Mercury Retrograde and a Pisces Full Moon aspected by outer planets highlight the first half of September. We also have an unusual phenomenon — three different kinds of aspect patterns coming in pairs — along with a standalone “Finger of God!”
This forecast covers this half-month’s most important astrological events. Also check out my award-winning This Week in Astrology audio podcast and YouTube video forecasts!
Click astrology graphics to see larger images. Some resource links may occur more than once. This is because many people link to a specific day’s forecast from social media, and might not see an important resource link elsewhere on this page.
As September Opens …
- The Moon is waxing (there was a Virgo New Moon on 8/27).
- Pluto is retrograde thru 10/8.
- Jupiter is retrograde thru 11/23.
- Chiron is retrograde thru 12/23
- Uranus is retrograde thru 1/22.
- There’s a Mercury-Saturn-Uranus Thor’s Hammer thru 9/8
- There’s a Saturn-Uranus-Lunar Nodes T-Square thru 12/26
9/1 (Thu)
Mystic Rectangle Starts
A Mystic Rectangle with harmonious relationship possibilities starts today, peaks on 9/9 and ends on 9/15. It includes the Sun, Juno, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes.
Do you have a committed partnership (Juno) that supports your soul-aligned (lunar nodes) service (Sun in Virgo)? Are you getting any intuitive hits (Uranus) that relate to this? Can you give this service in a way that makes good use of your special talents that you love to use (Uranus)?
This Mystic Rectangle could also help you give soul-aligned service to someone with whom you have an ongoing connection. Or perhaps the two of you can team up to serve others in this wonderful way!
Thor’s Hammer Begins
Any Virgoan activity is supercharged by a Thor’s Hammer that starts on 9/1, peaks on 9/5 and ends on 9/8. It includes the Sun in Virgo, Mars, and Pluto.
Service, health, and detail work are abundantly energized! You can also use this aspect pattern to fire up your vitality.
9/2 (Fri)
Finger of God Points to Healing
A healing-focused Finger of God (formally known as a Yod) begins today (9/2), peaks on 9/7, and ends on 9/12. It has the Virgo Sun and Scorpio South Node on the back end, and Chiron at the tip.
Everything in this aspect pattern supports shadow work, so have a good technique for psychological healing at the ready. Thousands have used my Healing Invocation to heal their traumas with surprising ease and speed. Learn how to use it at Instant Divine Assistance: Your Free Guide to Fast and Easy Awakening and Healing.
This Yod also empowers your work as a healer or wisdom giver!
All types of learning, teaching and communication are vibrantly supported by a Mercury-Jupiter opposition (6°39′ Libra-Aries). Mercury’s placement in Libra also supports creative expression, including creative writing.

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9/5 (Mon)
Thor’s Hammer Peaks
The Sun-Mars-Pluto Thor’s Hammer that started on 9/1 peaks today (9/5) and ends on 9/8.
9/7 (Wed)
Yod Peaks
The Sun-Chiron-South Node Yod that started on 9/2 peaks today (9/7) and ends on 9/12.
9/8 (Thu)
Kite Begins
A Kite featuring the Sun and all three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) starts today (9/8), peaks on 9/15 and ends on 9/21. This can serve as an overall vitality booster. With the Sun in Virgo, it also harmoniously supports your service, health, and eye for detail.
The Sun also radiates energy to the multi-year Mini Grand Trine being formed by the three outer planets.
9/9 (Fri)
Mercury Turns Retrograde
Mercury turns retrograde at 11:38 pm EDT (8°55′ Libra). The planet of communication will turn direct again on 10/2 at 5:07 am EDT (24°11′ Virgo).
Mercury is retrograde in Libra until 9/23 at 8 am EDT. This is a great time to reflect on your relationships and artistic output, as well as the creative content you’re taking in.
Mercury spends the rest of its retrograde, 9/23 thru 10/2, in Virgo. During this time, reflect on your satisfaction with how you’re serving others. How’s your health? And are you paying attention to the most important details and subtleties, without getting caught in excessive perfectionism or criticism?
As always, it’s best to avoid starting major new ventures or making big purchases while Mercury is retrograde. Make sure you’re understanding and being understood, and double-check any travel arrangements.
However, Mercury retrograde is a great time to finish what you’ve already started and make repairs. If possible, favor reflection and introspection over new action.
Mystic Rectangle Peaks
The Sun-Juno-Uranus-Lunar Nodes Mystic Rectangle that started on 9/1 peaks today (9/9) and ends on 9/15.
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9/10 (Sat)
This potent astrological day features a Full Moon and two new aspect patterns!
Pisces Full Moon
A Full Moon lights up the sky at 5:59 am EDT (17°41′ Pisces). Any Pisces Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in several areas. These include spiritual awakening, inspired creativity, operating in flow state, and working with dreams.
Are you struggling with the low side of Pisces? This can include substance abuse or addiction. It can also involve aimless drifting, excessive escapism, or playing the victim in a relationship.
This Full Moon is a great time to give Pisces something better to do! Focus on its higher potentials, and seek help if you need it.
This Full Moon features a Neptune conjunction. Its orb is moderately strong at 6-1/2°. Pisces and Neptune carry the same energy, so this conjunction simply reinforces all the Piscean potentials already mentioned.
This Full Moon also has a tight sextile with Uranus. How can you more fully embody and express your authentic human self? How can you more completely trust and follow your intuitive hits? And how can you serve others with your special talents you most love to use?
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performance.”
Pisces rules show business. Could you be stepping more fully into the spotlight? Is there something ripe for revival within yourself, or something you can help reawaken in others?

