We’re all justifiably concerned with our own survival during this coronavirus pandemic. But are you ready to “serve-ive”?
Your survival will be more joyful when you serve – perhaps by flowing supportive energy to the great spiritual awakening that COVID-19 has shifted into high gear.
Why has our old way of life has come to a screeching halt? Because a better one is waiting in the wings to replace it. In this 6-minute video, I describe how you can help manifest this more wonderful world!
See transcription (lightly edited) below.
Hi, it’s Benjamin Bernstein with Astroshaman back with another of my videos. This is more of my Practical Spirituality series of videos and today I want to talk about the topic “Survive”. But I’ve spelled it in a funny way: s-e-r-v-e-i-v-e. I love puns and this pun really fits. Do you serve or do you survive?
So here we are in the midst of the coronavirus. I’m recording this on April 16, 2020 and social distancing is fully fledged. They’re beginning to talk about loosening things up but there are two kinds of basic responses a person could have here. And either one is fine depending on where you’re at in your process.
If all you can do is, if all your energy is just, “I need to get by, I need to survive, I need to get food and rent paid”, it’s okay. If all of your energy is focused on “I just need to take care of my own survival”.
That’s the most fundamental need in the famous hierarchy of needs. But what I’m juicing on and loving so much in my life right now is the opportunity to serve in my own experience. This is what I showed up for as a human being. I came to help spread light and love and help, to do my small part. And so many others are doing their part too.
Helping brings about this amazing shift of consciousness. That, I believe, is one of the things that the coronavirus is here to catalyze for us. To bring our old reality to a screeching halt globally. That hasn’t happened for over a hundred years, since the time of the Spanish Influenza back in 1918, and all of a sudden it has our attention.
Nature saying “Woah, woah, woah, not so fast”! And now we have this opportunity, instead of just spending all our time bingeing out on Netflix or video games or whatever, to say “Wow, I have more time. I can’t go out and I can’t use my usual distractions. I can turn my attention within and turn my attention to the inner rich world”, perhaps.
And the opportunity many of us are seeing — and my conscious friends are all about this –is, “Okay, how can we help spread the light and love now?” There have been global online meditations. I was part of one a while back where they apparently had over a million people show up and meditate for world peace and global awakening, and all that beautiful stuff.
So, it’s an exciting time. In this time of crisis, I just wanted to ask a really simple question to you. Is it all about just meeting your own needs? And if that’s all you’ve got time and energy for, that’s okay. Or do you have enough time, space and interest to say, “Wowl, how can I help? How can I reach out and serve?”
Thiis can be done in so many ways. And there’s no one right way as far as I’m concerned. Each of us has a different soul mission, a different purpose but what can I do to help? It may be something as simple as checking on your neighbor, go pick up some groceries for them or something.
Just whatever you feel called to do in terms of this physical service that’s a beautiful way to serve of course and anyone can do that but some of us who have more spiritual consciousness say: “Wow, I can serve on the inner plane.” I can sit on my own, like every day at my sitting. I end by sending energy to the whole global awakening.
Say, maybe this energy that channels through me serves the greater awakening. Even better, can you partner with people in my Awakening Plus program, which I offer freely to anyone. Most of the live events anyone can do whether you’re a member or not.
We’re doing these group meditations as part of what we do and we say, “Okay, send this love and light out. May the highest good of the entire collective be served. The highest good of our collective awakening happens. So, just a thought if you’re so inclined: how can I go past s-e-r-v-e only?
Forgive me: how can I go past surviving with a “u” and go to serve-vive. Surviving and serving all together. I love the effect of serving in this way. You’re serving the highest good energy for the global awakening. You get such a reward. Even as I speak about it, my head’s lighting up with ecstasy and bliss!
So, if you are so inclined and haven’t already started, just say, “Spirit, flow the energy through me to serve this great awakening that mankind has offered to them now.” And better yet, if you could partner with groups, we’re doing it as part of my Awakening Plus thing. Or maybe you’re doing it with other people who are also inspired.
I wasn’t the first. I kind of piggybacked on what others were doing. But ask yourself, “How can I come together with others virtually?” We’ve got Zoom. We’ve got all these ways of connecting online.
How can I come together and serve this beautiful awakening? That’s simply the message I wanted to give you today. There’s the opportunity. Not just to survive but to serve-ive. You may find that the more you give out this way, the more amazing and wonderful and unexpected gifts might just flow back to you.
So that’s my message for today. If you enjoy this video and you think others might benefit from it, please share this. Whether you’re on my site or YouTube or whatever, just share it out on social media, if you like. I’d love your feedback too!
How are you experiencing this for yourself? What ideas do you have around this idea? Do you think it’s a great idea, or do you think I’ve got delusions, or whatever? I’d love your comments, whether you’re on my site, or on YouTube, or wherever this video is showing up.
There’s a comments area. Please give me your feedback. I’d love to hear from you and get your thoughts on this. And I’m always open to more feedback on what future videos you’d like to see from me. What topics would you like me to address? Feel free to include those in the comments as well.
So that’s all for now. I’m Benjamin Bernstein with Astroshaman.com. My site obviously is what I’ve just said, and I do astrology, shamanic healing, and life coaching. And I’ve got my Awakening Plus membership at Awakeningplus.com. Check it all out if you’re interested.
Thanks so much for watching! I love you and am very excited to be part of this amazing opportunity that we all have to shape a better world — not the old one that’s been stopped on its heels. Thanks so much for watching!
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