A strong Taurus Lunar Eclipse features aspects empowering learning and communication in November’s second half. Another major event is the final exact alignment of this year’s #2 aspect, a Saturn-Chiron sextile. We also have Mars opposing Uranus, the Sun entering Sagittarius, and much more!
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
11/17 (Wed)
I could interpret today’s Mars-Uranus opposition (12°15′ Scorpio-Taurus) by itself, but it wouldn’t do it justice. That’s because these two planets are part of a Mars-Saturn-Uranus T-square that continues through 11/26. To interpret these two planets without considering Saturn would give an incomplete picture of the situation.
Here’s my interpretation of the Mars-Saturn-Uranus T-square.
Ready to heal some old traumas once and for all? You’ve got support from a Jupiter-Chiron semi-square that peaks today and remains in orb (close enough to connect) thru 12/14.
This minor hard aspect can also energize your gifts as a healer or wisdom-giver. Chiron’s placement in Aries can give you the fire and enthusiasm to work on all this. Jupiter’s Aquarian placement favors breakthroughs and unconventional approaches.
For a fast, easy and effective technique for emotional healing, check out the Healing Invocation in my Free Invocation Masterclass.
11/18 (Thu)
Ready for magical passion and power? It’s yours for the taking as Mars quintiles Pluto (12°45′ Scorpio-24°45′ Capricorn). This fairy dust aspect can inspire you in any Martian expression, including warrior, pioneer, entrepreneur and sexual being.
But this aspect most potently energizes the shared themes of Scorpio and Pluto. These include occult practices, sacred sex, shamanism, and death-and-rebirth transformation. You can also amplify wealth and power.
This quintile lasts through 11/24, then transitions into a Mars-Pluto sextile that lasts through 12/18. This sextile doesn’t have quite the magic of the quintile, but still provides flowing, energetic support for all these themes!
11/19 (Fri)
Taurus Lunar Eclipse
We have two eclipses this fall: a Lunar Eclipse on 11/19 and a Solar Eclipse on 12/4. Of the two, the Lunar Eclipse will be more potent, because of its aspects and tight alignment with the lunar nodes.
To start with the basics, a Lunar Eclipse is also a Full Moon. Any Taurus Full Moon is great for release or adjustments in your resources, finances and self-esteem. Would it help you to change how much time you’re spending in nature, enjoying your five senses, or just being? How about appropriate perseverance, balanced with timely release?
A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon on steroids. The influence of a normal Full Moon lasts for two weeks. But the energies of a Lunar Eclipse endure for six months!
The Sun and Moon are about 4-1/2 degrees from the lunar nodes. That’s pretty tight, and is one reason why this eclipse carries significant power.
A T-square potently influences this Lunar Eclipse. It includes the luminaries, Jupiter, and Mercury.
Mercury and Jupiter share the common theme of learning and communication. Mercury is like a beat reporter who just tells you what happened, while Jupiter is like an editorial page writer who reveals its deeper meaning.
Mercury is in Scorpio, energizing your intellect to probe, investigate, and dive deep. Jupiter’s in Aquarius, inviting you to think outside the box, catch intuitive insights, and exercise your inner genius!
This Lunar Eclipse interpretation continues below.

