A Jupiter-Chiron sextile amplifies healing and mentoring, highlighting the first half of January. Jupiter is also semi-square Neptune, catalyzing inspired creativity and spiritual awakening. This half-month also features a Capricorn New Moon, a Mars-Saturn square, and Uranus turning direct!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. For bonus events, check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts — updated weekly!
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1/3 (Sun) & 1/8 (Fri)
Chiron Trine Juno
Harmonious mentoring and healing within a committed partnership — as well as breakthroughs in these areas – are supported by two persistent Juno aspects.
The longer-lasting aspect is a Chiron-Juno trine (5°6′ Aries-Sagittarius). It’s exact on 1/3, but is in orb 12/3/20 through 2/13/21.
A trine facilitates smooth, easy connection. This makes it more likely that Chiron’s more harmonious expressions – healing and mentoring — will manifest.
Since Juno represents committed partnership, this is where the healing and mentoring will show up. A committed partnership could be romantic, but could also appear in a platonic friendship or business relationship.
Even in a trine aspect, Chiron can represent old wounds and traumas. These could be from this life or past lives. The trine makes them easier to heal.
If you’d like a quick and effective shadow work tool for this type of healing, check out my free Healing Invocation. It has helped thousands clear chronically challenging emotions once and for all!
Uranus Quincunx Juno
The Chiron-Juno trine lasts for 10 weeks. For one month, from 12/24/20 thru 1/26/21, it’s augmented by a Uranus-Juno quincunx (6°44′ Taurus-Sagittarius) that’s exact on 1/8.
Juno continues to represent committed partnership. The quincunx suggests a certain awkwardness, with adjustment required. Uranus can send down intuitive hits like lightning strikes. He can also zap you with shocks and surprises, and help things happen fast!
This increases the odds of challenging catalyst within a committed partnership. But this can be exactly the stimulus that’s needed for the relationship’s greatest breakthroughs!
The chances of such a quantum leap are greatest if you use a world-class technique for relationship healing, such as Nonviolent Communication. This aspect could also support new breakthroughs in a formal mentoring relationship, or in any situation where wisdom is being shared.
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1/4 (Mon)
Jupiter Semi-square Neptune
Jupiter and Neptune form a semi-square (3°32′ Aquarius – 18°32′ Pisces) on 1/4. It’s in orb for 5-½ weeks: 12/15/20 thru 1/23/21.
This isn’t as powerful as the Jupiter-Neptune sextile that lasted through almost all of 2020. But this minor hard aspect still opens the door to numerous possibilities!
My colleague Renn Butler describes the potentials of Jupiter-Neptune aspects in his extraordinary book The Archetypal Universe: Astrological Patterns in Human Culture, Thought, Emotion and Dreams. With his permission … and because he breaks down the archetypal possibilities so expertly … I give you some of his Jupiter-Neptune descriptions from The Archetypal Universe:
Shadow Qualities
- Overoptimism, rose-colored glasses
- spaced-out, impractical idealism
- new age naïveté and gullibility
- blurred distinctions and belief in anything
- overextension
- excessive generosity
- unwise financial speculation
- illusions of easy material return
- mirages of a glorious prosperity
- fool’s gold
- self-indulgence and laziness combined with high expectations
- excessive ritual trappings and ceremony in religion
- spiritual materialism
- wholesale illusions and projections
- esoteric pretensions
- psychic inflation and grandiosity
- feelings of faith and wonder
- grand ideals and vision
- heightened intuition
- exalted dreams
- expansive inner life
- outpourings of creative expression
- dream-come-true optimism
- a feeling of being buoyed or lifted from within
- blissful states of cosmic unity
- reconnection with divine consciousness
- tolerance and forgiveness
- altruism and generosity
- broad-ranging kindness and compassion
- transcendence of factionalism
- human compassion transcending creed or affiliation
- authentic spiritual institutions
- the humanitarian safety net
- all-encompassing shifts of vision
- the re-visioning and re-enchantment of a culture
- consciousness expanding everywhere
- sacred wonders and pilgrimages
- mystical or spiritual education
Keep your focus on these “flowing” possibilities, so this Jupiter-Neptune semi-square can make your life more magical!
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1/9 (Sat)
Venus Trine Mars
Relationships, creativity and finances can flow more easily as Venus trines Mars (1°15′ Capricorn-Taurus). With Venus in Capricorn, a practical, systematic approach in these areas could give you maximum benefit.
Mars’ placement in Taurus can give you enhanced endurance. Creatively, it can help you stick with your artistic projects all the way to completion. With your lover, it invites you to slow down and spend more foreplay time on non-erogenous zones, before moving on to the more obvious pleasures.
1/11 (Mon)
Jupiter Sextile Chiron
Would you enjoy amplified opportunities for healing and mentoring? How about easier shadow work? They’re all on the table with Jupiter sextile Chiron (5°16′ Aquarius-Aries).
This is a soft aspect, but don’t be surprised if it still stirs up some unpleasant emotions. If you repress these disturbing feelings, it only guarantees that they’ll reemerge later. Instead, delegate your healing to your higher self with my free Healing Invocation. Give the powerful healer within you a chance to permanently clear those old wounds!
