Jupiter entering mysterious Scorpio and a fiery Aries Full Moon highlight the first half of October. Relationship healing is supported by loads of aspects and aspect patterns. And Uranus and Neptune formalize a three-year agreement to support your accelerated spiritual awakening!
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10/1 (Sun)
You can smoothly combine abundant power with precision as Mars trines Pluto (16°51′ Virgo-Capricorn). With Mars in Virgo, this energy can be easily directed for healing or service to others. This trine also supports sacred sex – focus on the details!
This trine is part of the Venus-Mars-Pallas-Neptune-Pluto Kite that continues thru 10/7.
10/2 (Mon)
T-square begins: Venus-Saturn-Chiron
Are you ready to heal some of those sticky issues in your key relationships? The pump is primed by a Venus-Saturn-Chiron T-square that starts today (10/2), peaks on 10/9 and ends on 10/16. Two resources that may help you: the book Nonviolent Communication, 3rd Edition by Marshall Rosenberg, and my free Healing Invocation.
10/3 (Tue)
Kite Peaks: Venus-Mars-Pallas Athena-Neptune-Pluto
A Kite I already interpreted peaks today (10/3) and ends on 10/7. It includes Venus, Mars, Pallas Athena, Neptune and Pluto.
I wrote about this Kite in my 9/16 forecast, because it’s virtually identical to the Mercury-Mars-Pallas-Neptune-Pluto Kite that begins then.
You can enjoy creative inspiration and productivity as the Libran Sun quintiles Saturn (10°23′ Libra-22°23′ Sagittarius). This magical aspect can also give you new ideas on how to structure your relationships more wonderfully.
If a relationship is already awesome, you can enjoy more of what’s great as Venus trines Pluto (16°51′ Virgo-Capricorn). If transformation is needed, you can make it happen more easily under this aspect. Your creative juju is also amplified … use it to capture your initial inspirations or fine-tune your masterpieces.
This trine is part of the Venus-Mars-Pallas-Neptune-Pluto Kite then continues thru 10/7.
10/4 (Wed)
Some will be tempted by substance abuse and excessive escapism as the Sun quincunxes Neptune (12°4′ Libra-Pisces). Aimless drifting and playing the victim could also be dark temptations.
Put this aspect to better use by focusing on spiritual awakening practices and expressing your creative inspirations. The people you hang out with can influence you for better or worse under this aspect. Choose wisely!
10/5 (Thu)
Aries Full Moon
A Full Moon appears in broad daylight, at least in the USA, at 2:40 PM EDT (12°42′ Aries). Any Aries Full Moon is a great time to look at how you’re working with assertiveness, expressing sexuality, or striving for a worthy cause. How are you doing with entrepreneurship and exercise? This is the time for appropriate adjustment or release in these areas.
This Full Moon is part of a five-planet T-square. Besides the Sun and Moon, this aspect pattern also includes Mercury, Vesta and Pluto. Ways to work with this combination include:
- Energize your learning and communication. With Mercury in Libra, this can be done harmoniously and creatively.
- Pluto’s square to the luminaries invites you to embrace personal transformation. Pluto can also enhance your wealth and power, and can support your work as a catalyst for positive change.
- Devote time and energy to serving a higher cause (Vesta). With Mercury conjunct Vesta, this might involve promotion, sales or other persuasive communication.
- With Aries, Pluto and Vesta in the mix, sex magic is supported. This simply involves holding the vision of what you’re hoping to manifest – which might have nothing to do with sex – as you experience arousal and orgasm.
Other aspects
A Neptune-Moon semi-sextile can subtly energize your ability to experience deeper states of awakening, and enhance your creative inspiration. Another semi-sextile, between the Moon and Pallas Athena, invites you to step more definitively into your feminine assertiveness and strategic planning abilities.
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A bomb which failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery.” These days, this symbol is likely to summon thoughts of terrorism. However, a more helpful way to interpret this “bomb” is to look inward at our unhealed emotions.
In this context, the bomb not exploding means that you didn’t have a complete emotional meltdown or rage out of control. But “safely hidden” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s defused!
As much as we might wish otherwise, challenging emotions don’t magically disappear when we repress them. They fester and rot within us, and can lead to serious emotional, psychological and physical maladies if left unhealed.