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Other Aspects
A tight Moon-Pluto trine can help you step into more wealth and power. This smooth, harmonious aspect also supports occult practices, sacred sex, and effective shadow work.
A nearly exact Moon-Venus sesquare could bring challenge in the areas of relationship, creativity or finance. But managing any such difficulty skillfully can help you end up better off than before!
Finally, the Moon opposes Vesta. How would it serve highest good to make adjustments in any selfless service you’re giving?
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian Symbol for this Lunar Eclipse is, “A woman in middle life stands in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, in unexpected recovery of romance.” If appropriate, may this literally come to pass for you!
Whether or not you’re a woman in middle life, this symbol invites you to remember your forgotten charms … which could be gifts or talents in any area of life. And, as Rumi expressed so passionately in his God-besotted poetry, one can also have an intoxicating romance with the divine!
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11/21 (Sun)
The Sun enters Sagittarius at 9:34 pm EST. For the next month, you can enjoy the many manifestations of Sagittarius more deeply and easily.
You can dive more deeply into higher education, formal or self-guided, as a student. You can also bless others as a professor, philosopher, guru, or other wisdom-giver.
Sagittarius rules foreign travel. This could mean a physical excursion. But with today’s technologies, other countries and cultures can easily come to you! Anything foreign to you, even from within your own country or culture, could fall within this idea.
Do you crave a deeper understanding of life? Sagittarius rules religion, philosophy and life’s meaning.
Are you living life as a quest or adventure? Sagittarius would love it if you did. And are you experiencing enough celebration, euphoria and enthusiasm? These are Sagittarius’ most joyful expressions!
11/26 (Fri)
Saturn Sextile Chiron
The #2 aspect of 2021 offers a lifeline of harmonious healing and wisdom. This Saturn-Chiron sextile (8°40′ Aquarius-Aries) had its first two iterations on 2/9 and 6/24, and is exact one more time today (11/26). It’s in orb (close enough for significant impact) for more than 15 months, 11/13/20 thru 2/24/22.
This flowing aspect counterbalances 2021’s most important aspect, a Saturn-Uranus square. The square is much more challenging, especially to structures that have outlived their usefulness. The sextile supports us in understanding the deeper meaning of the radical changes we’re experiencing in 2021. The sextile can also help us heal, personally and collectively.
Make it Personal
Chiron is the Wounded Healer. This wounding can be emotional, psychological or physical. In addition to physical pain, this wounding can also catalyze challenge if it triggers unhealed traumas from your childhood or past lives. How much you suffer — or if you suffer at all — depends on your shadow work skills.
That’s where Chiron can step into its life-affirming roles as the mentor and healer. It encourages you to find effective shadow work tools to heal your old emotional and psychological wounds. Doing this also has a wonderful side effect: each layer of completed shadow work deepens your spiritual awakening!
One shadow work tool that has helped thousands do this essential inner work quickly and easily is my Healing Invocation. You can learn how to do it in my Free Invocation Masterclass.
Chiron can also encourage you to work with a mentor. This wisdom-giver can help you understand what’s going on, help heal you, and teach you techniques for self-healing. Or you could be the mentor and/or healer, stepping into this role or taking it to the next level.
Saturn’s most relevant meaning in this context is simply “structure.” The Saturn-Uranus square, along with other astrological factors in 2021, will destabilize all structures that don’t serve highest good — external or internal, physical or conceptual.
If you have a say in the matter, you can decide whether a given structure should be transformed or released. The Saturn-Chiron sextile can help you do this wisely, and can help support whatever healing is needed during and afterward.

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11/29 (Mon)
It’s easier to translate your flow of intuitive knowledge into smooth, powerful action with Mars trine Neptune (20°24 Scorpio-Pisces). This aspect also adds ease and harmony to leadership, sacred sex, entrepreneurship, and getting something started.
This trine can also help you enter flow state with your shamanic experiences, occult practices, and shadow work. you can receive inspiration on how to step more fully into your wealth and power!
11/30 (Tue)
4 Soft Aspects
The final day of November features 4 harmonious aspects between personal planets and slower planets. It’s rare to see this much harmonious astrological energy blessing a single day!
First up is Mercury sextile Saturn (8°54′ Sagittarius-Aquarius). This could lend discipline and focus to any kind of learning or teaching
The Sun makes two soft aspects: a Sun-Chiron trine (8°36′ Sagittarius-Aries) and a Sun-Saturn sextile (8°57′ Sagittarius-Aquarius). This gives harmonious support to healing and mentoring. It can also help you be more mature and responsible, manage your time well, and “plan the work and work the plan”.
Today’s other harmonious aspect is Venus sextile Neptune (20°24′ Capricorn-Pisces). This gives flowing support to inspired creativity and a deeper relationship with the divine. Venus’ placement in Capricorn can help you manifest that creativity, and enjoy embodied awakening!

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Your astrology chart reveals powerful insights into your relationships, career, soul purpose, and much more. Getting a yearly Astrology+ update can show you what’s important now!
I also offer Shamanic Healing, one-of-a-kind Life Coaching, and more. All my services are equally effective in person or long distance.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
So happy things are going well for you and spirit Song! You two are awesome together. I love getting these updates! I am having to do lots of the stuff on recordings right now, because I spend most of the week helping my daughter in Gilroy with her baby. I am only home on the weekends, usually.
Love and light to both of you!