A “Solstice with the Mostest” — the “mostest” revolutionary transformation and healing potential — highlights the second half of December. We also have Mercury turning retrograde, an intense Saturn-Chiron square, a Capricorn New Moon and much more!
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12/16 (Fri)
No major astrology events.
12/17 (Sat)
T-square Peaks: Mercury-Ceres-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto
The revolutionary six-month Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square is being energized and colored by Mercury and Ceres. This aspect pattern started on 12/9, peaks today (12/17) and ends on 12/26. (See my 12/11 forecast for an in-depth interpretation of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square.)
As I noted in my 12/9 forecast, the specific meanings added by Mercury and Ceres include:
- more energy for writing or other forms of communication
- enhanced opportunity for Law of Attraction manifestation
- improve your self-esteem by examining your habitual ways of thinking about yourself
- use focused attention to empower healing of old sorrows.
12/18 (Sun)
Ecstatic connection with your own divine consciousness is encouraged by a Sun-Neptune quintile (27°28′ Sagittarius-9°20′ Pisces). Check out my free Heal and Awaken Invocations if you’d like a quick and easy way to experience this firsthand. This quintile can also magically energize your creative inspiration!
12/19 (Mon)
Mercury Retrograde Begins
Mercury turns retrograde at 5:55 AM EST at 15°7′ Capricorn. The winged messenger will turn direct again on 1/8 at 4:42 AM EST at 28°50′ Sagittarius.
With Mercury in Capricorn for all but the last four days of its retrograde, it’s a good time for serious reflection. Pondering Capricornian themes such as maturity, responsibility, discipline and time management are especially appropriate. Are you working too hard or too little? Do you have a good work/life balance?
The usual Mercury retrograde advice also applies. If possible, avoid signing important contracts or making major purchases. Back up critical data. Make sure you’re both understanding and being understood.
Finally, Mercury retrograde isn’t just a great time for reflection. It’s also ideal for making repairs and completing projects already started.
Mars transits Pisces today (12/19) through 1/27. You can use this to deepen your spiritual awakening, manifest your creative inspirations and dive deeper into dream work.
12/20 (Tue)
No major astrology events.
12/21 (Wed)
Winter Solstice
The Sun enters Capricorn, initiating the Winter Solstice, at 5:44 AM EST. Cultivating the classic Capricornian virtues – maturity, responsibility, good time management and discipline – is supported.
Winter Solstice Chart
The Winter Solstice chart shows the overall energies of the next three months. It also happens to highlight some of the most important astrological themes we’ll be seeing throughout 2017!
Uranus, Pluto and Friends
The most important element of this Winter Solstice Chart is a Uranus-Pluto square. This indicator of revolutionary transformation has been with us for years, but its real-world effects will change dramatically after the inauguration of Donald Trump. Based on his cabinet picks, it appears that he’s intent on undoing much of what President Obama has accomplished over the last eight years.
Under “No Drama Obama,” the revolutionary transformations we’ve seen, such as the legalization of gay marriage and the growing number of states legalizing marijuana, have been the culmination of many years of dedicated effort. But given how Trump loves to fly by the seat of his pants and create controversy, I expect that we’ll see more of Uranus’ challenging side: shock, chaos and outright craziness. And not just in the U.S. Given how Trump has already thumbed his nose at China by talking with Taiwan’s president, we could see new fractures crack open in what have traditionally been stable international relationships.
This isn’t to say that everything will be a mess once Trump takes office. If he fulfills his more compassionate campaign promises by giving meaningful help to the working class and rebuilding our crumbling national infrastructure, that would be a very positive revolutionary transformation. We’ll be living in interesting times, to be sure!
On a personal level, what positive revolutionary change can you bring to your life? It may help you to keep these guidelines for working with Pluto and Uranus in mind:
Release all that doesn’t serve your personal growth and evolution, including:
- possessions
- relationships
- ways of being
- ways of thinking
- embody and express your authentic human identity
- follow your intuitive flashes
- serve the collective with your greatest gifts that you most love to use!
Uranus and Pluto aren’t acting alone. They form a Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square in the Winter Solstice Chart. At the most basic level, Jupiter’s expansive energy increases the power of the Uranus-Pluto effects.
With Jupiter on the receiving end, the door opens for positive transformation in your religious path and philosophy of life. Perhaps you can broaden your horizons by embarking on a new field of study or doing some foreign travel.
If you have helpful information to share with others, this T-square emphatically supports that! This communication theme is made even stronger because Mercury, tightly conjunct Pluto, is also part of this T-square.
Ceres, cuddling up with Uranus in Aries, is also a T-square member. The inclusion of this asteroid goddess opens the door to breakthroughs in abundance and the healing of old sorrows.
Jupiter’s stimulation of Pluto and Uranus extends far beyond the Winter Solstice Chart. The Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square lasts through 5/1. And Jupiter will be opposing and squaring Uranus and Pluto throughout most of 2017!
How Strongly is the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square Affecting Your Chart?
The peaks of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square occur between 18° and 21° Libra. This means that sensitive points in your natal chart between 15° and 24° in any of the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn — will be most strongly affected.
