A Taurus solar eclipse invites you to marry heaven and earth this week. Mental Mercury makes five aspects, Venus enters fiery Aries, and the Sun adjusts to a quincunx from Mars.
4/28 (Mon)
Speaking slowly and consciously can reduce the temptation to make verbal attacks with Taurean Mercury quincunx Libran Mars. This aspect can also energize deliberate, methodical thinking.
Creative inspiration can flourish as Piscean Venus receives a magical quintile from powerful Pluto! This aspect can also help you deepen your relationship with your divine self.
4/29 (Tue)
Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse – much like a New Moon on steroids – occurs at 2:14 AM (8°51′ Taurus). New beginnings that relate to money, material resources, sensuality, persistence, and “just being” are strongly supported.
This moderately strong eclipse (the luminaries are about 11° from the lunar nodes) conjoins Mercury, making learning and communication a prominent theme. Juno is loosely conjunct the Sun and Moon, empowering new starts (or start-overs) in committed partnerships.
A tight sextile from Neptune smoothly energizes spiritual connection and divinely inspired creativity. This also makes it easier to achieve the conscious marriage of heaven (Neptune) and earth (the Taurean luminaries). Once this is achieved, you can function as persistently peaceful divine awareness, puppeteering the body and ego you formerly identified as yourself.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is, “A Christmas tree is decorated and shines in the darkness.” The bare tree is like an unawakened person, while the ornamented, radiant tree represents a state of spiritual illumination. This dovetails beautifully with my interpretation of Neptune’s sextile to the luminaries.
Taurus solar eclipse image by Bill Attride
Practical thinking and financial planning is smoothly supported by Pluto’s trine to Taurean Mercury.
4/30 (Wed)
Next in Mercury’s parade of aspects is a sextile to Jupiter. This amplifies mental power and can also support a jovial, optimistic outlook.
5/1 (Thu)
Another day, another Mercury aspect! The Taurean messenger’s sextile to Chiron supports mentoring in practical matters.
Slow, luxurious lovemaking, with all five senses fully engaged, is one lovely way to make use of the Taurean Sun quincunx Mars. Extra endurance is also available for whatever activities you engage in.
5/2 (Fri)
Taurean Mercury does a double today, quintiling Neptune and opposing Saturn. This is an ideal energy under which to bring your visions into concrete manifestation. (Mercury is mind, Neptune is imagination and Saturn is crystallization.) Learn more about how Neptune and Saturn astrologically embody the Law of Attraction.
Venus transits Aries today thru 5/28. This supports strong new beginnings and assertiveness in relating, creativity or finances.
5/3 (Sat)
No major astrology events.
5/4 (Sun)
No major astrology events.
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
- 4/27, 7:02 am – 4/28, 10:25 am (Taurus)
- 4/30, 11:54 am – 4:57 pm (Gemini)
- 5/2, 9:22 pm – 5/3, 2:15 am (Cancer)
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
Hi Benjamin
That would be venus ingresses to Aires not Aquarius !
Right you are, Robert — thank you so much for catching my mistake, which I’ve now corrected in the forecast!