Also featured: a challenging Saturn-Uranus sesquiquadrate, hard Mars aspects to Saturn and Pluto, Law of Attraction opportunities with Mercury aspecting Saturn and Neptune, and more! Read more…
Astrological Forecasts
April 16-31, 2015 Astrology Forecast: New Beginnings
An Aries New Moon empowers new beginnings, Sun enters Taurus, Pluto turns retrograde, Mars aspects Jupiter, Chiron and Pluto, much more! Read more…
April 1-15 Astrology Forecast: Potent Lunar Eclipse!
A Libra lunar eclipse brings revolutionary transformation through its alignment with the Uranus-Pluto square; this square is also stimulated by hard aspects from the Sun and Mercury. We also have Jupiter turning direct, Venus opposing Saturn, three new aspect patterns and more! Read more…
March 16-31 2015 Astrology Forecast: Final Uranus-Pluto Square, Feminine Solar Eclipse!
The final Uranus-Pluto square of the decade, an ultra-feminine solar eclipse and the Spring Equinox highlight a highly eventful second half of March! Read more…
March 1-15 Astrology Forecast: The Lovers Transform
The lovers (Venus and Mars) conjoin Uranus and square Pluto (the transformers), opening the door for life-affirming revolutionary transformation in relationships, creativity, finances and more! Other “skylights” include a Virgo Full Moon and much more! Read more…
March-April 2015 Astrology Forecast: Final Uranus-Pluto Square, 2 Potent Eclipses!
The final Uranus-Pluto square of the 2010’s headlines the March-April forecast. There’s also a remarkably feminine solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse empowering radical change, a potent Spring Equinox chart and more! Read more…
February 16-28 Astrology Forecast: Aquarius New Moon #2!
A rare second Aquarian New Moon highlights the second half of February. Mars and Venus enter Aries and conjoin, a Yod with tremendous healing power peaks, and the Sun gets mystical with Pisces and Neptune. Read more…
February 1-15 2015 Astrology Forecast: Leo Full Moon
A flamboyant Leo Full Moon headlines the first half of February, while the end of Mercury retrograde takes new beginnings and major purchases off hold. Read more…