Saturn Square Chiron
The other standout theme is a tight Saturn-Chiron square. Not only is it prominent in the Winter Solstice Chart, but this square will be active every day of 2017!
A Saturn-Chiron square tends to bring up challenge so that old emotional and psychological wounds can be healed. (This healing process can be broadly referred to as “shadow work.”) This may not be a lot of fun, but can be extraordinarily life-affirming if done consciously and skillfully. Everyone I know who’s gotten serious about their personal shadow work has become a more happy, loving and luminous person.
Every time you peel a layer of the “Great Onion of Consciousness,” the divine light at the center shines through ever more brightly. The level of consciousness and skill exercised by the incoming Trump administration may be beyond your control, but you can certainly take responsibility for your own life.
I’ve been doing boatloads of shadow work for more than a decade, and have found this free Healing Invocation to be both simple and effective. My post on global shadow work resources can point you to other helpful healing modalities.
If you’ve done enough of your own shadow work, the Saturn-Chiron square can springboard you more fully into acting as an authoritative healer. If you’re ready, you can also step into the Chironic roles of mentor, shaman or awakener
Cradle Begins: Venus-Ceres-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus
Abundance opportunities are highlighted as a new Cradle kicks off today (12/21). Incorporating Venus, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, it peaks on 12/25 and ends on 12/30.
The abundance theme is highlighted by the presence of Venus, natural ruler of money, and Ceres, the harvest goddess. The amplifying presence of Jupiter is also fortuitous. To get the most bang for your buck out of this aspect pattern, implement any abundance-related intuitive flashes (Uranus) and apply whatever sweat equity is needed for prosperous manifestation (Saturn).
You can also use this Cradle to harmoniously empower your relationships and creativity, both also ruled by Venus.
12/22 (Thu)
You can join inspired action with sustained productivity as Mars quintiles Saturn (2°15′ Pisces-20°15′ Sagittarius). With Mars in Pisces, you might enjoy diving into spiritual union practices or expressing your inspired creativity!
12/23 (Fri)
The universe is sprinkling a bit of fairy dust to inspire and amp up your productivity with the Sun quintile Jupiter (2°10′ Capricorn-20°10′ Libra).
12/24 (Sat)
You have nearly six weeks, until 2/2, to take advantage of a Saturn-Uranus trine (20°33′ Sagittarius-Aries). Let Uranus take the lead with its trustworthy intuitive flashes. Then let Saturn create the action plan and get to work! Trines can be lazy, so Saturn’s love of productivity can help you milk the most from this opportunity.
This trine is part of the Venus-Ceres-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus Cradle that started on 12/21.
12/25 (Sun)
Cradle Peaks: Venus-Ceres-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus
How’s this for synchronicity: a Cradle as the headline on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas if you celebrate this holiday!
The Cradle that started on 12/21, featuring Venus, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, peaks today (12/25) and ends on 12/30.
Venus makes three aspects today, all of which are part of the Venus-Ceres-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus Cradle that peaks today:
- Venus trine Jupiter (20°24′ Aquarius-Libra)
- Venus sextile Uranus (20°33′ Aquarius-Aries)
- Venus sextile Saturn (20°39′ Aquarius-Sagittarius)
These aspects are most helpfully interpreted in the context of that Cradle, which I described on 12/21.
12/26 (Mon)
You have over four months to take advantage of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (20°33′ Libra-Aries) that’s exact today and lasts through 5/1. This opposition is best interpreted in a larger context, since it’s part of one of 2017’s most important aspect patterns for its entire duration. I interpret this Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square in-depth as part of my Winter Solstice Chart interpretation on 12/21.
You’ll have an easier time calling on your constant flow of intuitive guidance as Mercury sextiles Neptune (9°37′ Capricorn-Pisces). With Mercury in Capricorn, this aspect is also great for mental discipline, focused thinking and Law of Attraction work.
12/27 (Tue)
You can enjoy a dose of Energizer Bunny productivity as the Sun sextiles Mars (6°0′ Capricorn-Pisces).
Mentoring and healing can be magically inspired, with practical outcomes, as Mercury quintiles Chiron (8°59′ Capricorn-20°59′ Pisces).
12/28 (Wed)
Saturn-Chiron Square
One of 2017’s most important aspects makes its first exact alignment today: a Saturn-Chiron square (21°1′ Sagittarius-Pisces). This aspect will be in effect all of next year! For your convenience, I’ve copied what I wrote about it in my 12/21 interpretation of the Winter Solstice Chart:
A Saturn-Chiron square tends to bring up challenge so that old emotional and psychological wounds can be healed. (This healing process can be broadly referred to as “shadow work.”) This may not be a lot of fun, but can be extraordinarily life-affirming if done consciously and skillfully. Everyone I know who’s gotten serious about their personal shadow work has become a more happy, loving and luminous person.
Every time you peel a layer of the “Great Onion of Consciousness,” the divine light at the center shines through ever more brightly. The level of consciousness and skill exercised by the incoming Trump administration may be beyond your control, but you can certainly take responsibility for your own life.
