2024 kicks off with Mercury turning direct and an abundantly aspected Capricorn New Moon. We also have a committed partnership Grand Trine starting, an informative T-Square peaking, and more!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As of January 1 …
The Moon is waning (there was a Cancer Full Moon on 12/26).
Mercury is retrograde thru 1/1.
Uranus is retrograde thru 1/27.
A T-Square with Mercury, Vesta, and Neptune continues thru 1/17.
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1/1 (Mon)
Mercury Direct
Mercury kicks off the new year by turning direct at 10:08 pm EST (22°10′ Sagittarius). The winged messenger turned retrograde on 12/13 (8°29′ Capricorn).
It’s common wisdom that, once Mercury turns direct, you can go ahead with any big contracts or purchases you’d been delaying. However, major new beginnings have better astrological support under a waxing Moon. If possible, wait for the New Moon on 1/11 before proceeding with anything major.
In my 12/13 forecast, I discussed themes you could contemplate during Mercury retrograde based on its signs and aspects. Now that Mercury is direct, you can begin putting these ideas into action!
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1/2 (Tue)
Committed Partnership Grand Trine Starts
You can more easily take your committed partnerships to the next level, thanks to a Grand Trine with the Sun, Juno, and Uranus. It starts today (1/2), peaks on 1/11, and ends on 1/19.
Juno represents committed partnerships. Since she’s in Virgo, examine how well you’re each being served by the relationship. Virgo can also empower you both to jointly serve others.
Uranus is the breakthrough planet. Stay tuned to his favorite way of communicating – intuitive hits – for possibly surprising ideas on how your partnership can experience a quantum leap!
Finally, the Sun is in Capricorn. This especially supports practical committed partnerships, and can lend stability to any important connection.
A Grand Trine will give you a certain amount for free. But to maximize its benefits, “mine the trine”!
1/5 (Fri)
Uranus Opposite Pallas Athena
Your inner warrior goddess can be energized by Uranus’ opposition to Pallas Athena (19°17′ Taurus-Scorpio).
Express your feminine assertiveness as authentically as you can. Listen for intuitive hits to guide you in areas such as strategy, negotiation, and mediation. And do your best to wield all this so that you’re serving the greater good with your most joyously expressed talents!

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1/8 (Mon)
Informative T-Square Peaks
A T-Square with Mercury, Vesta, and Neptune that started on 12/19 peaks today (1/8) and ends on 1/17.
What information should you learn or share (Mercury) in service to a higher cause (Vesta)? Let the flow of inner guidance (Neptune) inspire you!
1/9 (Tue)
Mars Sextile Saturn
You can enjoy Energizer Bunny productivity as Mars sextiles Saturn (4°5′ Capricorn-Pisces). With Mars firing up Capricorn (manifestation and grounding) and Saturn in Pisces (visualization and spiritual awakening), this is also a great setup for Law of Attraction work and embodied awakening!
1/11 (Thu)
Abundantly Aspected Capricorn New Moon
An abundantly aspected New Moon lines up at 6:57 am EST (20°44′ Capricorn). Any Capricorn New Moon is great for new beginnings in becoming more mature, responsible, and productive. This energy can also help you manage your time well, and more skillfully “plan the work and work the plan.”
This New Moon strongly incorporates the Sun-Juno-Uranus Grand Trine I interpreted on 1/2.
The Sun and Moon also make a tight T-Square with the lunar nodes. What new steps can you take to align more fully with your life purpose?
The luminaries aspect all three outer planets. In addition to its more specialized meaning within the Grand Trine, Uranus trine the Sun and Moon can help you more comfortably embody your uniqueness. Intuitive hits can come more easily, and you can more naturally serve others using your special talents you most love to use.
A loose Neptune sextile can ease your movement into embodied awakening, and can help you receive more inspired creativity in any area of life. This harmonious aspect can also help you operate “in the zone” and work more skillfully with your dreams.
The final outer planet aspect is a loose Pluto conjunction. This can help you more confidently embrace personal transformation, and can enhance your wealth and power. Pluto also supports sacred sex and the occult arts.
Finally, the Sun and Moon aspect three asteroid goddesses. I covered the meaning of a tight Juno trine in my Sun-Juno-Uranus Grand Trine interpretation. A tight luminaries-Pallas Athena sextile can boost your feminine assertiveness, strategy, and diplomatic skills. And a tight luminaries-Ceres semi-sextile can subtly boost your abundance and support trauma healing.
Grand Trine Peaks
The Sun-Juno-Uranus Grand Trine that started on 1/2 peaks today (1/11) and ends on 1/19.

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1/12 (Fri)
Mars Trine Jupiter
You can enjoy abundant, expansive, and stable energy as Mars in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus. Persistence, hopefulness, and joy are harmoniously amplified!
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I also offer Shamanic Healing, one-of-a-kind Life Coaching, and more. All my services are equally effective in person or long distance.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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