Jupiter trine Pluto, one of 2024’s most auspicious major aspects, headlines the first half of June. We also have Mars square Pluto and semi-square Saturn, a Gemini New Moon co-starring Venus, and more! Read more…
mars square pluto
Jupiter Trine Pluto: June 1-15 2024 Astrology Forecast (written)
Jupiter trine Pluto, one of 2024’s most auspicious major aspects, headlines the first half of June. We also have Mars square Pluto and semi-square Saturn, a Gemini New Moon co-starring Venus, and more! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, July 1-15 2022: Capricorn Full Moon Conjunct Pluto (#605)
You can now enjoy my forecasts more frequently – and with less overwhelm! Starting now, I’m posting my forecasts around the 1st and 16th of each month. The first half of July features a Capricorn Full Moon. The Moon is conjunct Pluto and opposes Mercury – which itself is supercharged with four aspects that day! This Full Moon also has an intriguing Sabian Symbol, which hints at how you can lose a battle but still win the war. We also have a volatile Mars-Pluto square kicking off July, whose high-voltage power can serve you if you use it skillfully. We also have Venus square Neptune, an aspect full of spiritual and creative possibilities! Read more…
Capricorn Full Moon Conjunct Pluto: July 1-15 2022 Astrology Forecast
You can now enjoy my forecasts more frequently – and with less overwhelm! Starting now, I’ll post my forecasts around the 1st and 16th of each month. The first half of July features a Capricorn Full Moon. The Moon is conjunct Pluto and opposes Mercury – which itself is supercharged with four aspects that day! This Full Moon also has an intriguing Sabian Symbol, which hints at how you can lose a battle but still win the war. We also have a volatile Mars-Pluto square kicking off July, whose high-voltage power can serve you if you use it skillfully. We also have Venus square Neptune, an aspect full of spiritual and creative possibilities! Read more…
TWIA Podcast, Oct 5-11 2020: Mars-Pluto Square Heats Up Sex and More (#554)
A Mars-Pluto square brings the two planets of sex into a heated relationship this week. We also have 5 unique aspect patterns! A Thor’s Hammer amps up relationship and creativity, a Kite supports selfless service, and a Mystic Rectangle inspires soul-aligned action. A Hard Rectangle peaks, a Yod tests relationships, and we also have 3 bonus aspects that aren’t in my written forecast. Read more…