A potently aspected Aries Full Moon brings intense challenge and opportunity to the second half of October. We also have Jupiter and Mercury turning direct on the same day, the Sun entering Scorpio, and 4 new aspect patterns!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
10/16 (Sat)
Revolutionize your Communication with a Double Yod Key
A rare aspect pattern invites you to revolutionize your communication starting today (10/16). This Double Yod Key includes Mercury, Venus, Pallas Athena and Uranus. It peaks on 10/18 and ends on 10/24.
Mercury and Venus represent relating and communicating. This interaction can happen harmoniously, thanks to Mercury’s placement in balance-loving Libra and Uranus’ placement in stable Taurus.
Venus in Sagittarius invites you to relate with others adventurously, while Uranus invite you to think outside the box and try a different approach to communicating. (If there’s tension in the air, Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication technique could provide just the breakthrough you need!)
Mercury, Venus and Uranus form one Yod, also known as a “Finger of God”. But a Double Yod Key is formed by two interlinked Yods.
The second Yod also has Mercury and Uranus, but adds Pallas Athena. The warrior goddess invites you to be appropriately assertive in creating these helpful relational shifts. She also invites you to bring her other gifts to the party, including diplomacy, negotiation and mediation.
A Venus-Jupiter quintile (10°19′ Sagittarius-22°19′ Aquarius) is like fairy dust in the air. It can magically support creating, relating and finance. With Venus in Sagittarius, dare to think big in these areas! (But be sure to exercise due diligence, especially in money matters.)
Venus also sextiles Mercury today (10°21′ Sagittarius-Libra). I described this aspect’s harmonizing potential for relationships in my interpretation of the Double Yod Key above.
10/17 (Sun)
Embrace intensity, transformation and shadow work as the Sun squares Pluto (24°20′ Libra-Capricorn). With the Sun in Libra, this potent energy of change may also impact your relationships and creativity. Like all Sun-Pluto aspects, this square could also amplify your wealth and power!
10/18 (Mon)
Jupiter and Mercury turn Direct … Plus 3 Aspect Patterns!
Not only do both Jupiter and Mercury turn direct today, but we have a new aspect pattern starting and two more peaking. OMG!
Let’s start with …
Jupiter Direct
Jupiter turned retrograde about 4 months ago, on 6/20 (2°11′ Pisces). He turns direct today (10/18) at 1:30 am EDT (22°19′ Aquarius).
Jupiter is our solar system’s biggest gas giant, and has a correspondingly large number of meanings:
- expansion
- religion, philosophy and the meaning of life
- higher education
- being an advanced student
- being a professor, philosopher, guru or other wisdom giver
- foreign lands and influences
- long distance travel
- quests and adventures
- exuberance and enthusiasm
- joy and celebration!
Did you gain fresh insights in any of these areas as Jupiter moved backwards in the sky? Are there some you want to adjust, increase or decrease? Now that Jupiter is direct, it’s a great time to begin taking action in any of these areas.
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Mercury Direct
Mercury started its most recent retrograde on 9/27 (25°28′ Libra), and wraps it up today at 11:17 am (10°7′ Libra).
Mercury was retrograde entirely within Libra. In my 9/27 Mercury retrograde forecast, I encouraged you to contemplate the areas of flow and challenge in all your important relationships.
Which connections are fine as they are? Which are so awesome that they deserve more time and energy? Which are so toxic that you should completely release them? Which need healing?
I also invited you to think about how you’re expressing yourself creatively. Are you firing on all cylinders? Would you be happier if you devoted more time to painting, music, dance or some other artistic expression?
Libra’s symbol is the scales, so it also represents balance. Do you have appropriate balance in your life, in areas such as professional versus personal, work versus play?
Finally, Libra loves to appreciate the arts. Are you getting enough enjoyment from the creative expression of others? And is the creativity you’re consuming having a positive effect on your life?
In my Mercury retrograde forecast, I also mentioned two tight aspects Mercury made as it turned retrograde: a Pluto square and a Jupiter trine. If you’re open to putting any of those energies into gear, click here to learn more.
Direct Yourself Forward
Did you delay any major new beginnings while Mercury was retrograde, such as a major purchase or contract signing? If so, Mercury’s direction is no longer a limiting factor. (Significant new beginnings tend to work out best when initiated during a waxing moon. So it will give you an edge if you can get the ball rolling before the Full Moon on 10/20, or wait for another waxing moon period.)
