier to “walk between the worlds” in a state of embodied awakening. It can also be very creatively inspiring, especially if the creativity involves other senses in addition to sight.
Ceres forms a tight T-square with the Sun and Moon. This could bring up issues around abundance or sorrow that are ripe for clearing.
Trines from Juno and Pluto support committed partnerships, especially if the partners are willing to transform and evolve. Loose squares to the lunar nodes ask if there’s some corner you need to turn to move into better alignment with your life purpose. And an opposition from Jupiter offers hope, joy and luck!
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A young couple walk down Main Street, window shopping.” To me, this represents an early phase of life, ripe with fertility and promise. The window shopping indicates that a strong life direction has not yet been set. At this point, it can be fun to enjoy variety and try out new things.
To the degree that “window shopping” still gives you pleasure, by all means indulge it. Some souls come in with a great need for a wide diversity of experience. For some, it’s a bit later in life when their true purpose comes to light, along with the desire to focus on it more exclusively. This fine-tuning of attention is done not with any sense of sacrifice, but with enthusiasm and joy.
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How can you shake up your relationships and creativity for the better? You might get some intuitive hits about this with Venus opposing Uranus (25°54′ Libra-Aries). Don’t be afraid to try something new!
11/5 (Sun)
Mercury transits Sagittarius today through 1/10/18. This unusually long residency, over two months long, is because Mercury has its next retrograde entirely within Sagittarius. The winged messenger will turn retrograde on 12/3 at 29°18′ Sagittarius, then turn direct on 12/22 at 13°3′ Sagittarius.
Mercury in Sagittarius is a great time to focus your mind on religion, philosophy, and the meaning of life. Long-distance travel and foreign cultures are worthy of your attention. So is big-picture thinking … and thinking adventurously!
11/6 (Mon)
No major astrology events.
11/7 (Tue)
What higher cause are you serving outside your own selfish interests? With Uranus opposing Vesta (25°45′ Aries-Libra), watch for intuitive flashes on how to take this service to the next level. You may receive inner guidance to release a current cause, adopt a new one, or make some other paradigm shift in this area.
Venus transits Scorpio today through 12/2. This supports diving deeper into relationship, relationship transformation, and uninhibited creative expression.
11/8 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
11/9 (Thu)
Personal transformation is doubly supported with the Scorpionic Sun sextile Pluto (17°16′ Scorpio-Capricorn). You can also use this strong, flowing aspect to help others transform, enjoy sacred sex, or dive deep into a research project.
Addiction-related agitation could be triggered by a Mars-Neptune quincunx (11°30′ Libra-Pisces). More life-affirming uses of this aspect include sacred sex, integrating divine consciousness into your physical activities, and making time to express your creative downloads.
11/10 (Fri)
No major astrology events.
11/11 (Sat)
Saturn Trine Uranus
You have until 2/2/2018 to continue enjoying the benefits of a Saturn-Uranus trine. It’s exact today (11/11) and has been in orb for over a year, since 10/13/16.
These planets have very different natural orientations, but can play together happily. Saturn only recognizes the material world, and excels at structuring things in that realm. But Uranus represents the mind of your higher self. I’ve found its intuitive flashes to be the most reliable source of information available.
So catch Uranus’ intuitive flashes, then assign Saturn the practical work of carrying them out. Both planets will be happy, and the more earthly planet will be properly subordinate to the more divine one.
Saturn and Uranus will find it especially easy to get along here since they’re connecting by a 120° trine. This is a naturally harmonious aspect. Trines give you a certain amount of connection for free, but tend to be lazy. So what you get out of this aspect will largely depend on how much energy you put into it.
Saturn changes signs about every 2-1/2 years. He shifts from Sagittarius to Capricorn on 12/19, toward the end of this trine. Saturn is happy to structure anything. But while he’s still in Sagittarius, he’s especially inclined to bring structure to religion, philosophy, higher education, foreign travel … and having a good time!
Once Saturn enters Capricorn on 12/19, he adopts a more businesslike attitude. Now he orients more naturally toward maturity, responsibility, discipline and accomplishment.
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You can bring your committed relationships to a new level of depth and honesty under a Pluto-Juno conjunction (17°20′ Capricorn). This usually requires a significant amount of soul-searching and shadow work, so be sure you have an effective self-healing technique handy!
You can enjoy supercharged creativity as Venus quintiles Pluto (5°19′ Scorpio-17°19′ Capricorn). Also keep your inner ear peeled for intuitive insights on how to positively transform your relationships.
11/12 (Sun)
No major astrology events.
11/13 (Mon)
The two “benefics” of ancient astrology – Venus and Jupiter – conjoin today at 7°20′ Scorpio. This can bring good luck in relationships, creativity, or any other area. This conjunction can also help you relate more intimately and create more fearlessly!
You can enjoy inspiration and endurance in your work with Mars quintile Saturn (13°52′ Libra-25°52′ Sagittarius).
Mental confusion is possible under a Mercury-Neptune square (11°29′ Sagittarius-Pisces). But this aspect is great for relaxing your left brain and calling in your intuitive guidance. This square also supports contemporaneous speaking and creative writing.
11/14 (Tue)
No major astrology events.
11/15 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
October 31, 5:08 PM – November 1, 2:43 AM, Aries
November 2, 11:03 PM – November 3, 5:46 AM, Taurus
November 5, 4:29 AM – 5:26 AM, Gemini
November 7, 5:39 AM – 5:44 AM, Cancer
November 9, 12:14 AM – 7:29 AM, Leo
November 11, 3:55 AM – 11:41 AM, Virgo
November 13, 10:45 AM – 6:26 PM, Libra
November 15, 7:50 PM – November 16, 3:19 AM, Scorpio
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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