“Shifting relationships from servitude to equality” is the dominant theme of September’s second half. It’s front and center in the Fall Equinox Chart, the Aries Full Moon and our most powerful aspect pattern!
This powerful half-month also features Pluto turning direct and a volatile Mars-Uranus square … as well as several flowing and magical happenings.
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9/16 (Sun)
Your ability to perceive fine distinctions, or turn your thoughts toward service, is smoothly energized by a Mercury-Jupiter sextile (19°30′ Virgo-Scorpio).
9/17 (Mon)
The second half of September only features two aspect patterns, and they both begin today! Furthermore, both configurations share three planets: the Sun, Mercury and Chiron.
T-square Begins: Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron
Shifting relationships from servitude to equality is a major theme of the Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square that starts on 9/17, peaks on 9/23 and ends on 9/27. This redefining of interconnections is catalyzed by the Sun and Mercury moving from Virgo to Libra about halfway through this T-square’s run.
In Virgo, relationships tend to be unequal. This can be entirely appropriate in mentorships and apprenticeships, as well as student/teacher and employee/employer affiliations. But it can be problematical if there’s imbalanced power in a relationship that’s supposed to be equal. Libra is a different story: its astrological symbol is a balanced scale, showing that an ideal Libran relationship shares power equally.
At the very least, the Libra-to-Virgo transition within this T-square can initiate thinking and discussion about bringing relationships into greater equality where appropriate.
The hard aspects to the Sun and Mercury from this T-square’s other two members – Saturn and Chiron – add challenge and intensity. Saturn brings challenge where existing structures need release or transformation. He asks, “Who’s the boss?”.
Chiron specializes in bringing old emotional wounds up for healing. (Thousands have found my free Healing Invocation effective for quickly clearing this old pain.) If you’re getting triggered in a relationship, is there an imbalanced power dynamic that needs to be addressed?
This T-square could also express in other ways. You can get seriously productive as you create or refine your artistic output. Healing, mentoring and cathartic art get a strong boost. So do serious discussions around shadow work and old psychological wounds.
Extra planet: Vesta (not pictured) is tightly conjunct Saturn during this T-square, and could easily be considered a member of this aspect pattern. I didn’t include her in the main interpretation because it would have distracted from this configuration’s core meanings. Vesta is so distinctive that her presence would require the interpretation to focus on her … which we’ll do now to give this asteroid goddess her due!
This Sun-Mercury-Vesta-Saturn-Chiron T-square has the same beginning, peaking and ending dates noted above. It calls for wisdom and healing to be focused into service to a higher cause, especially through communication and/or creativity. The more you apply Saturn’s positive qualities to this selfless service – maturity, responsibility, good time management, and efficient planning and implementation – the more you’ll be rewarded with long-lasting endurance and practical results!
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Kite Begins: Sun-Mercury-Mars-Juno-Chiron
A Kite begins today that contains most of the planets from the T-square we just discussed: Sun, Mercury and Chiron. We get this Kite by adding soft aspects from Mars and Juno.
While the T-square was mostly about challenge, this Kite adds a strong measure of hope. The relationship theme is reinforced and more tightly focused by Juno, which represents committed partnership.
Aquarian Mars adds energy and assertiveness, as well as intuitive flashes and breakthrough thinking. This can help you come up with fresh, outside-the-box solutions to any relationship issues catalyzed by the T-square. As usual, I recommend the 4-part Nonviolent Communication Process to brainstorm win-win solutions to difficult relationship issues.
This Kite can also support exciting collaborations to help you take your thinking, writing or creative expression in new directions.
For Astrology Geeks Only
The Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square includes two overlapping T-squares. A Sun-Saturn-Chiron T-square begins on 9/15, peaks on 9/24 and ends on 10/2. A Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square has the same beginning, peaking and ending dates as the Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square.
Likewise, the Sun-Mercury-Mars-Juno-Chiron Kite also contains two overlapping Kites. A Sun-Mars-Juno-Chiron Kite begins on 9/13, peaks on 9/24 and ends on 10/2. A Mercury-Mars-Juno-Chiron Kite has the same beginning, peaking and ending dates as the the Sun-Mercury-Mars-Juno-Chiron Kite.
