A potent Total Lunar Eclipse, the second of three summer eclipses, highlights the second half of July. We also have Mercury turning retrograde, the Sun entering Leo, and a magical Saturn-Neptune quintile – not to mention a new crop of aspect patterns!
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7/16 (Mon)
The second half of July kicks off with a pair of quincunxes. A Venus-Mars quincunx (6°55′ Virgo-Aquarius) invites helpful adjustments in your relationships and creative expression. Venus’ placement in Virgo will help you pay attention to all the little details that can make such a big difference. Mars’ placement in Aquarius can help you think outside the box.
You can bring positive adjustments to your thinking and self-expression as Mercury quincunxes Pluto (19°55′ Leo-Capricorn).
7/17 (Tue)
T-square Begins: Juno-Pallas-Jupiter
Have you given away too much power in a committed partnership? You can use appropriate assertiveness and strategy to balance the scales with a Juno-Pallas-Jupiter T-square. It starts on 7/17, peaks on 8/8 and ends on 8/29. This aspect pattern also supports you and your committed partner entering into a positive, life-transforming process together.
7/18 (Wed)
T-square Begins: Sun-Mars-Uranus
Things may be more volatile than usual as a Sun-Mars-Uranus T-square holds sway. It starts on 7/18, peaks on 7/26 and ends on 8/4.
This short-fused aspect pattern will catalyze some people to be impetuous, unstable or erratic. Exercise appropriate self-discipline if you find yourself tempted toward inappropriate impulsiveness or angry outbursts.
Used positively, this T-square can support you as you step into leadership with boldness and innovation. Let your intuitive flashes guide you as you step into the spotlight to set a new and better course!
7/20 (Fri)
Envelope Begins: Ceres-Juno-Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto
Five weeks of flowing opportunities, focused on the attributes of two asteroid goddesses, begins today. This is made possible by an Envelope aspect pattern featuring Ceres, Juno, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. It begins today (7/20), peaks on 8/11 and ends on 8/24.
An Envelope could also be thought of as a Grand Trine with two Kite points. It contains seven soft aspects (trines and sextiles) and two hard aspects (oppositions). The soft aspects can generate ease and luck, while the oppositions stir up enough energy to support meaningful accomplishment.
With so many planets involved, this Envelope supports many interpretations. These include:
- Take advantage of an opportunity for enhanced abundance through a committed partnership
- Enjoy new breakthroughs in your shadow work. This could either relate to issues catalyzed by a committed partnership, or could involve you working in close partnership with someone to accomplish the healing.
- Work with a committed partner to facilitate powerful healing or abundance opportunities for others.
- Work closely with someone else to take your spiritual awakening or inspired creativity to the next level.
A Visit From Venus
This Envelope is augmented by the presence of Venus (not pictured) conjunct Ceres in Virgo 7/23 through 7/30. Other planets and signs in this aspect pattern already embody Venus’ natal meanings of relationship and abundance. But you can capitalize on a new theme, amplified creativity, while Venus is passing through.
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Saturn Quintile Neptune
You have nearly four months of magical opportunities to live your dreams and abide in embodied awakening as Saturn quintiles Neptune (4°14′ Capricorn-16°14′ Pisces). This aspect lasts until 11/10!
Living your dreams is supported because Neptune and Saturn support the Law of Attraction. Neptune represents visualization, while Saturn manifests. Regarding embodied awakening, Neptune represents divine consciousness and Saturn helps crystallize it into physical form. The quintile itself is an aspect of magical connection and divine inspiration.
This aspect is especially powerful because Saturn and Neptune are both in signs that they rule. This quintile lasts for such an unusually long time because Saturn is slowing in advance of its early September direct station.
7/22 (Sun)
Relationships, finances and creativity can be blessed with extra luck and abundance as Venus sextiles Jupiter (13°32′ Virgo-Scorpio). With Venus in Virgo, pay close attention to the details and look for service opportunities in these areas.
The Sun enters Leo today (7/22) at 5 PM EDT. Leo has a broader variety of archetypal meanings than any other sign. So, for the next month, the following areas will receive extra energy:
- leadership
- stepping into the spotlight
- risk-taking
- speculation
- children
- playfulness
- rest and recreation
7/24 (Tue)
Pseudo-Grand Cross Peaks: Mars-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Uranus
A Mars-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Uranus Pseudo-Grand Cross that started on 7/8 peaks today (7/24) and ends on 7/28. As I wrote on 7/8, this consists of two T-squares that really want to form a Grand Cross, but can’t quite consummate the union.
The most obvious interpretation of this Pseudo-Grand Cross is a powerful opportunity to take committed partnerships to the next level with assertive action. This intense aspect pattern also invites a bold, adventurous approach to leadership and sexual expression. Finally, you can courageously communicate a transformative message – either to or with someone with whom you have a committed relationship.
You can muster new energy for inspired creativity, spiritual awakening and recognizing the divine in all things as Venus opposes Neptune (16°9′ Virgo-Pisces). With Venus in Virgo, this aspect also supports putting the finishing touches on artistic projects and serving others “in the flow” as intuitively guided.
7/25 (Wed)
The Sun makes two aspects today. A Sun-Chiron trine (2°14′ Leo-Aries) can support you stepping into the spotlight as a healer or mentor. A Sun-Uranus square (2°29′ Leo-Taurus) challenges you to show yourself to the world as you embody your authentic self, follow your intuitive flashes, and serve others using the special gifts you most love to use.
