Two aspect patterns that incorporate a challenging Saturn-Chiron square highlight the second half of May: a T-square with Mars and a Thor’s Hammer with Vesta. The most significant standalone aspects include a Jupiter-Neptune quincunx and a Saturn-Uranus trine.
This dynamic half-month also includes a Gemini New Moon, a “Finger of God”, Mars aspecting three slower planets, and much more!
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5/16 (Tue)
T-square Peaks: Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto
As I wrote on 4/18, a relationship can be an extraordinary crucible for power dynamics and transformation. These processes are potently amplified by a T-square featuring Juno, Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto. This seven-week aspect pattern began on 4/18, peaks today (5/16) and ends on 6/4.
This T-square’s apex focuses on conjoined Juno and Pluto. This highlights transformation and empowerment in committed partnership. With both planets in Capricorn, there’s an emphasis on working together efficiently and productively.
Juno and Pluto receive a square from Pallas in Aries. The planet of feminine assertiveness wants the female partner (or whoever’s usually more receptive) to stand up and make sure she’s getting as good as she’s giving.
In the T-square’s third corner, Libran Jupiter strives to maintain fairness and harmony. He also stands ready to contribute enthusiasm, joy and celebration!
If ignored or used selfishly, this T-square could fire up power plays, conflict and aggression. Used consciously for a win-win outcome, it can promote honesty, cooperation and a new level of pleasure and effectiveness in your committed partnerships.
Mercury transits Taurus thru 6/6. This supports a slow, relaxed and methodical approach to learning and communication. You can also focus your thoughts more easily on “steady Eddie” productivity, sensuality and connection to the earth.
Creative inspiration and divine connection are magically energized by a Sun-Neptune quintile (26°0′ Taurus-14°0′ Pisces). With the Sun in Taurus, embodied awakening and Law of Attraction manifestation are also made easier.
5/17 (Wed)
T-square Begins: Mars-Saturn-Chiron
Healing crisis, healing breakthrough, or both? All these are possibilities as a Mars-Saturn-Chiron T-square begins today (5/17), peaks on 5/30 and ends on 6/11.
Chiron, the planet most associated with healing, is at the focal point of this powerful aspect pattern. His placement in Pisces suggests that spiritual healing modalities might be especially effective. If challenge arises on any level – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – consider it an invitation to heal whatever the issue is. (Many people have been helped by my healing invocation.)
Challenge could be catalyzed by the squares to Chiron from Mars and Saturn. These are the two malefics (bringers of misfortune) of ancient astrology, and they can certainly roil the waters.
But they also have plenty of high-side potential. Mars can energize you with leadership, fresh energy, and the passion to rise above adversity. And Saturn can help you move to the next level of maturity, discipline, and time management, as well as planning and implementation. The more you’ve already done your personal healing work, the more Chiron can express through you in its more life-affirming ways: healer, mentor, shaman or awakener.
We could also think of Saturn and Chiron energizing Geminian Mars. This can empower you to step out with authority and wisdom as you fire people up with exciting new information!
Jupiter Quincunx Neptune
You have nearly 3 months – through 8/11 – to milk the high side of Libran Jupiter quincunx Piscean Neptune. The 150° quincunx tends to be awkward initially, but can bring planets together dynamically when you make the necessary adjustments.
This aspect can help you experience more spiritual energy in your religious practice. It can also help you imagine more vividly in the areas of religion, politics, higher education, and foreign travel. Jupiter also amplifies Neptune’s natural high side expressions of spirituality and inspired creativity.
Any astrological situation can have both high and low manifestations. With Jupiter quincunx Neptune, beware of excessive escapism, substance abuse, aimlessness, and playing the victim. Also be careful not to overextend yourself, or assume that you’re right while everybody else is wrong!
Challenge can arise with the Sun quincunx Saturn (26°30′ Taurus-Sagittarius), but the right adjustments can resolve the issue. Dogged persistence is supported with the Sun in Taurus. But make sure that you’re working smart and not just hard!
5/18 (Thu)
Healing and mentoring are strongly and harmoniously supported with the Sun sextile Chiron (28°3′ Taurus-Pisces).
5/19 (Fri)
Saturn Trine Uranus
You have 8-1/2 months to maximize the benefits of a Saturn-Uranus trine after it’s exact on 5/19. These planets have very different natural orientations, but I’ve discovered how they can play happily together. They’re in aspect through 2/2/2018.
Saturn only recognizes the material world, and excels at structuring things in that realm. But Uranus represents the mind of your higher self. I’ve found its intuitive flashes to be the most reliable source of information available.