The meanings of the smaller aspect patterns are not different enough to merit their own interpretations. You can think of the extra days as extending the meaning of the aspect patterns I interpreted, but with a bit less energy.
9/18 (Tue)
Mars-Uranus Square
A Mars-Uranus square is like a high-voltage wire. It can give you a lot of power, but you have to handle it with great care!
On the challenging side, this intense aspect can catalyze sudden or shocking rage, violence, sexuality or impulsive behavior. Avoid unstable or dangerous people and situations as much as possible.
Life-affirming possibilities of the square include inspirations or breakthroughs regarding you as a warrior, entrepreneur, initiator or sexual being. Intuitive flashes tend to be energized under this aspect. When one of these “text messages from God” comes, and you know in your bones that it’s true, consider taking immediate action on it!
This Mars-Uranus square has a long shelf life: it’s in effect all the way through 10/12!
9/19 (Wed)
The life-affirming possibilities of yesterday’s Mars-Uranus square are further energized by today’s magical Mars-Jupiter quintile (20°0′ Aquarius-20°0′ Scorpio). Once again, this includes lots of helpful intuitive flashes, as well as inspirations or breakthroughs regarding you as a warrior, entrepreneur, initiator or sexual being. Scorpionic Jupiter amplifies the energies of joy, positive transformation and good luck.
This aspect also has significant staying power: it lasts three weeks, through 10/9.
9/20 (Thu)
Embodied awakening and calling your desires into manifestation receive miraculous and enduring support from a Saturn-Neptune quintile (2°42 Capricorn-14°42′ Pisces). You have nearly two months to capitalize on this fairy dust aspect, through 11/10!
Yet another quintile – the third one in two days! – joins Venus and Pluto (6°47′ Scorpio-18°47′ Capricorn). This magical connection can bring life-affirming power and transformation to your relationships, creativity and finances.
Any Sun-Mercury conjunction empowers learning and communication. This one, at 28°2′ Virgo, also energizes health, detail work and service to others.
9/22 (Sat)
Fall Equinox
The Sun enters Libra on 9/22 at 9:54 PM EDT, signaling the Fall Equinox.
The Sun’s entry into Libra broadcasts the energies of relationship, creativity, harmony and balance for the next month. Watch out for indecisiveness or being too much of a people-pleaser.
Fall Equinox Chart
The heart of the Fall Equinox Chart is the two aspect patterns that I interpreted on 9/17, and which both peak tomorrow. I will be borrowing shamelessly from those interpretations here, as well as others.
I’m repeating this material, rather than linking back to it, so that those who haven’t read the prior forecasts can enjoy a smooth reading experience. (Many people link directly to a specific day’s forecast from social media.) Feel free to skim or skip any information you’ve already read. But note that there is some new information in the mix!
The most potent aspect pattern in this fall equinox chart is a T-square featuring the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Chiron. With both the Sun and Mercury having just moved from Virgo to Libra, shifting relationships from servitude to equality is a major theme. Libra’s astrological symbol is balanced scales, showing that an ideal Libran relationship shares power equally. Thinking and discussion about bringing relationships into greater equality is strongly supported.
The hard aspects to the Sun and Mercury from this T-square’s other two members – Saturn and Chiron – add challenge and intensity. Saturn brings challenge where existing structures need release or transformation. He asks, “Who’s the boss?”.
Chiron specializes in bringing old emotional wounds up for healing. (Thousands have found my free Healing Invocation effective for quickly clearing this old pain.) If you’re getting triggered in a relationship, is there an imbalanced power dynamic that needs to be addressed?
This T-square could also express in other ways. You can get seriously productive as you create or refine your artistic output. Healing, mentoring and cathartic art get a strong boost. So do serious discussions around shadow work and old psychological wounds.
I didn’t include Ceres in my original T-square interpretation. That would have seriously glitched the timing of the aspect pattern! But she deserves a place at the table in this Fall Equinox interpretation.
Since Ceres is several degrees beyond the other planets, she makes a minor contribution to the T-square’s energy. Her main role here is to hold the energy of sorrow and loss, which reinforces the relationship shadow work theme.
