The first half of April features an unusually diverse mixture of powerful astrological energies. Several aspects support harmonious relating and inspired creativity. But other aspects could stir up uncomfortable shadow work or catalyze negatively impulsive behavior. All this is further energized by a potently aspected Aries New Moon!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. For bonus events, check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts — updated 2 times per month!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
4/1 (Thu)
There are no major astrology events April 1 thru 4.
4/5 (Mon)
Cradle Harmoniously Energizes Committed Partnership
Committed partnerships of all kinds receive abundant flowing energy, thanks to a Cradle that starts today (4/5), peaks on 4/14 and ends on 4/23. This harmonious aspect pattern includes the Sun, Mars, Juno and Jupiter.
You can also use this Cradle to start a new committed partnership, due to the initiating power of Mars and the Sun’s placement in pioneering Aries. Aquarian Jupiter contributes expansive energy and good fortune, especially if you follow your intuitive hits!
4/6 (Tue)
Harmonious, energized relating is supported with Venus sextile Mars (19°43′ Aries-Gemini). This flowing aspect also supports creativity. Venus in Aries supports new beginnings in these areas. Mars in Gemini supports creative writing and enthusiastic, amicable communication.
Jupiter Semi-square Chiron
Everything represented by the Wounded Healer is amplified by a Jupiter-Chiron semi-square (24°21′ Aquarius-9°21′ Aries), in effect 3/10 thru 5/19. This 45-degree connection is a minor hard aspect, but can still have a significant effect!
Chiron represents all the old psychological baggage you’re still carrying around. Jupiter can catalyze it, giving you the chance to heal it once and for all … and break through to a new level of spiritual awakening!
For a fast and effective way to do this, check out the Healing Invocation in my Free Invocation Masterclass.
Jupiter can also amplify Chiron’s abilities as a healer and mentor. This can support you whether you’re giving or receiving this valuable support. Jupiter in Aquarius supports unorthodox methods, while Chiron in Aries wants to jump in and get all this done now!
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4/9 (Fri)
You can pour fresh energy into your inspired creativity or spiritual awakening practice, thanks to a Mars-Neptune square (21°43′ Gemini-Pisces). This dynamic aspect also supports sacred sex and taking immediate action on your intuition. With Mars in Gemini, this square also supports creative writing and channeling.
This square could also be used to spread misinformation, so be careful not to form a fixed opinion based on a dubious source.
4/10 (Sat)
Good fortune could bless your relationships, creativity and finances with Venus sextile Jupiter (25°4′ Aries-Aquarius). These two planets are the “benefics” of ancient astrology, and tend to bring good things — especially when they make a harmonious aspect such this sextile.
However, even soft aspects like this can’t guarantee a positive outcome. Would you like to tilt the odds in your favor? With Jupiter in Aquarius, take advantage of the hints being dropped by your higher self by following your intuitive hits. With Venus in Aries, take assertive action to bring about the reality you desire.
4/11 (Sun)
Aries New Moon
There’s a New Moon at 10:31 pm (22°24′ Aries). Any Aries New Moon is great for embodying the energy of the warrior, pioneer or entrepreneur. Aries energy is also ideal for stepping more potently into your sexuality or starting something new!
For starters, this New Moon conjoins 3 planets, which are also in Aries. Venus opens the door to new energies in your relationships, creativity and finances.
Ceres offers harvest and abundance. The grain goddess can also catalyze challenging emotions, so have shadow work tools ready. Mercury makes the final conjunction to this New Moon, energizing your learning, writing and communication.
This New Moon happens just 3 days before the peak of the Sun-Mars-Juno-Jupiter Cradle I interpreted on 4/5. I’ll borrow from that interpretation to tell you that committed partnerships of all kinds receive abundant flowing energy.
You can also use this Cradle to initiate a new committed partnership, thanks to the initiating power of Mars and the Sun’s placement in pioneering Aries. Aquarian Jupiter contributes expansive energy and good fortune, especially if you follow your intuitive hits!
Pluto Square
The final important aspect to this New Moon is a Pluto square. Like Ceres, Pluto can trigger your unhealed wounds. If this happens, you might find a quick and effective shadow work tool like my free Healing Invocation helpful.
The more you work through your old emotional burdens, the more easily Pluto can offer you its gifts of wealth and power. In addition to money, wealth can be anything that makes your life better. Power can be used to keep others under your thumb, or can be shared to uplift everyone!
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T-square Energizes Committed Partnership
Committed partnership receives powerful support from a Mars-Juno-Neptune T-square. It started on 3/26, peaks today (4/11) and ends on 4/27.
While this dynamic aspect pattern can energize any committed partnership, relationships focused on spirituality or inspired creativity can receive a special boost. This T-square can also help you and your partner operate in flow state.
This aspect pattern also invites you and your committed partner to hold a strong, clear vision of your relationship’s highest expression. What shared goals are you working toward? What are the most amazing things that could result from your joint efforts?
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4/14 (Wed)
Committed Partnership Cradle Peaks
The Sun-Mars-Juno-Jupiter Cradle that started on 4/5 peaks today (4/14) and ends on 4/23.
Mars Semi-square Uranus
Take immediate action on your intuitive hits. That’s the single best piece of advice I can give you with Mars semi-square Uranus (24°46′ Gemini-9°46′ Taurus).
An intuitive hit is a piece of information that you “know in your bones” the instant it arrives. It comes direct from your higher self, and is the most reliable guidance available to a human being.
As a caution, Mars-Uranus is highly volatile. Try to avoid people and places where there could be sudden violence. Be careful not to take impulsive actions, including ill-advised sexual behavior, that you might regret later.
Back on the bright side, with Mars in Gemini, this minor hard aspect can also support creative writing, brilliant communication and outside-the-box thinking. This could also be a great time to step out of your rut and try something new!
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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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Recent Forecasts
Check back around the 1st and 16th for updated forecasts.
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