If you’d like a powerful healing technique you can do on your own, try my free Healing Invocation. Near the end of its post, I link to a second powerful self-healing tool, and also point you to other powerful shadow work resources.
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Relationships and creativity are energized by a Venus-Mars conjunction (19°12′ Virgo). With both planets in Virgo, focus on small improvements. They can make a big difference!
This conjunction is part of the Venus-Mars-Pallas-Neptune-Pluto Kite then continues thru 10/7.
Creative writing and harmonious communication receive inspiration and stability with Mercury quintile Saturn (10°32′ Libra-22°32′ Sagittarius).
10/6 (Fri)
Inspired thinking and an easy flow of divine information are available with Mercury quincunx Neptune (12°2′ Libra-Pisces) – if you make the right adjustment. Here, that means asking your inner wisdom for its input … and staying quiet enough to receive it!
10/7 (Sat)
You have almost three years to experience accelerated spiritual awakening with Uranus semi-square Neptune (27°1′ Aries-12°1′ Pisces). This aspect also supports revolutionary creativity and easy-flowing intuition. This powerful aspect started warming up in the spring of 2017, and will continue all the way through June of 2020!
10/8 (Sun)
It’s time for a reality check on your relationships with Venus square Saturn (22°40′ Virgo-Sagittarius). (This book can help you communicate more effectively when challenging issues are on the table.) This aspect is also great for scrutinizing your finances or perfecting your creative works in progress.
This Venus-Saturn square is also part of the Venus-Saturn-Chiron T-square that continues through 10/16.
Pleasant learning and harmonious communication are supported by a Sun-Mercury conjunction (15°45′ Libra). This aspect is part of the Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto T-square that runs 10/10 through 10/15.
10/9 (Mon)
T-square Peaks: Venus-Saturn-Chiron
The Venus-Saturn-Chiron T-square that started on 10/2 peaks today (10/9) and ends on 10/16.
Personal transformation and empowerment are supported by a Sun-Pluto square (16°53′ Libra-Capricorn). This aspect also energizes no-holds-barred creativity and taking relationships to the next level.
This square is part of two T-squares that begin tomorrow (10/10): Sun-Uranus-Pluto and Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto.
10/10 (Tue)
Jupiter enters Scorpio
Jupiter enters Scorpio today, where he’ll stay for about 13 months – through 11/8/18. During this transit, Jupiter amplifies all things Scorpio! These include:
- any relationship involving shared resources
- sexual relationships
- sacred sex
- occult activities such as astrology, numerology, psychic perception and mediumship
- investments, insurance and inheritance
- death and rebirth on all levels: physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual
- shadow work
You can also experience the transformation and empowerment of everything associated with Jupiter. These themes include:
- religion
- philosophy
- the meaning of life
- adventure
- foreign travel
- higher learning
- the guru, philosopher, professor or sage
- enthusiasm, joy and celebration!
Energy follows attention. If any of these areas excite you, dive in!
Thor’s Hammer Begins: Ceres-Saturn-Chiron
Get ready to do some serious shadow work as a Ceres-Saturn-Chiron Thor’s Hammer begins. It starts today (10/10), peaks on 10/24 and ends on 11/13.
Chiron, the wounded healer, specializes in shadow work. Ceres can represent old unhealed sorrows. And Saturn is the stern taskmaster who urges you to fire up your courage and get on with the important work – even when it’s difficult.
Every old psychological wound that you face and heal deepens your spiritual awakening. This allows you to walk in the world with greater harmony, ease, grace and flow. You may find my free healing invocation helpful in this process.
This Thor’s Hammer can also support your work as a mentor and healer, as you help others process their own challenging psychological material.
T-square Begins: Sun-Uranus-Pluto
You have 11 days to experience big change fast during a Sun-Uranus-Pluto square. It starts today (10/10), peaks on 10/14 and ends on 10/20. With the Sun in Libra, you can put special focus on injecting revolutionary transformation into your relationships and creativity.
T-square Begins: Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto
This T-square simply adds Libran Mercury to the Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square that also starts today. However, this enhanced T-square only lasts half as long: after kicking off today (10/10), it peaks on 10/12 and ends on 10/15.
Mercury expands the prior T-square’s interpretation to include learning and communication. You can share information in a way that’s simultaneously transformational, revolutionary and harmonious. Breakthrough thinking and creative writing are also stimulated.
