Quantum leaps and unexpected awakenings are catalyzed by a Jupiter-Uranus sesquare. The first half of June also features a Gemini New Moon, and relationship transformation under a Pluto-Juno opposition. Three new aspect patterns kick off, and Mars aspects three slower planets on the same day!
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6/1 (Sat)
T-Square Begins
Your mind could become fascinated by religion, spirituality and the meaning of life as a T-square begins. It features the Geminian Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. It starts today (6/1), peaks on 6/10 and ends on 6/19.
Learning or communicating about anything could be supercharged by this aspect pattern. And a healthy flow of intuition can complement your mental activity. There’s also plenty of divinely inspired creativity, especially toward mind-focused expressions like writing.
Yod Peaks: Venus-Juno-Jupiter
A committed partnership could reach new heights of joy thanks to a Venus-Juno-Jupiter Yod. Your task: decide what adjustment would unlock this relationship’s highest potential. This “Finger of God” started on 5/28, peaks today (6/1) and ends on 6/4.
Several outcomes are possible with Venus quincunx Jupiter (20°38′ Taurus-Sagittarius). All that’s needed is the right adjustment. Possibilities include enhanced material abundance and amplified creativity. And challenge could arise in a relationship to encourage an adjustment that will make it better!
6/2 (Sun)
Enhanced wealth could come more easily as Venus trines Pluto (22°47′ Taurus-Capricorn). (Wealth = anything you value, whether it’s physical or energetic.) This harmonious connection also supports smooth relationship transformation, sacred sex, and empowered creativity! Trines give a certain amount for free, but pay richer dividends when you give them concentrated effort.
6/3 (Mon)
Gemini New Moon
June’s New Moon lines up at 6:02 AM EDT at 12°33′ Gemini. Any Gemini New Moon is great for new beginnings in learning, tricksterism, enjoying variety and communicating.
This New Moon doesn’t have any powerhouse aspects, and only two aspects are tight. The first is a trine to Pallas Athena. This can make it easy to bring feminine assertiveness, strategy, and diplomacy to your New Moon ventures. A Mars semi-sextile adds energy to your initiatives.
The Moon also joins the T-square that started on 6/1, with the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. This T-square’s original interpretation still applies. New meanings added by the Moon include heightened empathic sensitivity, as well as using your emotional radar to feel out which possibilities to focus on.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A world famous pianist giving a concert performance.” You may not be at this exalted level of virtuosity. But do you have some creative gift that might give pleasure to others? Would this be a good time to share it?

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6/6 (Thu)
Jupiter sesquare Uranus
How about a nice quantum leap? Or an unexpected awakening? You can “break on through to the other side” with Jupiter sesquare Uranus (19°56′ Sagittarius-4°56′ Taurus).
More specific opportunities include a breakthrough in your religious or philosophical understanding, or amplified embodiment of your uniqueness. This duo also supports being awakened by a guru and revved-up intuitive flashes.
You have nearly a month to work with these energies, which stay in orb until 7/1.
Committed partnership receives a powerful juice-up with Pluto opposing Juno (22°44′ Capricorn-Cancer). This aspect can help you enjoy more passion, naked honesty and sacred sex in your relationship. Old wounds and unresolved issues may also rise up from the underworld to be transformed and released. This opposition’s influence continues through 6/25.
6/7 (Fri)
Hard Rectangle Begins
Relationship challenge is one of the more likely outcomes of a Hard Rectangle that starts today. This aspect pattern includes Venus, Mars, Ceres, Saturn and the lunar nodes. It starts today (6/7), peaks on 6/12 and ends on 6/15.
This aspect pattern could bring up difficulties in any area where you’re misaligned with your soul purpose. What are the most likely possibilities? Venusian themes include relationship, creativity and money. Mars, highlighted by his North Node conjunction, could represent leadership, assertiveness, entrepreneurship or sexuality.
Don’t despair if challenge arises in any of these areas. Just make the necessary course corrections!
Mercury makes two aspects today. First up, intuitive flashes can come with greater power and flow with Mercury sextile Uranus (4°58′ Cancer-Taurus). This aspect also makes it easier to think like a genius!
Mercury’s square to Chiron (5°31′ Cancer-Aries) supports heartfelt mentoring and hands-on healing. Avoid this aspect’s potential for wounding words by staying mindful of what you say, and speaking from your heart.
6/9 (Sun)
Neptune aspects two personal planets today. A Venus-Neptune quintile (0°41′ Gemini-18°41′ Pisces) supports a magical flow of divine inspiration and spiritual connection. Spend time with your muse today!
A Sun-Neptune square (18°41′ Gemini-Pisces) can have similar effects to today’s quintile. But it could also open the door to some of Neptune’s more challenging effects. These include substance abuse, excessive escapism, aimless drifting or playing the victim. As much as possible, redirect your attention to spiritual or creative pursuits to give Neptune something better to do!
6/10 (Mon)
T-Square Peaks
The Sun-Jupiter-Neptune T-square that started on 6/1 peaks today (6/10) and ends on 6/19.
Appropriately constrained expansion – just the right amount – is supported by two Sun aspects: a Sun-Saturn quincunx (19°13′ Gemini-Capricorn) and a Sun-Jupiter opposition (19°28′ Gemini-Sagittarius). These two aspects also support realistic aspirations and expanded productivity.
6/11 (Tue)
Grand Trine Begins
Harmonious healing of relationship wounds gets an entire month of support, thanks to a Grand Trine featuring Ceres, Juno and Chiron. This smooth aspect pattern also supports abundance through a committed partnership that involves healing or mentoring. It begins today (6/11), peaks on 6/28 and ends on 7/12.
You can be inspired to take quick heart-centered action under the influence of a Mars-Uranus quintile (17°10′ Cancer-5°10′ Taurus). Stay tuned for intuitive flashes that may guide you to act in the areas of family, emotional healing, and security.
6/12 (Wed)
Hard Rectangle Peaks
The Hard Rectangle that started on 6/7 peaks today (6/12) and ends on 6/15. Its members are Venus, Ceres, Mars, Saturn and the lunar nodes.
6/13 (Thu)
Could your relationship benefit from some sort of healing or mentoring? How about your finances or creativity? All this is supported by a Venus-Chiron sextile (5°39′ Gemini-Aries).
Be sure to make appropriate adjustments to support your personal transformation as the Sun quincunxes Pluto (22°35′ Gemini-Capricorn). With the Sun in Gemini, this aspect also empowers learning, communication and writing.
6/14 (Fri)
Mars Triple Play!
Rarely do we see Mars aspecting three slower planets on the same day! But today is one of those extraordinary occasions. First up is a Mars-Neptune trine (18°42′ Cancer-Pisces). Then Mars opposes Saturn (18°57′ Cancer-Capricorn). He finishes up with a Mars-Jupiter quincunx (18°58′ Cancer-Sagittarius). The last two aspects are only about three minutes apart, at 11:50 AM and 11:53 AM EDT.
Mars’ initiating energy can energize any of the following:
- expanded Law of Attraction manifestation power
- increased ability to achieve and deepen embodied awakening
- expansive yet balanced energy for spiritual awakening and inspired creativity
- a structured, enthusiastic approach to sacred sex
- enhanced ability to spread your vision to the public

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6/15 (Sat)
Mercury quintiles Uranus today (17°19′ Cancer-5°19′ Taurus), echoing the Mercury-Uranus sextile on 6/7. The effects of these two aspects are very similar: enhanced intuitive flashes and brilliant thinking. But today’s quintile has a fairy dust quality, which could make today’s Mercury-Uranus aspect even more magical!
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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