So catch Uranus’ intuitive flashes, then assign Saturn the practical work of carrying them out. Both planets will be happy, and the more earthly planet will be properly subordinate to the more divine one.
Saturn and Uranus will find it especially easy to get along since they’re connecting by a 120° trine. This is a naturally harmonious aspect. Trines give you a certain amount of connection for free, but tend to be lazy. So what you get out of this aspect will largely depend on how much energy you put into it.
Saturn changes signs about every 2-1/2 years, and shifts from Sagittarius to Capricorn on 12/19 toward the end of this trine. Of course, Saturn is happy to structure anything at all. But while he’s still in Sagittarius, he’s especially inclined to bring structure to religion, philosophy, higher education, foreign travel … and having a good time! Once he enters Capricorn on 12/19, he adopts a more businesslike attitude. Now he orients more naturally toward maturity, responsibility, discipline and accomplishment.
The two planets of sexuality do a potentially awkward mating dance as Mars quincunxes Pluto (19°11′ Gemini-Capricorn). This could manifest as uncertainty about how to approach or relate with the object of your desire. Geminian Mars could keep you endlessly caught in your mind about how to proceed.
Take a hint from Pluto’s placement in Capricorn. Rather than give in to a rash impulse with potentially negative consequences, ask yourself what course of action will best support your long-range objectives.
Also take a look at what level of Plutonian consciousness you’re operating from. Is it the lower, me-first, power-over-others Pluto? Or is it the divinely connected, service-to-other, intuitively guided Pluto? This more evolved version is far more powerful!
Today’s Venus-Jupiter opposition (13°52′ Aries-Libra) is part of the Venus-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto T-square that peaks on 5/22 and ends on 5/29. Please read that interpretation to understand this aspect in its larger context.
5/20 (Sat)
The Sun enters Gemini at 4:31 PM EDT, broadcasting the energy of learning, communication, playfulness and variety for the next month.
5/21 (Sun)
No major astrology events.
5/22 (Mon)
T-square Peaks: Venus-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto
This T-square simply adds Venus to the existing T-square featuring Juno, Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto, which I interpreted on 5/16. This revision of that T-square’s interpretation includes Venus’ influence, and combines old and new information:
A relationship can be an extraordinary crucible for power dynamics and transformation. These processes are potently amplified by a T-square featuring Juno, Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto. This seven-week aspect pattern began on 4/18, peaked on 5/16 and ends on 6/4. Adding Venus creates a briefer Venus-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto T-square that started on 5/13, peaks today (5/22) and ends on 5/29.
The apex of the T-square with Venus still focuses on conjoined Juno and Pluto. This highlights transformation and empowerment in committed partnership. Venus also represents relationships, so this doubles down on the partnership theme. With Juno and Pluto in Capricorn, there’s an emphasis on working together efficiently and productively.
Juno and Pluto receive a square from Pallas and Venus in Aries. Pallas, the planet of feminine assertiveness, wants the female partner (or whoever’s usually more receptive) to stand up and make sure she’s getting as good as she’s giving. Venus in Aries wants the same thing!
In the T-square’s third corner, Libran Jupiter strives to maintain fairness and harmony. He also stands ready to contribute enthusiasm, joy and celebration.
A brand-new theme added by Venus in Aries is to be boldly assertive in your creative expression. No project is too big, and let no taboo inhibit your vision! This T-square can also be financially empowering if handled with courage and common sense.
If ignored or used selfishly, this T-square could fire up power plays, conflict and aggression. Used consciously for a win-win outcome, it can promote honesty, cooperation and a new level of pleasure and effectiveness in your committed partnerships.
5/23 (Tue)
Feminine assertiveness and methodical strategizing are powerfully energized by a Pluto-Pallas square (19°7′ Capricorn-Aries). The influence of this square will last another month, through 6/22. This aspect is also part of two T-squares: Venus-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto through 5/29 and Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto through 6/4.
5/24 (Wed)
No major astrology events.
5/25 (Thu)
Gemini New Moon
May’s New Moon lines up at 3:44 PM EDT (4°46′ Gemini). Like any Gemini New Moon, this is great for putting new energy into learning and sharing information. You can also cultivate more playfulness and variety in your life.
Gemini has a Peter Pan vibe. It can be associated with bisexuality and, like a rock skipping over water, favors diversity over depth.
This Full Moon aspects all four asteroid goddesses. The first is a conjunction to Ceres. This can add in her widely varying themes of abundance, sorrow, and cycles of release and return. A sextile from Vesta asks if you’re enjoying enough variety as you serve a higher cause, or if there’s more you need to learn about it to improve your service.