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Thor’s Hammer Energizes Shadow Work and Abundance
Psychological healing and abundance are linked more closely than most people realize. Both potentials are amped up with a Mars-Ceres-Pluto Thor’s Hammer that starts today, peaks on 10/23 and ends on 10/31.
Ceres and Pluto both carry the energies of psychological healing, which Carl Jung called “shadow work”. Both planets can also give wealth. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, rules buried treasures such as minerals, oil and natural gas. Grain goddess Ceres rules the harvest above ground.
A Thor’s Hammer is made of hard and semi-hard aspects. So don’t be surprised if you have some challenging emotions come up. Mars, whose meanings include war and aggression, may not be on his best behavior.
You can’t neglect healing if you want the greatest wealth. Unhealed wounds and traumas block the inflow of divine energy, which delivers wealth as part of its bounty. The more you heal your psychological pain once and for all, the more easily wealth and power will bless your life.
Remember that, while wealth can be money, it can also be anything that makes life better. And power can be used to dominate others … or can be the rising tide that lifts all boats!
For a quick, simple and effective tool that can help you heal your traumas, check out the Healing Invocation in my Free Invocation Masterclass.
Double Yod Key Peaks
The Double Yod Key that started on 10/16 peaks today (10/18) and ends on 10/24.
Peaking Kite Provides Mental Boost
How about a mental boost? It’s all yours, thanks to a Kite that includes Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Chiron. It started on 10/9, peaks today (10/18) and ends on 10/28.
Mercury is the planet of mind, and encompasses the themes of learning, teaching and communication. Chiron rules the educational theme of mentoring.
Saturn adds discipline and regularity, while Ceres offers abundance in all these areas. A Kite is a harmonious aspect pattern, which helps all this come together more easily than usual.
10/20 (Wed)
Aries Full Moon: Get Ready for Intensity!
When I look at the chart for today’s Aries Full Moon, I see red … literally! This lunation is loaded with hard and semi-hard aspects. But its challenges can bring opportunity if you use them skillfully.
For starters, any Aries Full Moon is great for release and adjustment in several areas. These include being the warrior, pioneer and initiator, as well as the entrepreneur and sexual being.
The main reason this Aries Full Moon is so intense is a T-square with the Moon, Sun, Mars and Pluto.
It’s hard to overstate just how intense this T-square is! Mars embodies all the Aries energies I’ve already mentioned. With all these planets tied together by hard aspects, stay alert for the more difficult manifestations of this archetype. These could include anger, war, rape or other kinds of cruelty or violence. During the two weeks of this waning moon, do your best to steer clear of situations where these challenging possibilities could manifest.
But even the hardest aspects can be mined for positive possibilities. The more you have faced and healed your own wounds and traumas, the easier this becomes.
So this T-square could help you step out as a potent leader with strong interpersonal skills. It could supercharge your creativity.
You could enjoy amazing sex, and might even experience the ecstatic light-body blending of sacred sex. You could take anything that would get a boost from assertiveness to the next level.
Other Aspects
The Moon’s Venus sesquare and Ceres semi-square could trigger relationship challenge. This might include maternal or family issues. The Moon’s Pallas Athena semi-square suggests using diplomacy, negotiation or mediation to harmonize any such conflicts that arise.
There is one harmonious aspect in this Full Moon chart: a Moon-Juno trine. This supports easier relating in your committed partnerships, and can offset some of this lunation’s more challenging relational aspects.
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10/22 (Fri)
Today’s challenging Mars-Pluto square (24°22′ Libra-Capricorn) is at the heart of my 10/20 Full Moon forecast. Please see that interpretation to learn more about this potent aspect!
10/23 (Sat)
Sun Enters Scorpio
The Sun enters Scorpio at 12:51 am EDT. For the next month, a variety of energies will be more prominent.
Transformation is a central Scorpio theme. Death and rebirth processes, especially those that are emotional or shamanic, are highlighted. It’s a good time to have effective shadow work processes ready, such as the Healing Invocation in my Free Invocation Masterclass!
Wealth is also a Scorpio theme. This could be lots of money, or anything that you value. Anything that makes your life better, tangible or intangible, could count as wealth.
Another Scorpio theme is power. This comes in two basic flavors. “Power over” is all about domination, control and manipulation. “Shared power” is exercised by those who have found their power internally, and want to help others find theirs as well.