This sextile can also help you take your abilities as a healer and mentor to the next level. Jupiter rules foreign lands, so stay open to techniques from other countries and cultures.
This single-pass sextile came into orb on 12/6/20, and will stay in effect through 2/21/21.
1/13 (Wed)
Capricorn New Moon
January’s New Moon lines up at 00:00:11 EST (that’s 11 seconds after midnight) at 23°13′ Capricorn. This extraordinary timing continues the potent “new beginnings” theme we saw with the 12/21 Jupiter-Saturn “Great Conjunction”!
Any Capricorn New Moon is great for new beginnings or fresh energy in the areas of maturity, discipline and accomplishment. It can help you be more mature and responsible. It can support you in using your time well, and in planning and Implementing your work with optimized productivity.
Pluto Conjunction
This New Moon’s standout aspect is a tight conjunction between the luminaries and Pluto.
Pluto offers wealth and power. Wealth can be money, of course. But it can also represent anything that makes your life more wonderful. Get clear on what your wealth is. Then call it in from the universe so Pluto can give it to you!
Pluto’s power comes in two flavors. “Power over” is selfishly focused on getting what it wants. It doesn’t care about collateral damage. It isn’t concerned about who might be harmed because of its actions. Like a spoiled child, it just wants what it wants — now!
“Power with”, or “shared power”, operates at a much higher vibration. At this level, a person has already tapped into the divine stream of power within themselves. They’re overflowing with power, and don’t need to steal it from others. Quite the opposite: they’re overflowing with power, and want to share it!
If possible, they show others how to access their own internal power. This lets the circle of sharing grow ever wider, a rising tide that lifts all boats.
Pluto also rules death and rebirth. If there’s something significant you want to release, or an important change you want to make, this is a great time to do it!
Being lord of the underworld, Pluto can also catalyze shadow work. Rumi suggests that, rather than seeking love, we remove the obstacles to it. In the same way, effective shadow work removes the layers of darkness which obscure the magnificence of your own divine essence. This explains why shadow work is one of the fastest routes to spiritual awakening!
Other Aspects
Pluto’s conjunction to the Sun and Moon is more important than all the other New Moon aspects put together! But the other aspects are also worthy of our consideration.
Saturn’s loose conjunction to the luminaries reinforces the Capricorn themes already mentioned. A sextile from Neptune creates flowing, energetic opportunities for spiritual awakening and inspired creativity.
A tight Vesta trine makes it easier to support a worthy cause, especially if it doesn’t directly benefit you. And a Juno semi-square could catalyze challenge within a committed partnership — which, if skillfully handled, could help the relationship break through to a whole new level of awesomeness!
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Mars Square Saturn
Endless endurance or traffic jam? A Mars-Saturn square (3°4′ Taurus-Aquarius) could go either way.
Mars in Taurus is already set up for the long haul. Optimally, a Saturn aspect would only increase its stick-to-it-iveness.
But this depends on circumstances. Saturn’s behavior can depend on how well you’ve integrated its positive qualities.
If you’re routinely mature, responsible, and productive, Saturn tends to act like a steady wind in your sails. To the extent that you’re not demonstrating these qualities in your life, Saturn tends to show up more like a speed bump or roadblock.
But that isn’t the whole story. Sometimes Saturn shows up as an immovable object because, from your higher self’s perspective, you’re going in the wrong direction. You might be getting all frustrated, when Saturn is only trying to help you!
Then again, the opposite could be true. You could be precisely on course, but facing an important test of your commitment.
How can you tell the difference, when logic can justify either scenario? Saturn’s placement in Aquarius — sign of the intuitive flash — gives us the magic key.
Intuition comes from your higher self. It created you, and always knows your best course of action. When logic fails, intuition can always you show the way.
When an intuition pops in, you know it in your bones. In your gut. Even if you doubt it afterwards, that absolute certainty at the moment of inception lets you know that your intuition spoke.
You have free will. You can accept or reject any guidance your intuition gives you. But I invite you to think back on previous times when your intuition gave you suggested actions. Did things go better when you followed those intuitions, or when you didn’t?
I’ve asked hundreds of clients this question, and they all said that things went better when they followed their inner guidance. I’m betting that’s true for you as well. That’s why following your intuition is my suggested course of action under this Mars-Saturn square — as well as every other moment in your life!
1/14 (Thu)
Uranus Direct
Uranus stations direct today at 3:56 am EST (6°43′ Taurus). The Lord of Weird turned retrograde 5 months ago on 8/15 at 10°41′ Taurus.
Back when Uranus turned retrograde, I invited you to reflect on his three life-affirming themes:
- Are you embracing your authentic self – no matter how weird it is – and “flying your freak flag” to the world as appropriate?
- Are you following your intuitive hits? (They’re like text messages from your higher self, and are the most accurate guidance available.)
- Are you serving others, using your special gifts and talents that you most love to use?
Have you gained any insights in these areas? If so, it’s time to weave them into your life!
Planets are most powerful when they change directions. Are there sensitive points in your chart between 4° and 10° fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)? If so, watch for Uranus to destabilize whatever they represent that doesn’t serve your highest good – and to offer an awesome paradigm shift to everything that does!
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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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