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Another Mystic Rectangle Starts
There are now two overlapping Mystic Rectangles in the sky. They both include Juno, Uranus, and the Lunar Nodes.
The first one, featuring the Sun in Virgo, peaked yesterday (9/9) and ends on 9/15. The second one, with Venus also in Virgo, starts today (9/10), peaks on 9/17, and ends on 9/22.
For starters, my interpretation of the Mystic Rectangle with the Sun also completely fits the Mystic Rectangle with Venus! So I’m going to repeat two paragraphs from the first Mystic Rectangle’s interpretation. After that, I’ll give you information that’s exclusive to the Venus Mystic Rectangle.
Here’s the interpretation that applies to both Mystic Rectangles:
Do you have a committed partnership (Juno) that supports your soul-aligned (lunar nodes) service (Sun or Venus in Virgo)? Are you getting any intuitive hits (Uranus) that relate to this? Can you give this service in a way that makes good use of your special talents that you love to use (Uranus)?
This Mystic Rectangle could also support you giving soul-aligned service to someone with whom you have an ongoing connection. Or perhaps the two of you are teaming up to serve others in this wonderful way!
The new Venus Mystic Rectangle adds the possibility of collaborative and soul-aligned creative projects that make use of your special talents. Joint financial ventures with these qualities are also harmoniously energized.
Another Thor’s Hammer Starts
Relationships, creativity and finance receive potent stimulation thanks to another Thor’s Hammer! It begins today (9/10), peaks on 9/13, and ends on 9/18.
This hard aspect pattern can bring both challenge and opportunity. If you experience relationship challenge, consider using a proven relationship healing technique such as Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication. For individual emotional healing, my free Healing Invocation has proven helpful for 11+ years.
If your relationship is on solid ground, this aspect pattern can help it evolve to the next level. Mars and Pluto can fire up your erotic connection, and can also support the deeper connection of soul-blended sacred sex.
Mars and Venus can also work together to boost your creativity, especially since they’re charged up by Pluto. There’s also plenty of profit potential in this Thor’s Hammer if you want to focus on finance.

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9/13 (Tue)
Thor’s Hammer Peaks
The Venus-Mars-Pluto Thor’s Hammer that started on 9/10 peaks today (9/13) and ends on 9/18.
9/15 (Thu)
First Kite Peaks
The Sun-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Kite that started on 9/8 peaks today (9/15) and ends on 9/21.
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
Thank you so much Benjamin for this insightful report. It explains so much of the shadow healing work that has been ‘over-shadowing’ the last difficult few weeks. I have been wondering what the hell has been happening as so much has been turned upside down in my life I was getting a bit lost & despondent.
This explains, with relief, that I am on track, doing what I am supposed to and can blame the planets (haha) instead of myself. I have been unable to join your Awakening Plus recently and will be very grateful to get back to these wonderfully energising meetings again.
Thank you with much gratitude, Amanda E