The first half of July features clearly positive events such as a Venus-Jupiter conjunction, a Mars-Neptune trine and a Sun-Saturn-Chiron Grand Trine. It also features the lingering Uranus-Pluto square continuing to breed revolutionary transformation as it forms challenging T-squares with the Sun and Mars.
A Capricorn Full Moon, a Cancer New Moon and an asteroid goddess Thor’s Hammer round out this half-month’s astrological highlights!
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7/1 (Wed)
July begins auspiciously with the conjunction of the two classic benefics Venus and Jupiter (21°37′ Leo). While this cannot guarantee luck in relationship, creativity and relationship, it will put a spotlight on whatever is happening in these areas. Since Leo can represent the performer in the spotlight, this is a great time to share your creativity with the world!
Your sensitivity to the subtle energies in the world around you, and perhaps your awareness of the nonphysical realms of consciousness, can naturally expand with the Sun trine Neptune (9°42′ Cancer-Pisces). With the Sun in Cancer, you may find your abilities as an energy healer enhanced. This aspect can make it easy to overdo substances or escapism, so keep your attention on Neptune’s high side expressions instead: spiritual union practices and expressing your creative inspiration.
Capricorn Full Moon
July opens with a Full Moon at 10:20 pm EDT (9°55′ Capricorn-Cancer). Capricorn Full Moons are great for evaluating and adjusting how you’re doing with responsibility, maturity, and discipline, as well as time management, planning and implementation. Be careful not to become too cold and unfeeling, and don’t let the ends justify the means.
Pluto’s conjunction to the Moon invites the release of what no longer serves you, as well as the empowerment of what promotes your evolution and transformation. Cancerian Mars opposes the Moon, adding passion, energy and drive and bringing the themes of family, home and security into the mix.
A tight sextile from Neptune opens a channel of intuitive knowing that you can draw upon, as well as divine peace and intuitive inspiration. And the Moon’s square to the Lunar Nodes and Vesta asks you to align your accomplishments with your life purpose and a higher calling.
Sabian Symbol
This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.” (We’ll assume that the albatross is eating food being held in the sailor’s hand, rather than eating the hand itself!)
As Lynda Hill points out in her excellent book on the Sabian Symbols, 360 Degrees of Wisdom, this symbol can represent the mutual overcoming of fear. The wild albatross has to overcome its fear of being so close to a human in order to eat food out of his hand. Likewise, the sailor has to overcome his instinctive fear of being so close to a wild bird in order to feed it. The feeding of the bird also implies generosity and goodwill.
In what ways are you allowing fear to prevent you from reaching out to connect with those you perceive to be different? How is this sabotaging the pleasure you would feel from extending such warmth to others?
Hill includes a wonderful quote from the Upanishads to illustrate this symbol: “Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.”
7/2 (Thu)
While a Mercury-Uranus sextile (20°16′ Gemini-Aries) could get your mind racing, it’s also a great aspect for consciously inviting your divine intelligence to play a greater role. Your divine self is infinitely more intelligent than your ego. Invite in some intuitive flashes so you don’t have to think so hard!
7/3 (Fri)
Watch for wounding words with Mercury square Chiron (21°31′ Gemini-Pisces). Be especially careful not to launch verbal attacks against others. Mentoring and psychological healing are much better uses for this aspect. Flowing healing energy through your hands (ruled by Mercury) can also be empowered.
Mercury also sextiles Jupiter today (22°7′ Gemini-Leo), smoothly energizing thought and speech. This aspect can lead to excessive loquaciousness, so give someone else a chance to talk too!
7/4 (Sat)
July 4 is independent of major astrology events.
7/5 (Sun)
It can be easier to communicate harmoniously, even gracefully, with Mercury sextile Venus (24°10′ Gemini-Leo). This is also a great aspect for creative writing.
T-square: Sun-Uranus-Pluto
The separating (but still very much active) Uranus-Pluto square gets triggered three times in July! This is because the Sun, Mars and Mercury all pass through Cancer, and all form challenging T-squares to these outer planets of revolutionary transformation. The Sun forms the first T-square with Uranus and Pluto on 7/5, peaks on 7/9 and wraps up on 7/14.