Adding Vesta into the T-square calls for wisdom and healing to be focused into service to a higher cause, especially through communication and/or creativity. The more you apply Saturn’s positive qualities to this selfless service – maturity, responsibility, good time management, and efficient planning and implementation – the more you’ll be rewarded with long-lasting endurance and practical results!
This Fall Equinox Chart also contains another significant aspect pattern: a Kite featuring the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Juno and Chiron. (It shares most of its planets with the T-square.)
While the T-square was mostly about challenge, this Kite adds a strong measure of hope. The relationship theme is reinforced and more tightly focused by Juno, which represents committed partnerships.
Aquarian Mars adds energy and assertiveness, as well as intuitive flashes and breakthrough thinking. This can help you come up with fresh, outside-the-box solutions to any relationship issues catalyzed by the T-square.
As usual, I recommend the 4-part Nonviolent Communication Process to brainstorm win-win solutions to difficult relationship issues.
This Kite can also support exciting collaborations to help you take your thinking, writing or creative expression in new directions.
Two-Planet Aspects
A Mars-Uranus square, separating but still tight, is another important factor in the Fall Equinox Chart. It’s like a high-voltage wire: it can give you a lot of power, but you have to handle it with care!
On the challenging side, this intense aspect can catalyze sudden or shocking rage, violence, sexuality or impulsive behavior. Avoid unstable or dangerous people and situations as much as possible.
Life-affirming possibilities of the square include inspirations or breakthroughs regarding you as a warrior, entrepreneur, initiator or sexual being. Intuitive flashes tend to be energized under this aspect. When one of these “text messages from God” comes, and you know in your bones that it’s true, feel free to take immediate action on it!
Finally, we have a Saturn-Uranus trine – the only interpretation in this equinox forecast not based on an earlier entry! This can make it easier to find a comfortable balance between traditional and innovative, between conservative and radical. Let Uranus get the ball rolling with an intuitive flash from your higher self. Then let Saturn work out the details and keep the project on track until it’s complete.
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Mercury makes two aspects today (9/22). A Mercury-Chiron opposition (0°10′ Libra-Aries) gives particular support to mentoring and healing conversations, and is part of the Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square.
A Mercury-Uranus quincunx (1°44′ Libra-Taurus) can make it easier for your human mind (Mercury) to connect with divine mind (Uranus). The adjustment required from the quincunx can be as simple as asking for your higher self’s input.
9/23 (Sun)
Two Aspect Patterns Peak
The two aspect patterns that started on 9/17, and which featured so prominently in yesterday’s Fall Equinox Chart, both peak today. The Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square and the Sun-Mercury-Mars-Juno-Chiron Kite both end on 9/27.
Fresh insights and breakthroughs in your feminine assertiveness, strategy and practical creativity can come smoothly and easily with Uranus trine Vesta (1°43′ Taurus-Capricorn). This aspect remains in orb through 10/18.
A Sun-Chiron opposition (0°7′ Libra-Aries) specifically energizes relationship healing and creative mentoring. A Mercury-Saturn square (2°47′ Libra-Capricorn) can either squelch your independent thought and expression, or encourage you to claim greater authority in these areas.
Both of these aspects are part of the T-square that peaks today. The Sun-Chiron opposition is also part of the Kite peaking today.
Your communication can be original, assertive and harmonious as Mercury trines Mars (3°26′ Libra-Aquarius).
9/24 (Mon)
Aries Full Moon
A Full Moon shines forth at 10:52:19 PM EDT (1°59′ Aries). Any Aries Full Moon is great for adjustment or release in the areas of assertiveness, aggressiveness, violence, warriorship, initiation and sexuality.
This lunation comes only two days after the Fall Equinox. So all the planetary configurations I described in my Fall Equinox forecast are still present during this Full Moon. The only significant change is the Moon itself, which is tightly conjunct Chiron and now part of the T-square and Kite aspect patterns.
The addition of the Moon doesn’t fundamentally change my prior interpretations. But it does suggest that some of the relationships you’ll be working on might be with family members.
The Moon’s placement in Aries suggests that you proceed with a warrior’s spirit and determination in whatever actions you take. (You can, of course, choose to be a peaceful warrior.) Finally, the Moon’s tight conjunction to Chiron puts additional emphasis on the themes of mentoring, healing and shadow work.
