How can you tell if a being you encounter in the inner world is trustworthy? Blast ‘em! Learn how in this 2-minute video.
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I offer the soul-level insights of astrology, the healing power of shamanism, and the life-transforming support of life coaching. My podcast won a Top 10 Astrology Podcast Award, and I was a Best Astrologer winner three years running. After 10,000+ sessions, I can help you master challenge, embrace transformation, and enjoy a more wonderful life! Click for more detailed bio.
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Holly Zellweger says
Very informative- thank you!
What about when a being is not appearing as a visual apparition, but an auditory one?
How does one ask one’s higher self to oblige with the light blast?
Benjamin says
If a being is auditory instead of visual, you can still blast it with white light. Just send it to where you’re hearing it from. A higher self will blast a being with white light simply because you ask it to. Just ask! :-)
Sandra says
Very informative- thank you!
What about when a being is not appearing as a visual apparition, but an auditory one?
How does one ask one’s higher self to oblige with the light blast?
Benjamin says
If a being is auditory instead of visual, you can still blast it with white light. Just send it to where you’re hearing it from. A higher self will blast a being with white light simply because you ask it to. Just ask! :-)