A Leo New Moon, aligned with 2021’s most powerful aspect, highlights the first half of August. Several aspect patterns also add spice to the astrological stew!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
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8/2 (Mon)
Grand Trine Supports Relationship Healing
Are you in a committed partnership that could use some healing? A Grand Trine that peaks today (8/2) offers a helping hand. It includes the Sun, Juno, Chiron and the South Node. It started on 7/25 and ends on 8/10.
Juno represents committed partnership, and she’s especially powerful because she’s stationing direct just as this aspect pattern begins. (Planets are especially powerful when they change directions.) Chiron represents healing, as well as the wise counsel that could support you in this relationship healing process. (You’ll find plenty of helpful information about this in Nonviolent Communication, a field-tested process for bringing greater harmony to relationships.)
The South Node represents the old wounds and traumas being triggered by the relationship. It also shows gifts and talents you brought into this lifetime that can help you work with these challenges skillfully. Finally, the Sun in Leo asks you to bring appropriate leadership to this healing process … and possibly do some of it in a more public way.
This Grand Trine is also part of a Star of David aspect pattern that continues thru 8/8.
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8/3 (Tue)
Ready for more intuitive flashes? They’re available with Mercury square Uranus (14°41′ Leo-Taurus). This aspect connects the planet of human mind (Mercury) with the planet of divine mind (Uranus).
You can identify an intuitive hit because of the full-body knowing that arrives with it. You know it in your bones or your gut. I recommend following its guidance — it comes direct from your higher self, your most trustworthy source of guidance!
This Mercury-Uranus square can also help you think outside the box. And with Mercury in Leo, you can express yourself more dramatically!
8/4 (Wed)
T Square Peaks: Sun-Saturn-Uranus
You can step out more powerfully as a leader or entertainer as the Leo Sun is energized by Saturn and Uranus. This Sun-Saturn-Uranus T-square started on 7/27, peaks today (8/4) and ends on 8/11.
The Sun-Uranus square can help you more fully embody your authentic self, follow your intuitive hits, and serve others using your special talents that you most love to use. The Sun-Saturn opposition can help you be more mature and responsible, and can help you “plan the work and work the plan”.
The Sun also fires up the Saturn-Uranus square, 2021’s most powerful aspect!
8/8 (Sun)
Leo New Moon
A New Moon lines up at 9:50 am EDT (16°14′ Leo). Any Leo New Moon is great for new energy in your role as a leader or entertainer. It also supports new energy toward rest and recreation, children, or hanging out with your inner child.
This New Moon incorporates the Sun-Saturn-Uranus T-square I discussed in my 8/4 forecast. To borrow from what I said there, this aspect pattern’s square between Uranus and the luminaries can help you more fully embody your authentic self, follow your intuitive hits, and serve others using your special talents that you most love to use. The opposition between the luminaries and Saturn can help you be more mature and responsible, and can help you “plan the work and work the plan”.
The Sun and Moon also fire up the Saturn-Uranus square, 2021’s most powerful aspect.
Other Aspects
The Sun and Moon also have a loose Mercury conjunction. This makes this New Moon great for learning and sharing information. Mercury’s placement in Leo reinforces the idea of you doing this as a leader or entertainer.
Finally, there’s a trine between the luminaries and Chiron. This can help you more easily step forward as a healer or mentor.
If this New Moon’s hard Saturn aspects stir up shadow work, Chiron can make it easier to do effective shadow work for your personal healing. (My Healing Invocation has helped thousands do this more quickly and easily. Learn how to do it in my Free Invocation Masterclass.)

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8/9 (Mon)
You can enjoy more inspired creativity as Venus opposes Neptune (22°41′ Virgo-Pisces). This opposition can also open up a flow of intuitive guidance regarding your finances.
With Venus in Virgo, you can understand the structure of your relationships more precisely. Neptune can help wash away relationships (or aspects of them) that aren’t in your best interest. It can also bless you with deeper blending when a relationship serves highest good.
8/10 (Tue)
“Finger of God” Calls for Action
Certain types of action are supported by a Yod, a/k/a “Finger of God”, that starts today – if you make the right adjustments!
This Yod features Mars at the tip, supported by Saturn and Chiron at the back end of this narrow triangle. Mars is in Virgo, Chiron is in Aries, and Saturn is in Aquarius. It starts today (8/10), peaks on 8/15 and ends on 8/20.
One way you could use this Yod is to step out assertively as a wise healer or mentor, perhaps using unconventional methods. This Finger of God also supports doing your own inner healing work — again, possibly using non-traditional modalities. (I once again recommend the Healing Invocation from my Free Invocation Masterclass.)
Other possibilities include sexual healing, athletic mentoring, or coaching.

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Grand Trine Supports Life Purpose-Aligned Higher Cause
“It’s not just a good thing to do — it’s part of my life purpose!” Is there a worthy cause that makes you feel this way? If so, a Grand Trine peaking today (8/10) offers harmonious support for your involvement. It includes Vesta, Saturn and the North Node. It started on 7/21 and ends on 8/24.
With the North Node in Gemini, it’s a good time to learn more about this cause, or spread the word about it. Saturn can let you lay out an effective plan to fulfill its goals. Saturn’s placement in Aquarius can help you think outside the box to forward its mission.
This Grand Trine is also part of a Star of David aspect pattern that continues thru 8/8.
8/12 (Thu)
Yod #2
One Yod started two days ago, and another begins today. This one features the Sun at the tip, with Neptune and Pluto on the back end. It supports several potent possibilities if you make the right adjustments.
This Yod offers powerful support for spiritual awakening, inspired creativity and operating in flow state (Neptune). It could also inspire you with ways to accrue more wealth or power (Pluto). With the Sun in Leo, this Yod offers flowing, powerful support to help you step out as a leader or entertainer.
This Yod begins today (8/12), peaks on 8/16 and ends on 8/20.

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8/15 (Sun)
Finger of God Peaks
The Mars-Saturn-Chiron “Finger of God” (Yod) that started on 8/10 peaks today (8/15) and ends on 8/20.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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