Gay Marriage & the Confederate Flag
Even before these T-squares formed, the waning Uranus-Pluto square continued its work of bringing big change fast. (This square’s effects will remain with us throughout this decade.) The Supreme Court’s nationwide legalization of gay marriage is just the sort of sea change that happens when Uranus and Pluto engage in quadrature aspects (conjunction, square or opposition) every few decades. The stigmatization of the Confederate flag by corporations and increasing numbers of people in the wake of the Charleston church massacre is another example of Uranus-Pluto at work. (Uranus and Pluto are by no means the only astrological influences here, but they are the most important ones.)
Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in the 1960s, and were the main astrological factors that made that such a tumultuous decade. Uranus and Pluto made their five exact conjunctions 1964-66, but many of that era’s most transformative events happened in the later 60s and early 70s. The same principle is at work now: Uranus and Pluto have completed their seven exact squares, but will be continuing their paradigm-shifting work for the rest of this decade.
Getting back to the Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square: the Sun represents the core of personality, so this is a great time to revolutionize and transform yourself. With the Sun in Cancer, you can also act as the agent for positive change in the areas of family, home and security.
7/6 (Mon)
The meaning of today’s Sun-Pluto opposition is contained in yesterday’s interpretation of the Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square that contains it.
7/7 (Tue)
Kludgy communication and thickened thinking could be caused by a Mercury-Saturn quincunx (28°46′ Gemini-Scorpio). It might be a good idea to mentally rehearse what you’re going to say before putting it to tongue.
7/8 (Wed)
Mercury sprints through Cancer today thru 7/23. This supports compassionate communication and focusing your thoughts on family and security. Writers can also bring emotional power into their work more easily.
The transition from inspiration to action can be smooth and easy with Mars trine Neptune (9°37′ Cancer-Pisces). This aspect also supports Law of Attraction work, since in this context Neptune represents visualization and imagination. (Mars stands for action!) This aspect also supports taking compassionate action in family matters.
7/9 (Thu)
Your divine aspect can reach your human consciousness more easily with Mercury quintile Uranus (2°23′ Cancer-20°23′ Aries). Those not yet aware of how vast their beingness really is may just feel like they’re getting a lot of great ideas!
T-square Peaks: Sun-Uranus-Pluto
The Sun’s T-square with Uranus and Pluto, the outer planets of revolutionary transformation, peaks on 7/9. (It started on 7/5 and wraps up on 7/14.) As I wrote on 7/5, the Sun represents the core of personality, so this is a great time to revolutionize and transform yourself. With the Sun in Cancer, you can also act as the agent for positive change in the areas of family, home and security.
7/10 (Fri)
No major astrology events.
7/11 (Sat)
No major astrology events.
7/12 (Sun)
The meaning of today’s Sun-Uranus square is given in its larger context in my 7/9 interpretation of the Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square that contains it.
7/13 (Mon)
The feeling of a Mercury-Neptune trine (9°33′ Cancer-Pisces) can be like a waterfall of divine energy and information flowing smoothly and continuously into your mind. Can you get your yin on and relax enough to receive the easy guidance the universe is offering you right now?
Healing and mentoring can come to you (or be offered by you) easily and naturally with the Sun trine Chiron (21°23′ Cancer-Pisces). With the Sun in Cancer, this is also a good time for healing and mentoring within the family.
Grand Trine: Sun-Saturn-Chiron
A Grand Trine formed by the Cancerian Sun, Scorpionic Saturn and Piscean Chiron begins today, peaks on 7/17 and ends on 7/22. Many supportive outcomes can be harvested from this aspect pattern. Healing and mentoring within the family structure can proceed more smoothly, and the family structure itself can enjoy more stability. Nurturing and security are more available in general.
Grand Trines connect easily, but can also be taken for granted. “Mine your trines” with solid planning, intention and implementation to reap the most bountiful harvest!
7/14 (Tue)
With Venus square Saturn (28°34′ Leo-Scorpio), Saturn may be “writing you a reality check” about your relationships. Saturn can be like the stern daddy at the door saying, “Are you good enough for my daughter?” (Or son?)
Many people fear Saturn, but he only checks in to make sure you’re on track to get your soul purpose accomplished. Relationships that fit this description will receive clear support or helpful adjustments under this transit. But it may be time to release relationships that don’t serve your highest good.
This Venus-Saturn square can also reality check your creativity and finances. With Venus in Leo, it can provide significant support for your creative accomplishments.