I’ve been doing boatloads of shadow work for more than a decade, and have found this free Healing Invocation to be both simple and effective. My post on global shadow work resources can point you to other helpful healing modalities.
If you’ve done enough of your own shadow work, the Saturn-Chiron square can springboard you more fully into acting as an authoritative healer. If you’re ready, you can also step into the Chironic roles of mentor, shaman or awakener.
Learning and communication are powerfully energized by two aspects: a Sun-Mercury conjunction (7°28′ Capricorn) and a Mercury-Mars sextile (7°13′ Capricorn-Pisces).
12/29 (Thu)
Capricorn New Moon
2016’s final New Moon aligns at 1:53 AM EST at 7°59′ Capricorn. Any Capricorn New Moon is great for new beginnings in the areas of maturity, responsibility, discipline and effective time management.
This lunation is tightly conjunct retrograde Mercury, energizing learning and communication – especially in practical or business-related matters. A loose conjunction to Pluto supports the release of all that doesn’t serve you, including possessions, relationships and ideas.
The Pluto glyph, which looks like a person raising their arms to heaven, suggests that there’s a direct correlation between the amount of power you’ll gain and the fullness of your surrender to being guided by your higher self. This is the surrender where you win!
The theme of divine surrender continues with conjoined Mars and Neptune sextile the Sun and Moon. One of my favorite ways to interpret Mars and Neptune together is to take immediate action (Mars) on your constant flow of intuitive guidance (Neptune). If you can do so while consistently holding a state of embodied awakening (Mars and Neptune together), that’s even better!
Mars and Neptune together also support sacred sex. This blows open the doors to levels of ecstasy unimaginable by those who haven’t yet consciously blended light bodies with a loving partner.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “Birds in the house singing happily.” Does it surprise you that I’m going to give this a spiritual interpretation? The house is your physical body and the physical dimension it occupies. The birds, time-honored images for the free-flying souls within us, are those who live in a state of embodied awakening.
The deeper my embodied awakening goes, the happier I become. And I’ve consistently observed the same to be true in the many others I know for whom embodied awakening is a daily reality.
Of course, a certain level of happiness is available for those who haven’t yet attained this magical state. But I truly believe that if everyone knew the incredible happiness that embodied awakening brings, along with a vastly increased ability to joyfully help others, they’d all be making it their top priority!
Uranus Turns Direct
Uranus, retrograde since 7/29, turns direct today at 20°33′ Aries. This is a great time to fire up the Uranus recommendations I made in my 12/21 Winter Solstice Chart interpretation:
- embody and express your authentic human identity
- follow your intuitive flashes
- serve the collective with your greatest gifts that you most love to use!
Your sensitive natal points between 17° and 24° in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will be most strongly affected by Uranus’ direct station. Take note if any of the life areas represented by those points are associated with challenging stimulation of the nervous system: irritation, anxiety, nervousness or irritability. If so, implementing the life-affirming strategies above should give Uranus something better to do!
12/30 (Fri)
Practical inspirations that assist your healing or mentoring, whether you’re the giver or receiver, are available with the Sun quintile Chiron (9°3′ Capricorn-21°3′ Pisces).
There’s some good Law of Attraction juju available with the Capricornian Sun sextile Neptune (9°42′ Capricorn-Pisces). This aspect also supports embodied awakening and the conscious release of any structures that don’t serve your highest good.
12/31 (Sat)
T-square Begins: Sun-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto
The revolutionary effects of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square, described in my 12/21 Winter Solstice forecast, get kicked up a notch as the Sun joins the party. The Sun-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square they create starts today (12/31), peaks on 1/9 and ends on 1/16.
But this “big change fast” vibe actually lasts an extra six days! That’s because, even after Pluto drops out, this aspect pattern continues as a Sun-Jupiter-Uranus T-square thru 1/22.
What adjustments can you make to amplify the power of healing or mentoring in your life? Through 3/23, that’s the question being asked by a Jupiter-Chiron quincunx (21°5′ Libra-Pisces). Whether you’re giving or receiving, this quincunx can piggyback on the similar themes of the potent Saturn-Chiron square that runs throughout 2017.
Some people use the phrase “magical thinking” in a condescending way. But you could be experiencing magical thinking’s sparkly high side with Mercury quintile Jupiter (3°9′ Capricorn-21°9′ Libra). Leave some quiet space to catch some flashes of brilliance!
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
12/15, 4:37 pm – 12/16, 8:15 am, Leo
12/18, 11:55 am – December 18, 12:52 pm, Virgo
12/20, 8:56 pm – 9:40 pm, Libra
12/22, 2:31 pm – 12/23, 9:32 am, Scorpio
12/25, 2:22 am – 10:19 pm, Sagittarius
12/27, 8:45 pm – 12/28, 10:12 am, Capricorn
12/30, 3:07 am – 8:29 pm, Aquarius
Whatever your Sun Sign, AstroShaman’s forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least several days before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart.
Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me. Learn more about my Astrology+ sessions.
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