This New Moon receives minor hard aspects from Pluto, Juno, Venus and Pallas. Taken together, their dominant theme is relationships. Are you experiencing communication challenges with those you’re close to? (If so, I’m always eager to recommend the amazing book Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg.) If you two are stuck in a stagnant or toxic rut, how can you mix in some fresh thinking or activities?
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A radical magazine or publication, asking for action, displays a sensational front page.” Is there some revolutionary change you’re passionate about promoting? Is it time for you to stop worrying about what other people might think and speak your truth?
Today’s Venus-Pluto square (19°6′ Aries-Capricorn) is part of Venus-Juno-Pallas-Jupiter-Pluto T-square thru 5/29. Please see that interpretation to understand this aspect in its larger context.
5/26 (Fri)
No major astrology events.
5/27 (Sat)
Thor’s Hammer Begins: Vesta-Saturn-Chiron
Saturn and Chiron, already forming a T-square with Mars through 6/11, become part of a new aspect pattern today (5/27). This Thor’s Hammer features the Saturn-Chiron square on the back end, with Vesta at the apex. This Thor’s Hammer peaks on 6/6 and ends on 6/12, just one day after that T-square wraps up.
I pointed out in my T-square interpretation that this Saturn-Chiron square can bring challenge, and that healing and structure are prominent themes. Regarding Vesta, I interpret her on three levels. The first two, which always apply, are honing yourself into a finely tuned instrument of service, and serving a higher cause. The third is sex magic: using sexual energy to empower your Law of Attraction manifestations.
You can harness this Thor’s Hammer by using disciplined energy in service to a higher cause, in order to promote some sort of healing. You could offer yourself as a mentor (Chiron), or seek one for yourself to empower your service work. Sexual healing is also strongly supported.
However you use this Thor’s Hammer, note that Vesta is at the focal point in extroverted Leo. Don’t hesitate to draw appropriate attention to your cause!
Pinball thinking and excessive verbosity can be triggered by an unregulated Mercury-Jupiter quincunx (13°27′ Taurus-Libra). If so, do a mental downshift – Mercury is in take-your-time Taurus – and drive your brain in the slow lane. This adjustment can help you process all this mental stimulation at a manageable rate.
5/28 (Sun)
Your inner guidance can speak to you strong, smooth and clear with Mercury sextile Neptune (14°9′ Taurus-Pisces). You can also enjoy more inspired creativity … not just in the creation of art, but in all areas of life. With Mercury in chill-pill Taurus, go as slow as necessary to hear the voice of the stillness.
5/29 (Mon)
On its own, a Mars-Saturn opposition (25°44′ Gemini-Sagittarius) could suppress your libido, throw up roadblocks to your leadership, and make you feel like you’re driving with the brakes on. But consciously harnessed, this aspect could bless you with Energizer Bunny endurance, authoritative leadership and enhanced sexual stamina. With Mars in Gemini, don’t just go through the same old motions — enjoy some variety!
5/30 (Tue)
T-square Peaks: Mars-Saturn-Chiron
The Mars-Saturn-Chiron T-square that started on 5/17 peaks today (5/30) and wraps up on 6/11.
Taking immediate action on your intuitive flashes is a great way to use a Mars-Uranus sextile (25°57′ Gemini-Aries). Geminian Mars may especially enjoy outlets such as writing, speaking and other forms of communication. Catch the inspiration while it’s hot!
5/31 (Wed)
Speaking the truth plainly and clearly is supported with Mercury trine Pluto (19°0′ Taurus-Capricorn). This aspect also supports research and investigation, as long as you don’t get in a hurry.
Inspirations on healing and mentoring can pop out of the blue with the Sun quintile Chiron (10°27′ Gemini-28°27′ Pisces). With the Sun in Gemini, all your mental activity can be blessed with a sprinkling of pixie dust!
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
5/16, 6:22 AM – 1:50 PM, Aquarius
5/18, 8:33 PM – 11:52 PM, Pisces
5/20, 11:39 PM – 5/21, 6:11 AM, Aries
5/23, 2:59 AM – 8:33 AM, Taurus
5/24, 3:08 PM – 5/25, 8:15 AM, Gemini
5/27, 2:18 AM – 7:24 AM, Cancer
5/29, 2:59 AM – 8:12 AM, Leo
5/31, 7:14 AM – 12:16 PM, Virgo
Whatever your Sun Sign, AstroShaman’s forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least several days before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart.
Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me. Learn more about my Astrology+ sessions.
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