You can enjoy detailed, finely focused mentoring as Venus opposes Chiron (25°36′ Virgo-Pisces). This aspect can also help you see exactly how to bring healing to challenged relationships.
This aspect can also amplify your desire to serve others. Just be sure that you’re experiencing your service as a pleasure, not a burden.
This Venus-Chiron opposition is part of the Venus-Saturn-Chiron T-square that continues through 10/16.
10/11 (Wed)
Do you feel like you’re spinning your tires in the mud, or are you moving forward unstoppably like the Energizer Bunny? With Mars square Saturn (22°55′ Virgo-Sagittarius), it could go either way.
If you’re feeling stuck, would it help to work out a more detailed plan of action (Mars in Virgo)? Are you sure you’re on the correct path, or would it help to reconsider the direction you’re taking?
If you’re cruising along smoothly, it probably means that you’re on the right track – at least for now. Both planets are in mutable signs, so be ready to shift gears at any time!
This Mars-Saturn square is part of the Mars-Saturn-Chiron T-square that continues through 10/29.
As if we haven’t already had enough astrology events signifying relationship transformation in October, here’s another one: Venus quincunx Uranus (26°50′ Virgo-Aries). See if you and your partner can get clear on what your bottom-line needs are, and precisely identify any ways in which they’re not being met. Then brainstorm to explore how both of your needs can be honored.
10/12 (Thu)
T-square Begins: Ceres-Pallas-Jupiter
Enhanced abundance is available from a Ceres-Pallas-Jupiter T-square that begins today (10/12), peaks on 10/24 ends on 11/6. Wealth is indicated by the harvest goddess Ceres, as well as Jupiter (expansion) in Scorpio (great wealth).
The key to unlocking it? The asteroid goddess Pallas, representing feminine assertiveness and strategic planning. Pallas is even in Taurus – the sign of money!
T-squares can be challenging, so you may need to overcome some obstacles on your way to increased prosperity. And remember that astrology is archetypally predictive, not concretely predictive. This means that no particular outcome can be guaranteed … but focusing on the reality you desire makes it more likely to manifest!

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T-square peaks: Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto
The Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto T-square that started on 10/10 peaks today (10/12) and ends on 10/15.
You can enjoy more solid and productive thinking, learning and communication as Mercury sextiles Saturn (23°1′ Libra-Sagittarius).
10/13 (Fri)
T-square Peaks: Mars-Saturn-Chiron
If this October seems unusually challenging, it could be partly because of a Mars-Saturn-Chiron T-square. This no-nonsense aspect pattern began on 9/30, peaks today (10/13) and ends on 10/29.
As I wrote on 9/30, all three of these planets are known for their intensity. This could manifest as physical health challenges or the triggering of old emotional wounds. These could create difficulties with assertiveness, leadership or sexuality.
When harnessed consciously and positively, this T-square can support deep healing of these issues. Tremendous power is available for healing all kinds of old wounds!
10/14 (Sat)
T-square peaks: Sun-Uranus-Pluto
The Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square that started on 10/10 peaks today (10/14) and ends on 10/20.
Venus transits Libra, a sign that she rules, today (10/14) through 11/6. Have fun relating and creating!
10/15 (Sun)
Today’s Mars-Chiron opposition (25°25′ Virgo-Pisces) is part of the Mars-Saturn-Chiron T-square that peaked on 10/13. To understand this aspect in its larger context, see that interpretation.
Great ideas and intuitive downloads are stimulated by a Mercury-Uranus opposition (26°42′ Libra-Aries). Mercury rules the logical human mind, while Uranus represents flashes of intuitive knowing. Divine intelligence is infinitely smarter than even the most brilliant human brain, so ask your intuition for guidance every chance you get!
This Mercury-Uranus opposition is part of the Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto T-square that ends today.
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
10/2, 7:13 AM – 10:26 AM, Pisces
10/4, 3:19 AM – 4:40 PM, Aries
10/6, 6:38 PM – 7:56 PM, Taurus
10/8, 9:45 AM – 9:44 PM, Gemini
10/10, 6:24 PM – 11:38 PM, Cancer
10/12, 11:59 PM – 10/13, 2:41 AM, Leo
10/15, 1:27 AM – 7:19 AM, Virgo
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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