7/26 (Thu)
Mercury Retrograde Begins
Mercury turns retrograde today at 1:02 AM EDT (23°27′ Leo). The winged messenger will turn direct again 3-1/2 weeks from now on 8/19 at 12:24 AM EDT (11°31′ Leo).
Mercury will retrograde entirely within Leo. That makes this an ideal time to reflect on the Leo themes I mentioned on 7/22, when I discussed the Sun entering Leo:
- leadership
- stepping into the spotlight
- risk-taking
- speculation
- children
- playfulness
- rest and recreation
The usual Mercury retrograde cautions also apply. If possible, avoid starting major new projects or making major purchases. Back up your critical data. Double check travel plans. And make sure you’re understanding and being understood.
As always, Mercury retrograde is a great time for introspection, making repairs, and completing projects that were already started.

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T-square Begins: Sun-Juno-Jupiter
A committed partner could support you stepping into the spotlight under a Sun-Juno-Jupiter T-square. This aspect pattern could also bring up challenges that need to be dealt with in important relationships … or amplify what’s wonderful!
Financial issues and opportunities can also come to the fore under this T-square. It begins today (7/26), peaks on 8/7 and ends on 8/18.
T-square peaks: Sun-Mars-Uranus
The Sun-Mars-Uranus T-square that started on 7/18 peaks today (7/26) and ends on 8/4.
Stumbling blocks could arise in your path as the Sun quincunxes Saturn (3°50′ Leo-Capricorn). Objectively evaluate whether it’s still wise to move forward. If so, make appropriate adjustments while embodying Saturn’s high side: mature, responsible, well-planned and efficiently managed.
7/27 (Fri)
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius
A Total Lunar Eclipse is exact today at 4:20 PM EDT (4°44′ Aquarius). This will be the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the 21st century, lasting one hour and 43 minutes! The Moon will take 3 hours and 55 minutes to cross the Earth’s dark umbral shadow.
This eclipse’s extraordinary duration lets us know something special is happening. Another indicator of this lunation’s power is that the lunar nodes are only about 1° away from the luminaries!
This lunar eclipse is primarily visible from the world’s Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand). South America and New Zealand will have partial views, while North Americans will miss the show entirely.
Mars and Uranus
High intensity and the potential for rapid breakthroughs is shown by a tight Mars-Uranus square … with Mars tightly conjunct the Aquarian Moon and Uranus closely squaring the luminaries!
If not consciously managed, this Mars-Uranus square can catalyze sudden anger, devil-may-care action and impulsive sexual connection. But once you get in the driver’s seat, this square is a fantastic, life-enriching opportunity to take immediate action on your intuitive flashes and step more boldly into your authentic self-expression.
Other Aspects
Relationships are another major theme of this eclipse. The Moon is sesquare Venus, the natural ruler of relationships. The Moon is also square Juno, the asteroid goddess of committed partnership. These are both challenging aspects, so be ready to work through any difficulties that arise. A wonderful free method that has helped many couples is the 4-Part Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Process.
Some additional challenges are indicated by the Moon’s semi-sextile to Saturn. Fortunately and finally, there is one soft aspect. A Moon-Chiron sextile can make healing easier, and open the door for helpful mentoring.
Sabian Symbol
This Solar Eclipse’s Sabian Symbol is, “A council of ancestors has been called to guide a man.” This piggybacks perfectly on the aspect I just mentioned: the Moon’s sextile to Chiron, the planet of mentoring.
The Sabian Symbol mentions a man. But regardless of your gender, this is a reminder to seek guidance when you need it. If you’re qualified to be the ancestor, don’t hesitate to offer sage advice if it’s appropriate.
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July 12 Solar Eclipse
This eclipse, which is also a Cancer New Moon, powerfully supports new beginnings in emotional openness, family, home and shadow work. Shadow work (healing childhood wounds and other lingering traumas) is also emphasized by mighty Pluto, ruler of psychology, tightly opposing the luminaries.
This Solar Eclipse kicks off a powerful period when you can dive into experiential healing modalities. These can help you release the fear, pain and other challenging emotions that are stopping you from living a more joyful and wonderful life. Pluto also offers wealth and power.
A harmonious trine from Neptune to the luminaries flows divine inspiration and energy to support you in these endeavors.
August 11 Solar Eclipse
The three outer planets are called “the gods of change.” Two of them, Pluto and Neptune, point a “Finger of God” at the Sun and Moon during the August 11 Solar Eclipse. With the luminaries in Leo, you can use the potency of this Yod to energize adjustments that will let you step more fully into your leadership and creative expression. Five other aspects add more energy and meaning to this potent lunation
Today’s Sun-Mars opposition (4°8′ Leo-Aquarius) is incorporated into my eclipse interpretation above.
You can enjoy smooth, powerful amplification of your creativity as Venus trines Pluto (19°38′ Virgo-Capricorn). This trine can also empower your finances and relationships, especially if you’re willing to add a little effort.
7/30 (Mon)
Thor’s Hammer Begins: Mars-Ceres-Uranus
Breakthroughs in abundance and shadow work are energized by a Mars-Ceres-Uranus Thor’s Hammer. It begins today (7/30), peaks on 8/7 and ends on 8/14.
This challenging aspect pattern is likely to trigger challenging emotions, so have an effective shadow work process ready at hand. (Thousands have found my free Healing Invocation helpful.) Under this aspect pattern, your intuitive flashes may hold the key to enhanced prosperity.
7/31 (Tue)
Amplified prosperity and easier shadow work are supported by a Jupiter-Ceres sextile (14°1′ Scorpio-Virgo). This flowing aspect remains in orb through 8/24.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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