Other than that, my interpretations of the aspects and aspect patterns in my Fall Equinox forecast also apply to this Full Moon.
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A comedian entertaining a group of friends.” On the simplest level, this could be an invitation to lighten up. There’s a lot of intensity in this Full Moon forecast, and some comic relief might be welcome!
This Full Moon could also support you as the comedian. Mercury is one of the planets most associated with comedy, especially quick-witted verbal humor. And Mercury’s close alignment with the Sun/Moon axis gives it plenty of illumination. Plus, Mercury is in Libra, the sign of sociability.
I personally resonate as “a comedian entertaining a group of friends” when I tune in to my spiritual allies. They usually radiate lightheartedness and joviality. They’re having a great time up there!
My divine allies do seem endlessly amused by my earthly antics, especially when I’m not trying to be funny. (There’s no cruelty or judgment in their laughter, just an appreciation of how ridiculous the human experience can be sometimes.) Perhaps, if we count them as friends, each one of us is a comedian giving our divine allies endless entertainment just by living our lives!
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9/25 (Tue)
Chiron Retrogrades into Pisces
Pisces welcomes back retrograde Chiron today (9/25) for a five-month farewell tour. The wounded healer entered Aries on 4/17, and will re-enter the sign of the Ram on 2/18/19. He’ll stay there for over seven years, until mid-2026.
Chiron’s fundamental meanings are wounding, healing and mentoring. While he’s back in Pisces, spiritual healing and inspired mentoring are more powerfully energized. Emotional and psychological wounds will be more receptive to spiritual and creative healing modalities.
You can take a serious look at your relationships with the Libran Sun square Saturn (2°51′ Libra-Capricorn). This clearheaded, unsentimental energy can also help you take authoritative action. This could be ending a partnership, working to heal relationship challenges, or taking a great connection to a wonderful new level!
The square also supports creative productivity , and is part of the Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-square that peaked on 9/23.
9/27 (Thu)
Buzzing vitality is available for your relationships, creativity and self as the Sun trines Mars (4°48′ Libra-Aquarius). Get out and do something physical!
9/28 (Fri)
Healing and mentoring is smoothly and strongly supported for your committed partnerships as Chiron sextiles Juno (29° 52′ Pisces-Taurus). This friendly aspect has legs, too – it lasts all the way through 3/5/19!
9/30 (Sun)
Pluto Stations Direct
Planets are most powerful when they change directions, and none is more powerful than Pluto! The Lord of Transformation turned retrograde back on 4/22 at 21°17′ Capricorn, and stations direct today at 18°45′ Capricorn.
Have you been reflecting on Pluto’s themes during its retrograde, as I suggested back on 4/22? You can now start to take action on the insights you’ve gained. Helpful Plutonian contemplations include:
- Are you managing your shared resources harmoniously and effectively?
- Are your ducks in a row regarding insurance, taxes and any inheritance-related matters?
Pluto also deals with more intimate territory:
- When challenging emotions come up, do you have a quick and effective healing technique to clear them?
- Are you relating to those you’re close to with deep honesty and vulnerability?
- Are your sexual connections only engaging the five senses … or are you experiencing the soul-blended ecstasy of sacred sex?
Wealth and Power
Pluto’s themes also include wealth and power. Of course, wealth can be measured in terms of money and possessions. But there can also be great value in intangibles. These can include life-affirming relationships, work aligned with your life purpose, and a blissful, consistent connection with your higher self. How do you measure wealth?
Power is one of Pluto’s most important themes. Are you focused on “service to self” power? This is based on domination, control and manipulation to “look out for Number One” and satisfy your selfish desires.
Or do you take more pleasure in “service to other” power? In this path, you joyfully open to your intuitive guidance and do your best to follow its suggestions. In my experience, this approach delivers vastly more power, and directs it far more skillfully. And the ecstasy is off the charts!
Impact on Your Natal Chart
With Pluto stationing around 19° Capricorn, check your chart for any sensitive points between 16° and 22° in the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Whatever those points represent, Pluto will catalyze you to release or transform them if they’re not in alignment with your optimal soul path. But Pluto will bless you with those wonderful gifts of wealth and power if you’re on track!
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All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
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susan says
Thank you for your inspired wisdom –
Many blessings to you and yours !