Sex, another Scorpio theme, also has two basic levels. The first is simple lust, the raw physical desire for sexual pleasure and orgasm. The second is sacred or Tantric sex. This operates at a much higher level of ecstasy, made possible by the conscious blending of your light bodies.
Scorpio also rules the occult. Occult simply means “hidden”, and in metaphysical terms refers to what’s beyond the five senses. It need not be dark or creepy. Occult practices include astrology, tarot, energy healing, mediumship, and psychic abilities.
As you can see, Scorpio has a lot of themes. Choose the ones that most excite you and dive in!
Thor’s Hammer Peaks
The Mars-Ceres-Pluto Thor’s Hammer that started on 10/18 peaks today (10/23) and ends on 10/31.
10/26 (Tue)
Challenging T-square Begins
The Sun entered Scorpio on 10/23. This Scorpio energy becomes even more intense as the Sun forms a T-square with Saturn and Uranus. This challenging aspect pattern starts today (10/26), peaks on 11/1 and ends on 11/9.
In addition to amplifying the effects of the Scorpio Sun, the Sun also energizes the ongoing Saturn-Uranus Square! This square is the most important aspect of 2021, and lasts the entire year and then some. Learn about its many potential manifestations here.
10/26 (Tue) & 10/28 (Thu)
Venus connects with two slower planets over the course of two days. She starts with a Venus-Neptune square (20°44′ Sagittarius-Pisces) on 10/26, then follows up with a Venus-Jupiter sextile (22°30′ Sagittarius-Aquarius) on 10/28.
On the challenging side, the Venus-Neptune square could correlate with someone trying to deceive or gaslight you. Or you might be tempted to view a relationship through rose-colored glasses, ignoring important danger signs. Also beware of excessive indulgence, especially with Venus in endlessly expansive Sagittarius.
In more positive territory, Venus is the artist and Neptune is divine inspiration. So this is a great time to work on your creative projects! From another perspective, Venus is relationship and Neptune is divine consciousness. How much time can you spare to merge more deeply with your spiritual essence, or perceive the divine in everything around you?
One effect of the Venus-Jupiter sextile will be to amplify all this, since Jupiter tends to expand whatever’s happening. The square is also the stronger aspect. This is because a square is more potent than a sextile. Also, transpersonal planets like Neptune carry more spiritual weight than social planets like Jupiter.
Still, the Venus-Jupiter sextile carries plenty of upside potential. It can bring good fortune and positive expansion to relationships, creativity and finance.
Venus is in Sagittarius, the sign that carries the same meanings as Jupiter, so this adds an extra layer of opportunity. Click here for a detailed list of these opportunities in the “Jupiter Direct” forecast above.
10/28 (Thu)
10 Days of Shadow Work?
A Yod that starts today could catalyze whatever psychological healing most serves you. This “Finger of God” aspect pattern peaks on 11/1 and ends on 11/6. It has the Scorpio Sun at the tip, and Ceres and Chiron on the back end.
Psychological healing, a/k/a shadow work, is a common theme of all three planets. The Sun is in Scorpio, the sign most associated with trauma. Ceres is the grain goddess who wept inconsolably when Pluto (Sorpio’s modern ruler) abducted her daughter Persephone to the underworld. And Chiron is the Wounded Healer.
Though undeniably challenging, this is a tremendous opportunity if you use it skillfully. For most people, effective shadow work is the fastest route to deeper spiritual awakening.
This is supported by the concept of the “Great Onion of Consciousness”. This starts with the idea that you already have a fundamental self that’s fully awakened. However, the unhealed wounds and traumas you accumulate over many lifetimes form dark layers. These shroud this perfect core of light.
This forms the “Great Onion of Consciousness”. The divine light at the core is so bright that some of it still shines through to you. If you want to receive more of this light – resulting in deeper spiritual awakening — you need to peel the layers of the onion. And this means facing and healing your old wounds and traumas.
Having effective shadow work tools can make this process much easier. One technique that’s help thousands do shadow work more quickly and effectively — because it delegates it to your higher self — is my Healing Invocation. Learn how to do it in my Free Invocation Masterclass!
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10/30 (Sat)
Today’s Sun-Saturn square (7°11′ Scorpio-Aquarius) is part of the Sun-Saturn-Uranus T-square that started on 10/26. Check out that interpretation to understand this square in that larger context.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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