The second half of May features a mentally stimulating Gemini New Moon and a Grand Trine that supports committed partnership. We also have an inspiring Venus-Neptune square, an action-oriented Mars-Uranus sextile, and more!
This forecast covers the most important astrological events. Would you like my interpretations of other astrological events in this time frame? Then check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and my YouTube video forecasts — updated weekly!
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5/16 (Sat)
Committed Partnership Grand Trine
A Grand Trine offering opportunities for committed partnership begins today (5/16), peaks on 5/24 and ends on 6/1. It includes the Sun, Juno, Pallas Athena and Saturn.
Juno represents committed partnership. The Gemini Sun represents you, as well as the mental energy and communication you contribute to this relationship.
Saturn offers stability and maturity, while its Aquarian placement could inspire innovative ideas for improving the partnership. And Pallas Athena, also in brilliant Aquarius, can help you be strategic in co-creating a more wonderful “new normal” for this relationship.
The Grand Trine itself is an aspect pattern of easy, harmonious connection. It gives a certain amount of ease for free. But it creates the most benefit when you “mine the trine” with clear intention and consistent effort.
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5/17 (Sun)
You can enjoy steady vitality with the Taurean Sun trine Jupiter (27°13′ Taurus-Capricorn). This easy-flowing aspect can also support financial abundance, enhanced sensuality and simply relaxing in nature.
5/20 (Wed)
The Sun enters Gemini at 9:49 AM EDT. Learning, communication and playfulness get extra support for the next month.
Be sure to get enough variety: Gemini can be like a stone skipping across the surface of a pond. Gemini also supports connecting with neighbors and siblings, as well as local travel … as much as social distancing allows, anyway! :-)
Your muse may not take no for an answer with Venus square Neptune (20°39′ Gemini-Pisces). Venus is the artist, Neptune is divine inspiration, and a square insists on “turning a corner”.
This aspect can also make it easier to deepen your relationship with your divine self and perceive the divine in the world around you. With Venus in Gemini, creative writing is supported, as well as a variety of creative outlets.
Hard aspects can also bring challenge. Try not to fall under the spell of someone trying to talk you into something that wouldn’t serve your highest good. And don’t go overboard on sensual indulgence. It might be better to mindfully measure out a small portion of ice cream, instead of distractedly wolfing down the entire carton!
5/22 (Fri)
Gemini New Moon
May’s New Moon lines up at 1:39 PM EDT (2°4′ Gemini). Any Gemini New Moon is great for new beginnings or fresh energy in the same themes I covered in my 5/20 forecast for the Sun entering Gemini. These include learning, communication, variety, connecting with neighbors and siblings, and local travel.
Grand Trine
The Moon and Sun form a Grand Trine with Juno, Pallas Athena, Jupiter and Saturn. The luminaries also square Mars and Ceres.
Jupiter and Mars give you extra energy for the Gemini themes already mentioned. The Mars-Ceres conjunction that squares the luminaries could catalyze some shadow work. But it can also fire up opportunities for enhanced abundance!
The Grand Trine offers harmonious support for your committed partnerships, especially if you’re strategic and diplomatic. Can you inject some fresh ideas into a relationship to encourage its growth … in a practical and structured way?
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “The charming court life at the Garden of the Tuileries in Paris.”
In this time of social distancing, we’re doing more of our social intercourse via online tools like Zoom. We can add in a cool virtual background, but chances are that our homes will be a bit less magnificent than the Tuileries!
Still, our need for human connection remains. Are you choosing to connect with virtual groups that are more charming than challenging? Can you all work together to create a virtual gathering place that’s as delightful as possible?

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5/25 (Mon)
We live in a world teeming with “alternate truths”. The days of trusted central authority are slipping away.
Fortunately, there’s one source of information you can trust absolutely: your own intuitive flashes. And with today’s Mars-Uranus sextile (8°12′ Pisces-Taurus), it’s easier to take immediate action (Mars) on these “text messages from God” (Uranus).
This sextile also makes it easier to take an innovative approach to Martian activities such as being the warrior, pioneer, sexual being or entrepreneur. With Mars in Pisces, you may also be inspired to take an unusual approach to spirituality or creativity.
5/29 (Fri)
All sorts of learning and mentoring are supported by a Sun-Chiron sextile (8°39′ Gemini-Aries). Take advantage of this smooth, energetic aspect to dish out or absorb helpful information!

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Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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