T-square: Mars-Uranus-Pluto
No sooner does the Sun finish its Uranus-Pluto T-square than Mars fires up one of its own! The Martian rendition will be the longest and strongest of July’s three Uranus-Pluto T-squares. Uranus-Pluto T-square: Mars Edition starts today, peaks on 7/20 and ends on 7/27.
Revolutionary transformation is once again the core theme, but the warrior energy of Mars fires up this aspect pattern with a higher level of opportunity and volatility. Impulsiveness, anger and violence can erupt if these energies are not managed well.
Handled consciously, this T-square can inspire you to take immediate action on your intuitive flashes and embrace transformation enthusiastically. Cancerian Mars’ “just do it” energy can help you get the ball rolling with changes that will support your family, home and security.
Thor’s Hammer: Vesta-Jupiter-Saturn
Higher service and sacred sexuality are supported by a Thor’s Hammer featuring Vesta, Jupiter and Saturn. This aspect pattern begins today, peaks on 7/26 and ends on 8/17.
Vesta fundamentally represents service to a selfless cause, and is the focal planet of this Thor’s Hammer. Vesta can also carry the energy of sacred sexuality, which is energized by her placement in libidinous Aries.
Jupiter and Saturn are the social planets which influence how you interact with the world around you. Jupiter expands while Saturn contracts. A lovely balance of these energies can be maintained as both of them support Vesta.
7/15 (Wed)
Pluto receives two oppositions from personal planets today! The most powerful is a Mars-Pluto opposition (14°2′ Cancer-Capricorn). This is one of astrology’s most volatile planetary combinations. It can express on the low side as rage, violence and exploitative sexuality.
On the high side, this Mars-Pluto opposition is fantastic for sacred sexuality, stepping into your personal power and embodying the warrior spirit in a good way. With Mars in Cancer, some of this may take place within the family structure, and may have a nurturing tone.
The Mercury-Pluto opposition (14°01′ Cancer-Capricorn) can manifest on the low side as verbal or written attacks. Rather than flame someone on Facebook, use this aspect to probe deep into your own psyche or do some helpful research or investigation.
Cancer New Moon
There’s a New Moon at 9:24 PM EDT (23°14′ Cancer). Cancer New Moons support fresh beginnings or renewed energy in the areas of family, home, security and nurturing.
This New Moon loosely conjoins Mars and Mercury. While not a major influence, this does add some energy of leadership, learning and initiation to the New Moon energy.
Of greater significance is the Grand Trine (previously discussed, sans Moon, on 7/13) formed by the luminaries, Scorpionic Saturn and Piscean Chiron. This flowing aspect pattern creates a solid foundation for healing, mentoring, and transformation. Because Grand Trines act best when acted upon, take initiative in these areas to receive the most benefit from this laid-back equilateral triangle.
This lunation’s other aspect will make itself known whether you like it or not: a strong square from Uranus. Uranus will serve you best when you embody the authentic human personality you came to be, follow your intuitive flashes, and serve the collective with your special gifts. If you don’t, it can draw these shortcomings to your attention with electrical phenomena such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety and chaotic life circumstances.
Sabian Symbol
This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, “A woman and two men (or a man and two women) cast away on a small island.” This situation could be like paradise with highly evolved people and a hospitable isle. But it could also result in two-against-one power dynamics and a feeling of being trapped.
This symbol invites us to examine any relationship triangles we’re currently involved in, especially those that are going to be around for a while. If they’re going great, is there something you can do to make them even more wonderful? If challenges arise, is it appropriate to seek change from one of the other parties? Perhaps most importantly, is there healing or awareness work you can do within yourself that would bring greater harmony to the situation?
Void-of-Course Moons
It’s best to avoid starting important new projects or making major purchases during void-of-course Moons. “Business as usual” is the optimal strategy. Void-of-course Moons occur when the Moon has made her last major Ptolemaic aspect, but has not yet moved into her next sign.
- 7/3, 6:37:32 am – 8:20:44 am (Aquarius)
- 7/5, 8:31:27 am – 10:22:53 am (Pisces)7/7, 10:35:52 am – 12:37:25 pm (Aries)
- 7/9, 9:46:43 am – 3:49:24 pm (Taurus)
- 7/11, 5:51:59 pm – 8:16:07 pm (Gemini)
- 7/13, 11:31:17 pm – 7/14, 2:13:59 am (Cancer)
Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies.
All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.
Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.
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